___ ___ami six other mnembers of t hie explorer, took the meumbers. of theL 73, WANTED TO BUU-HOUUUS Purpie aggregation were guests of Womian's Catholic club of Wilinette the club along with Asclienbach and' and their guests last Friday e% eing foJp azuâ the entire New Trier varsitv squad. .drn h n vein9meigo the club's year. The voyage to the barren, treeIes, NORTH SHORE HOME i image- sprinkled island' i.i the înid- 10 r 2 oo s I ~ enerI acitic, three thlousand, miles iromli Riarn Rihts'I lewsTahiti -and more ýthan two thotisandI Riariaii ig MUsT from other ports, as relived bythe S t 93Eaiecethrough the mediaT.ffMr miodern. Wilirette, Kenilworth, Wn The. sale of, the Christmas Sealsadec ho h h. ei t nakaorGlnce.Mâke.,ail offers to ýwil oo eonatiw ope to have Casey's owîx mtion pictures mnreel- our àgents.- Kenny Brothers 40 the c-prtono vrone in the ngherasrbing views, andi the Washington J3Ivd.,,Chlcago, 11 Ieaio f eeI.ntei bo 73LTN29-ite VIllage especîalyis , erdue to the hmruytdsrpierenmarks_)i ________________________ Iîce.ed tneed for niursing se rvice in 'the speaker himself, who made the 74 FOR mAL-VACA&NTr the faînilies of the mnemployed. his trip here f roin New York, wvhere lie ----is the duty of pur Christmas Seal îs on special assignment for the ('Ji:- WE HAVE CIIARMING PLANS F011 nurse., Duriaig Ite past, year 2,903 cgoa, Nw.js frti c- 7 room house on the orchard lot, childon havlbeNnewaind iii'the csîoîî 71x145, north ide of Woodlawii, be- 11de haeeneafie ntecsîi. tween. Greenwood and ,Grove. Unbe- parochial: schools andi coufltrY The sense of adventuîre, the un- lIevablyý low cost, for eif>PCcîl hools. 1.846i calis have been madei da1taunted flerve, the courage and fait'l re.sidence. Let us tell yoti about t h 1 h homes. 1,752 conferences have i Mr0-s. John Mloore is to have the vic al tpsil or explorerY an.d other vaë. int PImad Ptiossile. MRS. FU t liE -O E enheda leHath. Center, 622 inl'o ran rieof'1a ariq- and navigator and the 1ir crew tb. eni- li.FU L aliies have attended the. Infant, Wei- îoitp'î' l, Barry 'Coliter's coîîwedi;. akiaseetfotbtont 11Exlieagtsfare clinic. 31 ciblîdren hiave attended "The Pats.%," to bc gtvtn b - Ille1 three thoùsand-mile, lonelv.lu- 1618 goAve. Greenleuf 1 *nc,9'ptetht av Pei e 'earnen f h Eva mtheon ie-scl<t'o* inc ainsiae >,uPoisdpr>cîo water path on an ocean whose sur- 7-ILTN29-1- t, i xiint a i hs lncan UIîte!aih ehds hrh rface vas fot as peaceful as î itsnnv - -ot Ilers rtucoimeietie to privale hos- Fri:v -eiig oveni ber 27. ai 77WlNTER aUUfftrTs 1jitals andi sanatoriums, to say nuthing 1 ':oeock ýat the clurclî. The iipis A& nisiainiii~L 71of the vast numiiber of telephlione calîs, fi hi:honlas gained disti . iie The courage andi faith which levd FOR FENr-PALM% BEA4'I1, FI.A., , * them to voyage.0on after thev disC4ov -ý home for season 1931-3?.,20.O -1r.mai i) u l.ete <i forale r~awvnue îe u 14 room jistueeo with 8 bedrooms, as nUrscin furthering the Good Health <ni <,pr red, sîxtien.days fr-1îx baths, screened-hn front porchi, elf tric pro grain in \Ii ~imctte and vicinît-v. uufori- Tahs.- itih 1 take lodntudhoneter lilht and refrîgerationi, gas cookin1g1 'î'Ïere, is gravedanger of tubercu- -t wiht ak ogtd 1la 2-cal' garIage wlth -2 servants' roomsl.1 ndbuth-i-aIl furilshed-in oceail. losiS delongiifniesothu- u trements aid, that their comipass it- Block, Seaxpray Avenue, 200 f(e et froîtie(pIled lde to a lack of good nour- Chas. Clifton to Wed self. was s9eera deg rees off and, in sea.spray swiliiiing Club l) each. C isîîieîvthe i 'i.l drcio t ignt lop G. E. W., 231 S. La Salle St., Chicago, Misshidenae achd'n N MN combs Nov.21whc dieto il asîtknv. Rooni 2082. 