sociatic)n will bave two representa- tives on the team whicb 'represents the midwe st in the International Field Hockey tournament to be field at- the New Trier High school athietie, field. Wednesday, Tbursday, Friday and Satuîrday of next week. M *iss ris. Boulton, and, Miss Jessie Purves, center haif and right. wing, respecti'vely, on tbe north shore first team, were selected for the midwest fjrst team in the sectional tourna- ment held. in, Chicago, last week. M.fiss Boulton is in, charge *of the' girls' hockey- work atý New T rite r Highi schooi and Miss Purves is head of the girls' physical education departnent at. the Maine Township High schonl. D)es Plaines. Mrs. Margaret T'a y or, aiiother member of the north shore teain, won a place on t"- midwest sections. seC-_ Ond teai. ,H, position is goal guard. ÉamteimS.oteh Tamn Arrangements for the international t ournament to be held here next week are in charge of Mrs. M. L. ('7recley. Jr,, of Winnetka, president of the North Shore Field Hockey associaç- tion . Mrs. Greeley aninouinced this week' that the Scotch team. which. is to. play the teamns teprcsenting the. midwestern, northeasterni and sonth- asensections of this countr. aS well as an ali-American teami,will ar- rive liere on Mondav and will be en- tertained at various north slb o r e homes. The north shore association is plan- ning an evening entertainment for the visiting- hockey players Wednes- day nighit at the Shawnee Country club. in -Wilmette. Amnouace Schedule The schedule of games :for the in- ternational tournamnent next week i& as follows: Wednesday., Novembtr 25--North- east section vs. southeast section, at i p. .M etscto .Te$cd team, at 2:30 p. m. Thursday. November 20> <Thaiks- eiving day)-Midwest team vs. North- east .section tearn at 10 a. ni. South-- east section teamn vs. Scotch teamn, at 11:30) a.n. The North Shore alnnrnae asso- diation of Alpha Phi sorority will have its nionthly meeting at the chap- ter bouse Friday, November 20, with gra duates, offtilat chapter liraving on. the north, shore as hostesses. Mrs. Harold S. Bott of.912 Judson avenue. Evanston ( Mary Moseleyr), Whose phone nunîber is Davis 8012, is in charge of reservations.,- Aveh- short business meeting %will versity of AlaDarna, &aeagu N. S. Girl in Race for Highla Arîny-Navy Qucen Nvr Thecoronation of a feminine com- mander for the military organizationsV of the campus. Scabbard and Blade and Sextant of. Northwestern uni- versity. will bc au outstanding feature to be held Novenmber 20, at the Naval .arrnory. Chicago.. The queen 'is to be chosei f rom. the entries of ai sanitary meÇthods r, 619 Croftom at 2 o'elock, IEnomil. 71 ris, Virginia Smnith, and Jain Waidner. Those fro*n the Country Day scbool are Barbara Hobart, Marian Daugha- day, Ann Jenkins, Deborah Leonard and Henrietta floal. ýPlayers participating ini the, inter- national tournament here next week andother members of the Interna-1 TRE LI 0 VFRIrOR FEA VO R protect, Straaght f rom> great bottle wasbing machinos, 5fçilzedBoman.boô es pas. along a ved track tolthese ingenious filng ma~chines. Heme, eaeh bottl, is Ilebrmful of Bowman's Milk, sealed automatically and sont on its way to your table.