Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Nov 1931, p. 64

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Rates-": cents a lin. ln one paper. 25 uente aln en any' two papew. »cents a line ln al Are. papem M INIMUM CHARGE- ONE ]OLLAL Average of five words t te lino. No black face type used. 19% lihuoutit on ail camit witla order advei'ttments whem brougbt te or *oe a» &1938 enral Ave., Wliluette, or Ml Lincoln Ave., Wipaetka. Clamilfled advertisomentis will Aie ae- Deadlsne for Insertions-ceptod, up to Tuosday* 9 P. M. for WILMETTE IFE" or al thréee paperu; Wednosday, 9 P. M. for WINNETAX AL 1n Thuraday 5' P. M. for GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wilmetto 4300., Wlnknetka 2006, Greenleaf 4300 or- Sheidrake 6681. R08 LO AND. FOUND L>TIIDIllSH S 1-T TER -NAl EI1) late.' Rewar4. Tel. Winnî. 2290. 'B ANTIQUES Alitiqué *Laii 'ps NSSANI) FIGURES WIREt> ASD repaired by exper*t.s. We 1have a thoiogh knowiedge of antJties and îerimds and deeign .ianiîp shades thaiit are appropriate, and iii gond .t:ste. i rices reasonable. GOODRICH STU5DIOS 15*22 gherman -Ave.. Cor. (Irove St. 5LTN 29-I te CBUILDING AND PONRnAcTINSa CARL BENGSTON CARPENTER AND BUILDER, REMODELING AND REPAIRING, PHONE WINNETKA 2480 -BSUSINESBSR VIÇE CAULKINC; AND WlEATHEIZII'IZOOFl Nt Window and door trames on b'i Veneer homes need. caulking to stal that air space and sto-p cold air civet,- lation from frame to tramie. We use *the bestiniaterial »made fo)r thîs pur- pose andi s appiied by the gun ine-kh nýd. It does the work on xwofld, brick,. stucco. cellent, or, stonie. HaVe anl ex- perienced builder locate these leaky *spots. Work donc by us nîeans that thé, work is donc right and you o)n1y pa y once. Cali the. Caulkers. Cmiil ,CrËeenleat, 7788 eveningx.: . tiL209-lti) PO-UPOMS .G;35 CENTS _A.J3'N'CHI CALANDULA 20 CENTS À, BUNCH FRANK lPSENIC'KA. FLORIST ilibbard Hoad Wlliette, 3468 BRASER ART STORE PICTURE .FRAMI\1NGýi l3 12 Chicago Ave. Univer.ý4ty 917!' WANTED-BOARDING HORSES AND .ponles gralnied tWice a day aidput ln box stalis ai. night. Will return them Aln botter'condition thom when they were reoeived. BeSi. cf rofèrence. Tel. Lake PFrosi 410, Warrçn Her- rick.2A-N67t LOANS TO PÉ01PERTY OWNERS. -MDake and buy last am2nd imrxortgages. E VANSTON BOND & MTG. CO. 618 Grove St. Greenleaf 5600 SS8T'N36-tfe 41BIT. Wà%NTrED-FENALE CALL PAULINE~S WINNETKA.2662 We place only' experlenced donie.stic help. References investigated. Ov1er tive thousand,.- ShQr1 e homes se- cure heip froni Pauline's Eînp'. Agenie 74S Eim St.- Wiîinetka 4 No. Shore offces. 41LTN27 .-tfc F~IRST CL.ASS LAUNDRY WORTZ done ai. home. Rough dry or tlnished. Aimy'fancy i'roning, buttons and mcmi- Ind taken care of. Experienced hl.un- dress ln charge. Reasonabie. Will eall and deliver. Ph. Wiltnetto 5099. 41LTN 29-liie COMPETE NT WOMA.N WAINTS iauindry to)(do at homie. \Vilitt.ke care o! eilidren e%-enings. N. S. ref.- Mies. WloWlinnetk:t22Sý'. COMPETENT- WOMAN WI$HES TO take care <of childreh day or n iiglit, 35 cenits pjer houî', also have coilege daugliter that can dIo sanie.. Pli. Wii- mette 4203. 41LTN29-liie Going out any evening? l'Il stay wlth your chiidren. Justi..al Winnetka 1657 * been ln nçr employ , ver 2yt'a's. VerV competent, and can recomnirend highly for second work or chanî)ber work. For Information phone Win- rïetka. 353. 41[L29)-1tp SIT. WANtED--YOUNG WOMAN 0F relinement.. com-penlon. to :elderly wornan; can aisô do Eiecretarial werk;4 excellent drivýer., Phone Buck. 2166. 41LTN29-litc EXP. WOMAN WANTS LAUND)RY, cieaning. by the dày.' Curtains. sik. and: linonis done at home. Also taklng care of: chIldrenai. night. Reas. Ph. Wliimtte 3206. 