Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Nov 1931, p. 23

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%N rK u ue, vvoma s iuD iuu t vil- i-l lxi;tu (u ai muette. Thàt "The thoughts you'Mr. Newcomb, for many years a think make the body you use," and f teacher, and at one timie a huinor that the troublous conditions andi colimnist on a Cleveland paper. is probleims of the day are the result devoting his timie to lecturiug. Hils oi -wrong thiuking," that their solti-iexperieuces "otmianifest" themnselves tion is, "right thinkiuig." were, in in ,his talks. Heý is arresting, con- brief, the high!ighits 'of his talk,. I l vincing,, entertaiuing, and. gives ail "I'lilh'iing Vour \Vav Out," as his lec-auidienice îuch. His talk.followved the ture %vas entitled. he, wrapped ti inigof 'Miss Agatha Lws recilw for, effecting a hapîiy, healthv ig n rga fraine of milld, ýa -"aw whose inastery igonPgrm will give von aIl you wish -or desire," Voulng. gracions, charming. wvitha Nin:plv. in this, whatever you think, soprano voice of clear, ringing toue,ý and hold ini coiscionsness as being so and one that shows careful -teaching, will outmanifest itself in your body she chose first, two selections' froin andi your affairs." a "Cycle .of .Old English Sng, lie combined psvchôlogy, philos-j lov' Greeting". and, "Have You. ophy, the findings and teachings of Seen But a XVhite Lily Grow?".,.theni mnodemn science, -and religious col]- "Mari ielied" by the couiteniuporary cepts, so r econciling them that they iGermnan compose r,1 Joseph. Marx, blr e out the Bible precept of "As, a 1 Gestern Hat Er- Mir Rosen Ge- man thinketh, so lie is." His talk îah. rewat rm jhu %vas logical'and based upon scieutific Srass leeras"1ihit ll truths.and whinisical and dramnatic rhythmn, He dfind tougt asau iusru-showed liher voice at its best.' An nment îvhereby man is euabled to re- "Eastern Romiaulce" b%, Rirnsk,t-Kor- late himiself to the 'orld wherein he discovers hiniself to b e." He streseed , akoff was 'the encore %vith which as One of the great facts in life,' she re spoûded. *ntotiug happens by accident," a uni- Her singing came after the btisi- ý ersal, law,. and declared there wvas ness oi the ajýtemnoon was over ani .io such' thing as luck," thus Pro7- dnring which the president,.Mrs. Ar-: claiming the strength- of the lawv of xon. announced that the club cause. andlefet is "in a healthy financial condition, Thioughts three instruments are'.runuilors to the contrarv." emrwhich resurrects the past:i reason. ,%%,iclî tackles the problenis ot \lrs. daA elrspao the présenit. and imagination, %whichi 1.514 Centrdlar Ati. Feas spranom projects into the future. The' use of snsls odvbfr h a imaginary thonght shouid be organ - Park Methodist circle. !'ed eqiring mental discipfline. if it is rtncontrolled it speils danger. hie, pointed out. -It is oùily by' puttingi the thinking of today ini order thiat free men an women of the fniture.I HIle re I s cat cone, heemphasized. Thoughts, Are Thingt 'Thoughits are thiugs, and can affeçtY bodily health and circumstances, f rý bis belief. lu illustration .and con-ý parison lie turned to simple experi-_________ inents ini checmistry and physics and' to, the statemnent backed by modern science, th at "there ig no such .thiing a s natter per se, it is all energy.' -\,atter' is but a manif estation of cilergy. Thus he related the tangible formn of man witli other tanigible; concrete forras of substance, all ut gates or iîterested mem1bers were Mrs. E. F. Snydacker, Mrs. Alfred Hodge. Miss Helen Harris, Mrs. Southward, Mirs. Charles Holmes, Mirs. A. B.. Spach. MNrs. Fred Work- man, Mrs. Arthur Ruf, and Mrs. Theodore Moritz. Jacob Viner of the Univeis ity of Chicago, spoke on "Economnic Plan- ning for the United States" and the. reaction of several members wvas t.hat their views prevjously held were fot, so radical after hearing Professor Viner's talk. Lt was a. splenidid, vital lecture and there 1 vas. a very largeý attendance fo, hear himf. OPE.N,,MEETING 0F W. E. A. 'An open, meeting wvîll be held Tues- day evening. Decemiber 1, at the, home of Mr. and. Mrs. Goodman E. Oison., 514 Greenleaf .;venue, XVilmette, under the auspices of the Wiliiette Evangel- istic association. W. Tlrî~ Joyce, d-: r ector of the Correspouidence schéol of.c the Moody Bible institute, wvill be the speaker. Special music ýwill be included in the 'programi. AUX ILIARY MEETS A.imeeting of P. J. Huerter Legion Auxiliary (Unit 669) was -}ieid Tues- day, November 10, at the home Of Mrs' Rose Hoffmnau, 204 Ridge -ave-. nue. An Armistice programn was held following the regular meeting, witit Miss Margaret Huerter as spïonsor. RÉfreshments were served. an Idea ruas Gif T114. latest Adyaneed. mode]'à-' Pneu. Sedan. Original flnlslï ai. most as brilht as new. Hues 6 wlre wheels, U saounted torward lit tender wveils, f ull de luxe equipineut and deuirable Nash ac- eesories. The powerful moêtor iweth O. H. Valves ano dual Igni- tion ls, unusually smoëth, and qluiet Worthy of your peirsonuel huaspeetion. priced unusually 10w at onily 8 800. Brlng lun your o14 coàr, Itr nay easll>y cover the Initial payrnIeut. CADILLAC. MOTOR CAR COMPANY - Used, Car Showroomns 1810 Rdge.-Avé. Evansto Phono: University 8600 gtuardl at tue noor ot your minmdina lettiing iii only the thoughts and,feel- ilngs you wish to be outmanifested, the happy ones, can one train bu- 5- self to the .right way of thinking, lie suggested. Problems and tribulations while upleasant "are not .useless," he Ifugene L 1606.Chicago Av*., Evansion UNIversity 22,39 HimRC.LYTT@rm à Sono Orrington and Chureh EVANSTON Phon Wlinnetta. 188 4'

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