Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Nov 1931, p. 4

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Large, wbole, skinless fruit -deep red and fuil ripe. Get acquainted with theni tbrough this special offer of 6 No. 2, 18c tins for .. .. 89C Speria1s-,Nov. 27 teo Dec. 3 HAMS., Swîft's Prem ium, whole or lhaif.... lb.,.24c BACON..Swift's .Prenium, slice-ti....b MEAT- LOAF. Fresh ground beef witb pork. lb. CALVES' LIVER. Fancy -quality....... 29C 25c SPRING LAMB SHOULDER. Roast or stew 'lb. 22C PANCAKE FLOUR Richelieu, combining wheat. co riia nd rice. Large 20-.oz. boxes. 2 for25c I. MAPLE SYRUPI Richelieu ppure sap for loyers of the' real tbing. pint 53c SUG AR. Pure cane gran ulated i n cloth saeks 101 SOAP FLAKES.,Chipso, large 25e cartons. KITCHEN KLENZER. Standard' 9ec tins. GRAPE JELLY. Welch's 6 oz.$, 18glss RICE KRISPIES. Kellogg's..15 packages-. CHILIT SAUCE.l1 Hemnz 12-oz..30é- bottlies. 4 9 2 l'or 98c for 19c for 25c for 23c, for 45ç TOMATO CATSUP'. Richelieu extra fineé' pint 19c NAVY BEANS.. Large or small.......2 lbs, O c caijua tor. ' i rs can ue tdonc )V ' phone cail to Conmmander Leal -1 Wilnette 1088. it is explained. SOructinte later, the post NviIl es- tablisit a ceitrai location where cloth- ing Nv'd1 be received. Thrilougli, the dilstribution systefu oi thC. I.egii, tlitî,e articles always go to) worthy f;ainilies. Men's, wornen . and cide' clotingil is needed also Ieddingy and old heds since.. i- stances'have l)een fotuîd where cIild- renl are actualv 4iorcefI t<)sleep <on the >floor. A search .>fAthe atticsancist wiîll oftcn rçvral artlic-lesyo Vo noit nlee(l-an<1 sonteolle else d0es, is the 1,i .ei s rentinder. sin anItL i iciLIant. yLinis 411uai Kt I iion Seven assernbilv ivili be helkdat ilhe Ed,(gcwater Beach hotel,Wen- day, Decemiber 2. Mavor Cerntak bas shown a ke ilntert' Iiil te Scouting prograin. In spîite of thec great demand on lus mile .liù lias. illingly and enthiusiastîcaàlh accepted titis op1)ortunity to pa hefore this assenibly of Scout lcaçders, if is pciînted out. About fifty-fiv'e North Shiore Are;î couneil men. were prescnit at a siintilar asseinhlv last year anda larger locai delegation is anticipated for Decent- ber 2 T h e theine of the confereitte is Scouting las the.Green Light-.et's, jGo." Such nationally proniet Scolut North Shore Musicians î men as Dr. George J. Fishier, deputv Club toMeet Deember S c o il t exec-utive;. Arthur A Club t MeetDcéem er 1:s,,cuc. national director, division of T1he North Shore Musicians club is. operations ; Sir Arth..ur Brandlon, f having its niextiieetitng Tedy e London. Engiand, and WValter K1 çcexiber 1, at 2:15 o'clock ini the after-i linger, Region Seven Scout execul- noon at the1 homteofM.F.O b- tive will priiae on the programn. inig., 716 Ninth stt-eet, Wihtette- Mrs. Eliz abeth Eniglishl, Mrs. Sarah hIa Perrýy Bushi, anid Mrs.. David F. Hlall are toassist as hostesses. 'l'li pro- grant will conisist of Piano selections by Gevilla Neukranz,., vocal -nnml)ers l)y Frances Larsen andi:l)orotiîy Rae, vioin conipositions playe(I by Elia-, beth Xeixel and . electiotxs by ai striing,,trio, Gencvieve- Horveen1l,l \\'ii fred- Townseild Criee, anid Ernun Akely. Dr. Xilliani 1-1. Iiodcly. of i Présbyteriail churchi of Chicago. Nvilî -iddres, the assexnbly at the noml Ilincleoii on "Th-e True Resourcés of te, Civiization-Our. Yotl." Pli ilh>i f- Reed, of> Chicago,, Region Sevei i chlairiit, wi]ll le the toastimaster fo0r the evening banquet prograi., Tiîe assemb ly will begin at Il o'clock \Vee(is.day . morning a ni d continue flhrough the, evening banquliet ro gralii, hich starts 't,6 :30, g LARD. Swift's Silver Leaf........... 21lb s. 23ç FLOOR WAX. Johnson',. solid Nvax ...... 2 lbs.98 PRtUNES, Richelieu extra fa.ncy, 40-50 Santa Claras. 2- lbs. 25C SALM.NON.i Redwood'Alaskan Soekýye steak , in flat tins ........ ........ .......i1 lb. 39c Friday -and, Satis rday 016" ly WHITE FISH OR TROUT. Strictly fresh.'.. lb. 32c RIB ROAST 0F BEEF. Prime stock. . l. 32c. & 36c LEG OF SPRING LAMB. Young stock .......lb1. 2 2C SI1RLOIN STEAK....... PORTERHOUSE Steaik. lb. 49c lb. 59c s s s s s s S I Serving 09 Our Owâ »Manufaetiure C Cleaning. Fluid .. . * 25c-50cý90C kC Perspiration Powder .......... 35e kC Depilatory Powder 50c-$1.OO LC Mineralil ..........65c-$,!2 Green Mountain Cream. Gargle ........... Headache Capsules North eRe 25C-60C 35c-65e ... ... ..25e am~ sL~4 for more thai. 28 years CENTRtAL &TWELFTH .WILMIETTE Wilrnette and Central Aves. Open Sundays, Phones: WiI. 400-401 until 10 P. M. r Ir"" IM Z. 7 7ý_C

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