For Personis of Average Means- A Saings Acon Some tortunates inhberit wealth. A few find, it, suddenly through invenitions or discove ries of: un expected resourc'es. But Most ýof us- can only accumulate slowly, out Of average carnings., for persons. of average. means,ad that in- clues, by far the-,majority. of us, a sa vings account is the most accessible and the simplest means to the 'end of building a competence. It is bound to grow, once the- habit of putting somethxng away regularly is fixed, ahd it con- .veys a:sense of accompfishment that ail of us néed and appreciate. ~robablyyou feel as we do about this. First National of Wilmette will welcome you, as -a savings cugtomer and today is a good time to get started. THE DIRECTORS ,LMRRY C. EDMONDS RAYMOND CG. KIIBLI. V it,,Kibeh ! 7'rulsi Il Sa: Iii.s. 1Barh 1' B. KNUDTSON [v\V. I YNCI-H X 1 .i~t! Il. M\, lhLillLt-,I ti 8 C( AI I1o\l.\ýs N IDN DA.VIP NIISON AI IN 1,I N. I>A1 G(Hl1I 1:RA.1'R S( RIBNI R A. C W\OII 1:1 A D VI SOR Y COMNAIÏTâFý V su -l tIrivsurcvr, L F.1cjMajchz"icruCi N\ M. N. 1ARNACIIN * .h.B.- KLti'PLNHi1M LRl (Vipzral.zst A R'IIU R 1I,--K :R P-sdn.:AI, tucti. Fai ms AIz!iriy Ca. IL. E. PORONTLO r :ushü. Ct ca faulc iwDistrict DA VIL) E- SHANAFIAN LUGENE V. R. .THAYER