(er so u cnay p. '.ua. .egns a -,r. a. m. wit1h the opening of the (churchi school There li a class for every age- group froi the nursery throughi the ault depal'trnnt. Ail departments con- vene at the saine time, niaking h pos - Fible for the entire family to attend to- gether. A sermon-timie kindergarten is conducted in Chldren's hall during the, *latter huif of the church s;ervieý, foi, thé, littie folk.. The fiiorning worship of the church is hld at Il o'clock in the àanctuary. PrTi. Allison will have a message appro-, priate to' Thankegiving week., We cordi- ally Invite al l i Wilniette who have not united with mtie 'of our churclies to- worship w~ith us. YTOITNG PEOPLI'S !OCIETY -1 The YougPeople&ssoclety *-Ill* neut aut 6 p. ni. Stinda,.% eveniug,. November 2?, tae hear. the. six winners li the "«Peaice' Deelamationi Elimination con- test. Thf' boy or girl r*eelvinig first place wiil compete !ii the t.'ouuty :conitest early in December, and will receive a- bronze miedal frein the Illinois Council cf Ihurche.Q ut >Springfield. Awards will also be miadé for, second and third place. This prograin will be held ln the' ëhurch auditorium alid.We corédially. lit- vite an1y IntereûSted,.to attend. Satrdy .evniig~Nrneuuber 21, thi, eliriniatioti for tht' above Declamationi -otnte-t will be ht-dIdnl the Junior deý- partment îroob. One. group .Will conipete hetween the heur>s of 5 aud 6 Ip. ni., and another l)etweeii -.aud 8, tic jtîdges iiain- Ing th'ree winers frein each group te speuk the' foliewing evening. Dr. Ali- Son anid Mrs., W. A. Kenidiik have veluiiteered ta de u any cofetchitig during the week thut Inias be requested by the' ,'ntnt. Sooring by the judges Will ilcldte : geijeral effect. platfeî'm pres- loti n.i There %%I11,llie, a meeting (ftht De- votional anid elwhi ceiisWis Friday ei-euiulg at S o'clock. At miu iimeting lwst Supduy evenimig the ».' Y. P. 1". Voted ta put on 't Thaniksgivfing quiirise Pra'rse Service lut* our ewii church this yeaý;. ut 7 a. ni. We hope te have a geneûrous offering, for Oàk Fore-st, uud urge, everyone bo conitribute as much us tht-y ca n on that ma 1,1111.Tht- Dvo-tionl and Felloew- shi cnuiissoii iill have cvharge of th-ý Illaile . l'lie veung peoîdt- exteud tht-ir thaîîk": te0 V. P. Dîibj1.D. Piigle and Mrs. -W. A. ýKenidri.k who gave se ilnl of thetir tfiiie ta act as judges, for- thé' d.-hatt. lasit Suinday éeI-eing. This churt'h cooperates Nithl the NVIi nîef-tt.- ndyEN-eing club mleetinig 'h; the First tC*>iiti-egit iorial c1îuh, * ut a 7 :311 p. i. Rabbi Wise *will be thel speaker' 4n Nov eniber 22. using19a" his SU bje(_t:4 "A,.Jew Looks. ut GCIh d Sunday. next before Advent. There willl be HIoIy Communion at 8 a. m. Church sehools and Blible classes at 9 :45 aind morning Prayèr with address at il a. ni. "l'he Wenien's Associated Guilds serv- ed dinner to a large.gathe'lng of the parilshioners. of,.St., Augustine*s Monda y night,« After the dinner a short musical prog ram. was provlded:in the parish: house under the direction of Miss Wini- fred M.%ickey, The Men's club met at 8 p). hi., .and' listened tfanai address by. Archdei,4,nn Defi, followed by, a movîng pieture,. .-Froni Trees te 'Pribune," pro- cured by Ji,. M. Antrim.' Dr. F. -W. Fuerma nu, président of theée. sclb prIemidéd.- The rector is conducting cnimto ('laisses eaeh Sunday evening at 7 P. iii. lu the. Church as embly roins lirepara- tory te the BishopVs visit to h-prs Sund.i.