Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Nov 1931, p. 45

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next week! Bleginning Monday, prices will be eut in half on regular-stock drapery and uphols. tery fabrics, ALL wallpapers (and they're ail beautiful ones! )-and a %arety of decorative gifts. The îhigs nqsj? 'Sale arcrot - I feXelSt'Csubstitutes. hou qhî iv %Al'i ai a ti ' pricc*. Il is ail. fine merchandise, chosen tor regular stock --and marked ijisithaif ils usuaàl prices. A fifty-inch hinien.block-pririted' in a superb, 'soft-toned design. originallY $7.50, flow $5 ;, yard. wvill sci for, $2.50. And many more equally good values. The ~aelasts orly a week though. so 1p1icasc shc'p eary. *Tui- F.ÉBiuc Smi-n 156 Center Street,. ýinnetka e e e à service for the cure of comr and hair as you will find a New Vorlc. And a. great mi wvomen realize ho-.% fortunate found such a shop. Agreutumany DI its cus.tornrs req)ular wvee k!y appoin tnen ts for ais, the expetw ' ctîqad trratment.. ard the mani cures. North Shore are to have ha~x COn?- t 'ICI - .~ca1p M r s. Goodrîch wili consuit ith vou about yo ur particular needs. à hnd arrange. a scheduke for you, that will keecp vou Iv grooried. Ask lier aboit if. Miss I-Ierbst hnous Iamps tram tme aecoritiV angle. She knowvs what type and color té suggest for ec'ery hind of room sa it wviIl add harmoni - uslu ta the gei-eral effect. And there are so mang. mranihI»tdý assembled in the shop, that there's no'trbie iras t poisibiiity af- yaur flot llnding just ih apyou want.. The 'difficuty-if I- can cail it Ihat-is only .ta make a choice f rom such a wealth of beauty! And wjiile I'm on the subject af this shop, I suggest your taking, vour Christmas list %yith you. ncx\t time vou visit it. :GRAÇÎ. HERèST .563 Lincoln Avenue. Winnetka o e A.$nd the permanents. b% de wyhae no superiors sn wbere!. -DF NEiýDA BEAUTY SALON 1651 Sheridanl Roud. No. Mmi,' Land Not everyon e con, distinguish a fashion' froni a lad. A,1nd to but. very few is it guven' to Plan a costume -z- a succe.ssful costume - witbout guid. ane. It's realh mrueh more festive to entertain your diâner guests at an bhotel-eseeciaIll one ini wb%-ieh you are. assured the best of .dinners and o f service. such, as The ,Gçorgian*' in 'Evanston. A id Fr1 ? oi so sueiIit i 57n ch Gcc ia n has tiCXc lci ntdit? - TUcr t( Il e o e And svhile Uni on the suhject of exquisite greoom- iýng,, a great.deal of the effect of your enisemble, depends upon having your elotheÉ, always beau. t iful ly. fresh and new- loolcing. \Vlat 1 inecan is the sort of- -a ,Iook ihat cornes frcm rhoroughc i .ng-by% the Miràclcan process Shore Lin e Ciners* use. 1I w çndt;d takc each of you through modern cleanîng estaIlishmient. sc coiild sec for Nyourslf what sort of volur Ciothes get there' It bas. in the Contincntal nnier. à V.st assori- mnt (if hors- d'oeuvres 'wit h which to bcgin din,- ncr-and these deicious appetizers a re but ai j .orcétaste of the good things that follow rbemi Bv Ailmcaits. try the Georgian nrext ime vou re Kiving dinner ou t. >TIIE GEORGIAN 4 222 Davis Street, Eanston ish 1. That >is why. it is s0 muci, safer, So muûch 'more, ccoriomical1, to choosecloIcthes at a shop like Mrs. Hanna's. She ,buys c>nly -the sort- of dresses and coats and bats that arc unquestionably smart n she knows. and h.as taught ber. staff ta kno-w, how ta heip Suit the clothes ta the .woman and the occasion, and this highly person-. .ilized service assures your finding things alway.s. juýst tihe right V ou And., the ibing I 1tuLant to irnpress! upon you espe- f carc lalU).iç that Mrs. Hanra's ciothes are flot ex- persi ce. Many peo pie who corne tc' the. shap for ihe tir.sît t;me are sur prised ta find haw much !tn)L'cir-pri'cedtheli are' than z'hey expected. Ijudg'ng -iron? q.aii;uy and sye If yçuv neve r. uscd Shore Unme Cléaniers,ý please send voûr. nc\tý work t rhm and, sec -what a tremendous 'difference tîhcre o,. And it costs no more. Tlhe tùlc-ý phone number is \Vilrricttc 3400. N.A. HANNA, INC. 9S2 ,Spanish Court, No Mau's Land e e e e e e SîoiUNE CI.EANEItS, INc. 121S Washington Street. IVilffiette ana vo one rr. after you tbem.*EDYTH DIFDRCH' (Barîouess von 4Abel Bointebîicu) 614 Cburch, Street (Over Hew's) Evanston Davis 2004 Bch&(;IS .567 Lincoln Avenue. Winnetkaý S.30 CentralJ Avenue, Highland Park lor girls ind 'uoys- Wc baventr nad inv winter v'ct - but wc will have, ,ind 'if you buy. early vour youngster, will bec ready' 'GROtND GRIPPFà SIIOE SHOP 1735Sb ermgn Avenule Fvanston -

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