41LTN29-lnic GERMAN 'WOMAN., HONESor, RE- liable, experienced laundress and capable in house cleaning, ivishes Wor k. Phone Dav». î578 after 6 p. ni. 41LTN29-ltp EXPERIENCED , WH-ITE' W O11 A N wants laundry M.Nond(ay and Thurs- day, also take care of children eve- nings wtZ'h xending. N. S. ref.> Ph. Wilînette 4411. 41LTrN29-Ine CUJLTL.RED WOMAN WISHES ANY work iln home or sewing, Care* of cblidren. Part' tinme preterred. Ph." EXPETU ENCEO ORMi N OM'AN Nvi-ses day work wzising,.ironing or. d1ekning. Ref. l'hl.Winte197 EXPER. DANISH WOMA-N WANTS cieaning or. washing for Thurs-;day.. Friday, and Satuirday. MîePauilsen, Winn. 2976. 41L,29-ltp EXPETUENCED C O L O RE DMAID for- inorning, evening, or fuil tirne work. WilI l,-ýay nighits. Ref. Phone Greeffleat 8260.. 411L29-1tp EXPERIENCEL) WHIITE W O MA N *ants Iaundry or cieaing by the day. Ref. Cali Wil. 421SR after 5.:30 P. M. 41LTN29-lip NU1SEMA ID. SCOTCH. A'M. 31) YH. 4ýýtyr,. Lake Foi-est ref. Ziospitai ttinied, infaiits up. Pli. Winn. 26«2. 41LTN29-ltc COOK, FR-ENCH, A-ME 11ICAN 35 N71. Thoroughly experieneed. Fi rst cia ss North Shore ref. Ph. .Winn. 2662. 41LTN29)-ltc EXPE R1ENCED, IIELIABLE Wl I ITE girl wmunts housework..1Plain c(ookifg. SITUATION WANTED-NURSE FOR cildren. cxperienced. capable full charge. $12. Ph. Wiimettc '3096. 42LTN29-1nc, FILIPINO BOY, 25 YR., FIRST class cook, butier, and, valet. Excel- lent references froui. two of Wln- netka's better homes. 'Ph. Winn. 2662. 42LTN29-ltc HOUSEWOýRK, GARDENING AN D chauffeuring. Also window washing and odd jobs by experlenced and re- lhable man. Ph. Wliriette 2345. 42LT1N29-l îu YOUN, EXP. SWEDISH MAN s wan ts genéral housecleanlng. Can aiso iwhltewash basenients and su'i.- niz cars., Ph. Wilmette ý3166. 42LTN29-Isit E-XPER. YOUNG MAN WILL DRIVE car, garden work, butter, houseman. for roomri, board, and amall wages. > Unma rrled. N. S. ref. W-innetka* 1575. 42LTN9-itl, FlWP E 1. GERMAN WISRES WORK as gardener, housework orchauffelir. by the hou,', day or week. Good N. . ref. Pl i. Winnetka 2359. 4'2LTN29)-liwý -»-\E11- (,ARDENER WANTS WR b>y the boul' or divy. .Can also d(k housevork.. Qood N.S. ref. IPhone Winnetka 292. 42LTN%29-iiic EXI'ERIENCED MAN, WASH WIN- dowvs, iare of furrnaee, garden work,' etc. P>hone Winnetka 1552. 42LTN2!9-it1p RELIABLE WHITE. MAN WANTS window washlng, scYreens, storm win. dows or any odd Jobs. Cali Wiliette 3254. 42LýTN2!9-Ilnc .IAP. tIEN. HOUýSEWORtK, COOK, 01, butier.' Has good clty and su-burb.n ret. Naîne Nat, ca il Vlctory 3059). 42LT2!1î'-hl HOUàECLEAN!T.G, WINDOW WASH- Infloor waxing and refinishing by job or hour. North Shore refer. Ph. ýWilrnte 2088. 42LTN29?'-Itic EXIIERI. MAN AT OSWR )r g.u'den wýork. N. S. ref. Caîl IVil- mnet te 3073. 42LTN2!*-ln, VOUNC 1-iUNUA..RIAN NMAN WIS;HES, position as chauffeur and houseniawt P.Wiliiette 2567. 42LTN29-liinc 43 SIT. WTD.-MALE AND FEMALE COUPLES Call us for high class couple,,; ail references on file iu this office. Winnetka 2M6 * PAIULIF,~'S AGENCIES~ SIT. '% childr ing, r IED CHOW PtJPPIEÎÎ. 7, .nsE GOVERNES.. 31d. Reasohable. Phono Gien- 30 yr. old, yr. 'North 96LTN2-itp WIunetka 2662. eai. Il YersWILII forner emlployer. -Ph. Winfletka 2662. 4iLTN29-itc DAY CLEANING, IRONING. AND taking care of children. Reasonabie. Ph. IVilmetto 189. 41LTN29-ince ENG., AM., WANTED - WA S IGS TrO TAKE Shore ref. h home. A-i ref. Ottide di-Ying., ph. 41 LTN29-ite Wilmtette 3073, LN~~j MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, white prof. Reforences. $8 a week. Own room and bath. Cali Wlnnetka 2455. l . 44LT29-Itp GOOD, >HNEST LAWILILING .0o00 g, rite A-i, Box 4. W l m e tte . I 1111o l . L 2 - t 1 , 1 , ,. q 1 -

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