% moî-niuig, Decermber 20. for con- Ou. Sunduy. Nevem-ibel' 29, tt-ams iq cuat*.s.,e,-s will caîl oit ail familles ccii- nected with St. Augueitn*s l'or theiî plede-e foi, qsupport of the, clîurch dur- ing theîencoing 'ear. W.' G. Shearer k ch'aki'nîan of the' teumis and, is plainnIing- a nd.iipf-r% lsi ng the'canVass., Tht-re vim-111,he lunmeeting of tht' As- 20). The Uni îil I'hahnîksg!iiîig seî-vie t-I lie held- lu St., Auguqtine's chu'r<-hi Thau ,ksgiving nîorning ut 10 oeock, and will continiue foi'oee ouil'. Dr. ,.oliin Hlindlcy of the Fl-tCongregatienal church i ill prêeh and the t' ber nthlis- ters ivili take. part. The effering, vIl bu o gie chârity. Pirst'Con gregational -,*Johin (1. Jide, diti ..J. Clair . Mead P irtotor cf religlous educat ion Th'e servie next Sundav will l;e mnimoruble. foi- in addition te tlhe 'rhaksg~-iig-îîîss:gt-and iînusic, wt ~vil it-hli"tIllie (onînluifion ric Mr. Hiudley , ill preech oit "The Oold *Sint f.and the 4îWWy. Tt "- h-e s hed at10 :45 'cloehk. i'lris W i~~iplic' -ini ont-' hurcth thii for boys, aud girl.- of al uses: Beginners' dep.irtuiient (ages 4 and 5 -10:45 te 12 Priîîrydua tîiui(gùm 6, 7, «1ud S) 7-11 :30 te ý12. JTunior' departmnt'ît < es é, 1,and Il) -9 :30 te 10:40. Tîîktermnediate deparît uiet-(ages 12 anîd 13)-9:20 te 10:40.. Ilighi scheol departinent-12,:15 to 1 *(îlust') 53:30 te 7 (social hour). Utti- t'.ve at 7 :45 chlu rchi. ilret hléld in A Union Thanksgiving Sei-vice ill lie belj- ôn..Thuirsday, NMovemiber 26,- at j10.:30 a. m., in St. Augustines chu rch. r.Hindley wvili be the preacher con this The mothers cf our tyhurelh st'hol1 puiQ will be asked to attend a meeting nt wvhich the progibrm of the parýt iular7 class and department wvhich their child attends will -be deseribed and diseussed. Through sueh efforts there Wiii lie a elose'r union between the chureh and the homne, whieh is vitally e.sQ-ntia1 to éeective religious, guidance. MethodistChu rch The- mîusic fer the Il o'cloek W(ý-rsii ser.vie next mudyxorning is as fol)- lows: The, Organ Prélude, 'oî YP V Thankful PeoffleCorne," ly Elvey and Prelude, on "A Miighty Fortres.ý s Tô Oi' COd" hy Faulkes., The (YrAkn P-st- lude, -Flarvest ThanksigivingMath"b ('alkin. 'The choir will sing. - C iint' Let Us Sing"," byMNrunder :111(l"Praisfe * Naite.th for Thte. 0 qOod,*' by Fester. The 1-igtb Sehool leagu- Nwill meuvt Suifday evc11ng at 5:30, uttht' i -1.111tel. 'Thomnas IH.West wili sp('aik mn'Ilî land T-linder Victoriat." The l st of tht' serit's îï Saut tuary ~eVcswill liel-dWduîsa it- înn. ~oveuhîr 2. The choir xwill sing XPutndIer"'s cautataý. *'Seiig of TIi:tiihs-- A 'îiou n u..g~îgserv-ii, iiillub 'ld on Thaniik'gi,ý îng 1nîiirning t111I:. lu bSt. Augustine&s F 1qoîl -ui-h tyr. John HIndlt. «ettht.i4.g-ý iîl ehurch (-h %ill preach. Tihe Third division wili ha\t'an ;m l day ' in meting Tt-sdayý. ovi- ber 24l, ut 10 c (i. ot kit thle rhîîrîh. 'heSi xth division ~-l ut- i us day ut 10:30 authe ic omlt.e.tf .ir.Edwir CL isher, 638 .Vshstmt iut1. Tht filoîN'itig D vishru ill , i it i 41111 9 :15 A. M. First service and sermon 9:30 A. M. Sunday school and il classes 11 A. M. Second «service and sermon Sermon: 'The Suprerne Possession- Thanksglvlng. Day Servie. il A. IL. at St. John's Luthe'ran chu r<-hi "Trhe' Relation Between a Gratefui Aceptance of, God's Gifts and a Wise and Blessed Use, of Tht-n"' MEETINGS. Thiirsday at, 1:30-Church sale anti ?;upper (5:30) MOnday and Wednesday at, S' P. M- Church menibership class ýVtdnesday uat 4 and Saturday at '- (,'ildren'*s clai3ses9 l'lie annual -sale and supper fi >. th.