7LN91,teshosfor stnrofîhlmlriotii.i To. expérience a hlu-, S*FO SLEHOSEOL GO mntandi a caîl madie ini the hiomes' Miss Ruith Elizabeth McComhs,., ricane, andti ten to finti the *teif-îni:e 86 FR BLE-OIUGHOL GOD9 and assistance giveil Wherc Ineces- datîgbter. of Mr. and M.rs. Ornie J. isianti in miid-o-cean anti at the ap*i*- 5 H001%1:;0F FUItNITURE F011 sarv. Cases are always followed tUp. Mcob of Lake Bluff. wIll be %ved p)oinledtilime seemeti almosti rnîrauj- salle, lit good condition. lZeasona1b1e. Perhiaps one of the iost interesting Sattirdý -eveiiig, Noveinber 21, . to ulouis. One ahnost agreed -witîh Mr. 315 Washhigton'Ave. l'h. '(hei. 677. lis that of a yotung manl reportedti O Charles E. Clifton, Jr., son of 'Mr Casey that the one who, by 5int1ct, 86LTN294ltc the Hlealîli Center nurse as. .beinge and _Mrs. Charles E. Clifton of Evani- kept-the ship ini its course, .Was 1h F'OIZ A INFANT'S iVORY CRIB3, very ill. Shet investigateil. fountid the. ston. Thee marriage will take pflace greatest nlavigator. since age-l an.*" mlusice cablnet, MahIoganiy setlee,IN-ounig mat!lhi a ativancedi case of' at 8:30 o'clock at the Ciui oftheil \V nd-' - r seni Pa£1ý lanî1ps. (lood condition. Caîl Kenil .e îrio e er mlinonsem a.e worth 5158. 86L29-ltlî; lubercullosis. that lie wvas living Ili one Hôly Spirit, Lake Forest. The cer- Islandi, their destination . Wa- BM E,6CÂItsrooiin \ihtl pit1rop)er warnitli and qt eprôtidbytepi dd - t WAI,.. )I itN(1 n,6CU"l, oturislmilip food. Shie talked to hI* eo S*olepronet ytî omdt r lssds l il Tf amilog' a ielie mw,$25 Atiue ouîtiou. ~hee h ws fomaI'Re\,. Herbert \V. Prince.- . . s inichet i y the: he,.inig-ont of rIh<;se an on tlkable, ir. Pli 2. iinn 5ltfun oi %he le'isri ad okvkan WWi.567'25i11bIIalh mthr~a lvn.She ugt The britie's mother will be Inatton somber faceti gods dtidn ' thcislnd. 1 1 rîun o; bt.ie -as re-ot'hionior. Miss M\cComhs' other- at- Its inhabîîanîs; are' the . hanidftul MWASIllNG M~AUIINýE I 0(I(0N.lctn h nîlleivsw ll.Se then tendants are to he Mrs. 1-Harold E nghsh eoperunnîingthie ranich dition,$. Winnetka 2414. ' rt temther, dc>cribiiig the: Harmlon, Miss Marv E velvyn Jackson.î (ils cenler of civilizaltion'), and tieo K SSR 1Iboy's condition anti suggest Il- that andtihie grooiii's sister, Miss Ajic, disease-slricken, degetneratîing, r >11 SA LE-OA R ' liésheure le boy 10 conie honie. l 1ifin.al of Evaniston. feil adh'-bSdmaîv~Ih îalki.pg machine. V'h. W in.1061. jalso foiunt that 'liere ~a a saiiato»r- Serving Mr. Clifton aý, bes illnin fi ag. Of Chuie flues over i l uit î' ________________ ____ - min Ini the town \where the miotîrer 'I1 BS~~~~ 'O - -ICELPEU iet.Segti tuî vl wl ebsboteM]om I» real owiiers are these ecrie goci. 88 FOR AL0T-l$ HîLT EUS TOR ivcommmunîy nrse.ine ote e; Nvti oclleCl.fion,'The ushsli 'lb C.. w itv-fiVe ethg c(ýlllllllt\ nrse Sie-,vot eplain-, Sclafer of. Evaniston, Leonard W fortv tons eacli,' and -%hIicli werc îe~ .N-dN.AIIdCk,' electie îiT 'lk nwing the case îo lier and asked lier to jasnQt,,mtt~at Hrly Ihe-nthe island was discovered lhx i Wil hî_staIl for $4-5, about ome-thirdc.11 on Ille bo3"s motiier and exlamh ' Dutch explorer. in. 1722. on I1:s~ 2'é1o k p ., eta-Sadr T Se poke 7 of the k'esbyterian chuî icli . The prograni endeti, lne'mbers antij M 88IUWIU OR uPT ONE . eta tnadTm Noveimber 30th, 1931, for the reino,,al i i meet on Tuesday, November 24, theïr 'husbands, wbo were guest.s o) Tbe~ O Al ~iJALof garbage an'd' combustJiDle waste in at the home of Mrs. Georgerove. the club that 'evening, remainedti c LU the Vlih.ige ofWlnet for. the calen- 900 Asbland avenue. Lýunchjeonj will gather informally for refr shnns ~mm gdar year 1932. enet SpHAS. ULAIIIL fQr this wonic are, on be followed by an afternoon meeting. serveti froni the coffee table, attrac- -- AWUt eBL R C iin the office of the Village Manager. . tive i white andi silver andi black. SMp.R gWtea Ave. h.u±u The Village Board reserves all rights N1r s. E. john Hicks wvîll enlertaili Te. onbeh 11 F. ~oi.tC.M.O?.R the FridaS" luncliCoin anti seivingcu William T. Edwards, 70Em Vilageliaag'r. nexi w*eek ai.ber homte on M etro.sevooti avenue, bhas been.iiM at bshoe Lopofc: 3 .Llll e . '- L09-2tc aIvenue; in 1Kenil worth . for.tolivehkme