Mathew Francis Photo The neuw Highcrest. scisool, IIliu>is road a#nd Tze,"îit ,tv irird street., zhich. is being- used for t/he firsi tinte this y'earl. wiii be dedicated Aitonday nqjhli. oehr 23., Tii o r rmwiil start at 8 o'ciock and 'FacsG.Bi, Illinois state sidperintcndeiit of ptùbh)ic instruCition, miII giv., the qddress. CotiplvSutPoriinuendcent of ,SchoolsEduard J. TolpiW omd Otlo F. Aken., direct or ofI)iv.isioîn No. 3 of thie çcon ,ty ,,s hoolç. also 7rill be présent. L. Ravmuits Murphy is rii7incîtai of the school, aic it neî,î-o(finent of 106 Puipils. Presbyterian Ckurch «Cont inutid fro>m Page -) The 'Sipokes of the Wo i'0schctv i eet as foilows:* No. 2 wlth- i%îrýi David UiVter, 1227 Greenwood avenue, Tuesdayý; No. 5 with Mr., Katherine Teg le r, 1307 Ashland avenu*e, Mrs. m. 04Byls co-ho,ýzte-s on Tuesdqav N-.. I.) vithM. Eliner L. Stone, 1(;24 Ilighi landi a vtnue, on Tuesday ; No. 12 -with Mrsý. Il. 0,W saa,13.'tChestiaut atzI-,on Tuesday, Thtepso' classes for those wishiin, tb prepare for church mneibership wil m- in the church offilce at 4, 5, and 7 o'lc.The lesson is tliesamne li everN Hcueof Thanksgiving Day 4,11 Thu~.dythere iill be no pr:îyer-mieut-' t n ednedayevenfing. Tii anualsunrise prayer me,'tini of! ilie, uhureh Miii :be held on .Thurid;tY: mnorning -at 7 :U0 inthe, W'oran's celub i roonms. Breakfast wilI be served fOl- f Pb .wing the ineeting. We inivite o toý attend. Tlic Union l'la nksgi vi ng r'e' the churcAîes of Viimnette W111 bu lnvdd Thursday niorning at 1.0 'élock -d St. J Aeurh Dr ýt,4 10111, 1 1 No:w, MIXMASTER' squeezes oranges, makes better salad dressings yet .atan-ew Suinbeamt Mixmasteri itt the hear ts bîegan beatini won its way. of women when it fiist. count..sheep ju mping a fence N0oSIR! Thc guesr WC have in mind had'his own cure ýfor insomnia!1 Hé asked us to furnish a thermos boutle fuit of bot milk, so thathe could have itby his lbed, in case:hce woke up at night ake a drink.. and, then get to. sleep again! Thermos bottles and hotmnilk aren'1t part of the standard equipment of United Hotels ... but we do have large, airy high-cei ling rooms, with a feýeling, of pleasant freedom* ..and the, beds.. well if, you've ever slept in one of our ho tels you know how good they arc! So there's very rarely occasion for insomnia at any of the 2. United Hotels Iisted'below. and \Ir. and Mrs. Burt J. Detinlal, Lindeti avenue, entertained ten h( guests f romn Minneapolis after Minnesota -Northwesterfl foot gahe. H. C. REYNOLD 1141 Central Avenue Phone 5150 PA TRONIZE. OUR A DVERTJSERS. . ......Ti ONT ........... .......Tho LAICA, 8..The ')i