- iteefi of* St. John's will be held ipn Thursday (today> the sale beginning a1:0P. 'M. and the supper ut 5:2ci t9 8. Tickets for, the supper ar.e 7,5c fir ;tduits and 50e for chiidren. The a numal Thanksgkiving ùffturi ntra t St. John's which is always given for harntitable purposles ivili be. sent ti,. th(! Lutheran Menierial hospitai this year- M.%eibers and friends are Invited -ta bring packagejgoods, qcanned 'goods a «nd preserves te the church et any tinie be- tween Ju.du-te and Sunday, Nove--m 1 er 2q. i 'he Lord's> Supper ivill next l1w (î? ihî'uted la the 9 :15 o'clock eiic-on Suifday, morning, Decembe'r 6. Tho(S- - wîishing to icceive the Sacrajiient. ar.? reïucsted te. register atý the par-4mi.ge (u the- Saturday afternoo n or évoeiuing Th'cicagô Bach Chorus is giîving a1 î-oce'tutSt. John's on Sna t-- îîoNovember 29, at 3:30eccl.t' -'pi~igaîn cfh!eh wilI be anoli--«t tt xtissue cf this paper. This ii. c 1--' is fee to a l. A n offeviug %vil)I l- 'tei.dduring the intermnissioni. *Tl, ntme.çto be given are al 'f a Sat'î-ed 'haractet'. *The puble is invited. Menibers and friends are reîmiiidt.l -fIe the aunual Thanksgiv-ing Du y ê-rv< 'It this ehuruh. It ba-s alw.ay 111014g lt. nut a very large congregution :ja11(j wi- -iu'îeyhope this ye.cr will beý H'. t Ct-Pti<n. The- pastor *will delIvî-î- t- Mtu vnn ~eryone Is invited., A .M..MI's *.. R.G.Ki- hîeli, 4242 Foeit tne irst Pre b ertan Fourth-10 :30 A. CaMî- . 'il Woman.4s Club rocms rieh, 623 Forest ave'nut. Mis. IJ..t'nlef venue and Tenth stre-t .Jons, e-hotes. f Jamnes TP. Venekiasen, ministex' Tnhe Fjrst division nvil m't-4i*uts4l Su1dýay will bie observed as Thaýiiîks- at 1 :30 u t the hm i îs 4'i'<î- giving and Appreciation Day, ut JI Oldei-, 1026 1 EIllîîood vnu.ocltk wtîservices appropriai(. ta il, th Itaksgiving season. The past.r rit-'ruiidl.v -Circle wiu-lii halis oti %tilliwneaco n "Whq.+.-th,] T ~ ahnd 0tcJJUU* wJSui n m*rsta iiu vixz..-. D'--v '- tiwii e m asi *me u mondUy lItiig at 10>:30t. 'Th, -lTe Christian Endeavor society wili radio progranîs oin KYW beginning Sat- Ing hostesses. Luncheon will be sezrved (cha!rinan requests a full attendanît. niet with Paul flosking, 818 Park ave- urday evening, N.*ovember 21, and con- at 12:30. Ms eri tinuing for six Saturday nights, 011 The Young Peoplû's dprilntwl ue, at- s:30deracdltek. Mis s, GogIa "psychology of Chlldhood," The- brief The East End Circle wlll iiWet cli meet SundaY evening at 5:30 ini the Gifts and My Obligations." We inîvite talka are given by authorities ini Ibis Monday at the home cf M js. - W. Girl Scout rooni. Plans for the' yeaî' the young people t ted field. Timie: 7:30 P. m. ,Fisher, Jr., 826 Greenwocd avenus-. Mrs. will be dlseussed. The- newly-eleeted *c. S. McCoy and Mrs. Marguerite C. officers are as follews: Presideîît, Lloyd At the Sunday Evenlng club at 7 30' F LO S iqSUppERS Taylor, will be the assisting hostesses. Onion vice-president, Margarét Wiien : o'clock R.bbl Stephen' S. Wise of New Thankogivlng Eve closes our series of secretary and treasurer, Louise Koer- York.will speak on "GandhL' ,mye Fellôwsip uper at which there The leadership tra n oreblg er oilcuiman, Frances Stuc.(Cnlneeo ag 9 1-