11 59 Wilmette Avenue. May 1. have the privilege of demon- strating to you,) real soon, the su-, perior ty fmymrchandise in quality and price?. Yours, very truly I ourFIFTH .,YEA*R MARCUS MICI( symposium on Kussia, tne subject bieing: '4Rtssia, Menace. or Hope." Kari Borders Iived in Russia for three years and lias revisited the coun-~ try in three of the last fouryvearsý. Author of -"Village Lif e Under the Soviets." He givêis an objective, hon- est but mainly favorable inte1rpreta.- tion of the ýSoviet regime. 1Mr. Bor-, der's article on Russia and on Anxerli can social problems have appeared Ii varjous- magazines. He is now Mid% west secretary of League for Industri.al, Democracy and lecturer at the Uni. eriyof Chicago. Samnuel Rosen came to Anierica 25 years.1 ago but has revisited Russia i each.of the last two summers (19,30 and 1931). Ability. to 'travel without: an interpreter gave bim deep insight into actual conditions 'aniong the peo - ple. lis basis verdict- is -un favorable. Mr. Rosen's intimiate -knowledge: of Russia coupled with what he minute-' ly.observed on'bisÉ.recetit trips niakes bis discussion of Russian's probleins-- political, industrial,, religiouis, social and philosophical - of unusual value as well as of great iterest. if is poi'nt-, ed out. He strongly condemuns nia&i% phases of the present Russian regimec. . Some of the questions which -wiIl be covered by this symposium are: What' weire.the root.causes of the change that: came over Russia just before. durîing ,and imxnediately after .thé World war? Wbat does the flve-year., plan mean and to what extent ýis it being aichieved now that haîf of the 6ve-year period bas pas.sed? Wlat wvere Russia's contributions to world life under the czars and w,%hat are the< potential benefits or dangers frotu thev new. order that is being created? New Drug Store Opens in Wilmette Saturda'y A new drug store to.be known as the Boulevard Drug soewill open Saturday',of this week at the south- west corner of Central avenue and Eleventh, street under the manage- ment of.1L ouis A. Elli sburg. Mr. El- lisburg, has been ini the drug business for tWenty-flve years,. the las t fif- teen of which were spent with the Hensel drug stores on the west side in Chicago. He is a graduate of the PlharmaceunticaI schëoI of theiv T,'r- Mrs. C. W. Hopkins of Evanstôn is entertaining a former Kenilworth resident, >Ars. Irving 'Woodward, of Portland, Maine. 0o Mrs.. Fannie A. Cope of Woodley. road, Winnetka, was hostess on No- Vember 17, at a lunicheon and bridge focight-gtists. Lake Ave. and C. N. W. Ry.ý 4 t