course,; wîII mean an iincrease(1 enr-oil- ment that will no doubt reacli 200. 'l'le new Cul) Leader course w'11 be cunIdticted by the couiicil Cub conimit- tee clhairniaii, Dr. C. V. Nichiol.s of Highlland Park. This course will lie for Cubniiasters, assistants, ('iîb coin- inîitteemien, and Cub fathers.- Thle :net%,Sea 'Scout. course %iill -be, started for A Sea ScouÛt leaders, ini- cluding skippers, mates, and comnîiittee- mclii. TheI'lîotèr newv course is for Bo-y Scout troop commnittecemen. TJhis Cour-se lias heen long in request and is boupnd to be' of great hellp. Ail troopconimit- tee inembers are urged to cone. Mtle é., rii)tetts of Lake Forest will con- <luct tn ore 'l'liecunirýés alrca(ly und<er waya.-re: th lc two 1E'cîienitary Scoutnia.-térs' oIrethe Princçiple. (advanced ) Scout- niaster's. course, the First Aidi courSc aînd the l)istri-t Comnîiissioneirs'. coUrze. Dr. Hamilton Hoit 'to, >Lecture in Winnetka Winn-tk issoon ,to-iavte-an un ui ua opportunity of licaring a fore-j Ainericani educator, D)r. I1lijii- tonl lolt. talk on *.\lvtnrcs ilui ((itnin Sense, u]ti']" lîis Ircenttio x~iIl be at. the Wxnnletka League of Xonîen Voters' mnon thly! lunicon liein ,1ConîùmtînitY Ilotise \Iond(av. )eceînbe.)r 14. D.r. iloit has l)rouglit Rollins col-ý lege of Wne Park, ria.. frotîx ob-,. ~cr vto a po(-sitioni of national lead- crsiiii ni the last five. years. Rollinis tî a snall çocclucational libîeral arts Molee iwhxch tIle peidnonce vditor of the "Iiuep)edeninaa- zince, is daring to put into practice bis progressive ideas. His purpose is to niàke of the college a Place wheré theý student can become a truc part- uer inu bis,:owvueducation. Similar to the revolutionis. instituted at the 'Uni versity. of- Chicago. under President, Robert M Hutchins, President H-oit tries -to get away fromù the superfi- cialities'of* creditslin ternis of courses.ý hours, and points, and the handicap of short study periocis, and has di- vided: the. student body simply into lower and upper divisions.. This sys- tenm, Mxitlx the added provision nmade for real contact between. student and teachier, resu ts in an individualized *process, wlhere every.- student fee is vitally the cooperative nature of truie education, it is sad duced are written oy rte Indians theinselves, and the cast is ail-Inclian, tinless a part calîs for a white person. Chief Big Man, a Crow Indian from Montana, who is appearing with success l in any of the public schools, will also take part ýin the program. .Christmas, boxes will be prepared for Indian reservations. ~354O 4 ~irhartt ÎIdouw For College Men and Young Alum-ni .*50ý EXTRA TROUSERS AT cOST, $4 Phone Wiiinetka 188 (No Toit Charge) Evanston Sh.> Opese Tuesday, Tkursday and SaIurday Eveaingt