Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Dec 1931, p. 36

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New Vr-c-T h e Metro politan Opera House has been the scene. for two novelties of distinctly different characters during the past two weeks. "Scbwanda," a gay and lively opera, by Weingerber,. was presented by the' Metropolitan Opera House, and. "Wozzek," a dark and dramatic work by Aiban Berg, was given last week by tbe Phladelphia Grand Opera company-and the Philadelphia Symnphony orchestra,,with StokoWski at the baton. The-capacity houses for both were definite about reactions. Thelre wasq entbusiastic approbation Jor the1 * Weingerber, but hardly even polite. applause.for Berg. Stokowski tývas1 given ;an ovation, for his masterly1 conducting, and the conmpany itself. nas thoroily appreciated ini"Wz 7ek, but Ierg's opera itself wient. Admires "Wozzek" Onie admires "4Wozzek". as -an acutely* dramatic comipositioni of thé finest stuif. Berg lias worked out hi.- thematic material wvitl infiuite care and inspiration, and six years of labor on the score. bave resulted iion wlich- is wvell-knit, mo'ing, logiçal and emotional. The creative -musi,- cian followvs bis steps %vitlheti keen- est intellectual pleasure., Everything is constructed according to a strict musical law, and unity is. establislied through the coordination ud relation of recurrent motives. Robert Edmund Jones lia., exectited scenes that are simple and pairticu-. larly adapted to the dramna. The ope ra is sung excelle-itINI, and the performance is beyond critickim. ut *\Nlozzek" is decidedly an unpleasant opera, terribly realistic and strongly ugly. the music being marvelously eé-. pressive of the sordid storv. There is' no bcauty in ,the story1 or in the music, exce pt 1 a strange, fascinating beauty suggested by the'%vhole. The audience was drawn, lield bv a sort ofhypnotism created b'. siigers and. orchestra, but it' was, not %von over. WVhat a contrast "WVozzek" is. to.the dreamy idealism of Debussys '"Pel- leas et Melisande l" Xery briefly, the stor3v of "XVWoz- Utt duunng the monhof uecember. Swastika -quartet, chamber music concert, Kimbaîl hall, Friday evening, Decenber 11, 8:30. 1 Ruggiero Ricci, violinist, recital, Orchestra hall, Sunday afternoon, December 13, at 3:30, Russian Symphoniic choir, Basile, Kibal'chich, cohiductor, concert, Stude- baker theatre, Sunday afternooôn, De- cember 13, ýat 3:30. jBomar Cramer, pianist, recital, Thie Ptayhouse,' Sunday afternoon, Decemn- ber 13, at 3:30.' LOUise Bernhardt , conltralto, re cital, Civic.th.eatre, Sunday afternoon, December 13 at 3:00. The Beggaýr%~ Opera, Eightlî Street theatre, one week ol, conîencing Mondai' evening, Iecember 28. Eve- ings at 8 :30 and matinees Friday (New Year's 1)ay), and,.Satuird(av at 2 :36...1 John MeCormack Gives Return Recital Sunday,' Johin McCornack will give a re- turn recital at the Chvic Opera Hlouse. Suinday. afternoon, Deceniber 6, at 3 o'clock, under the direction of Bertha I Ott. MiESS Ott; the Chicago Itanager, re- ceived the following letter from. Mr. D. F. MIcSweency-. John McCor- mick's personal representati ve', whichi is as follows': "In vieiv of the fact that Mr. 1Mc- Cormac'k's next concert ini Chicago. Sunday afternoon, Deceniber 6, wil corne so cl ose to the hioliday season, and inasmnuch as it will ahnost mark the: twentieth anniversary of hiis first public recital in Chicago, lie bas .asked nie 1o write you and say that he wouild be pleased if you will an- n)ounice.that lie.will give a special re-. quest programn on that occasion." comically serious-and, the-see in hell is the funniest of ail. LauighÎng tunes keep popping up,.the mood is. changed often and rapidly fIrom mock gloom to the :nost, carefree gaiety, and everybody bas a good time, audi- ience and performers alike. Kaileidoscopic, Pattern. Thue Cdaritv and unity 1fond, ià,. RiChard rVaq»er's ,"DieMi- te>sjiqr,'t~hi m on so' mIuch favorable conmtent losi, season, is to !bc Proditecd hy the Chicagjo CiVie OPera eoiiPaiiyfor 'the first tinte this year on. Thurisdiai, De-. cember 10. . Thse opera, roctsidered the fine.st Composition of ifs type in the operatic repertoire, is given a per-formanaice «tthe1wChzic. Opera tihich is not èqualléd onwcr lse Ini the tworld. The principals for the firs.t per- formiance are Maria Raidi (above) as Eva. 'Maria Olszewska as Mýfagde- lena, Retie Maisoni as WValther. Ru- doîf l3ockeh-mann as Hans Sachis, Alexander Kipnis as Pogner and a' 1011g list of splendid artists in other important roles -gon Pollak, who prepared the wvork for the Chicago stage last season, conducts.. Th e auginented chorus is supplied by the Chicago Civic Opera Chortis school. Ensemble of Twelve in Concert Sunday, Dec. 6- The Art Institute oif Chicago ,.will. present the> Ensemble *of Twelve,1 George Dasch, director, in concert1 Sunday afternoon, Decemnber 6, f iromn 3:15 to 4:15. The program follows: Overture, "Die Entfuhrung aus dem « SeralI............... Mozart, Dance rrojeét îNtw York A Dance Center has been organized here as a solution for the problems createc i n the present dance field. Ruth Page, premiere danseuse of the Ravinia Opera comn- pany, has attended' the performance$ anda7 nnounces. ber intention of ope n- ing a brandi of the Dance Center in Chicago in the near futuire. Salome" was given last week, by this small giroup, and it lias made a sensation in this part Of the co untry. It is, a ballet versi. on of Strauss' "Salome, and a piano arrangement was used. Gluck-Sandor, who is the impresario for the 'center, and who, witb bis wife, Felicia Sorel, will often be seen in the leading',roles, adapted thé ballet to bis .small groupi. Sorel à*suaous. Al1i se Sorel distin9uisl -d. berselfini the role. of Salome, which she danced with daring. neïer mnade distasteful by over-pliasis.: Harry Losee as JO- kanaan stood out above .everyoiie be- rauise Of the str-eth n urpose liehiiid his dancing, andi hi.s senes with _Miss Sorel were cbaracterized by a solenînity and intuition seldom enicountered i dancers. .AIl principal roleswere bandled with expert ease- and, fiuency, and the ligbting used was direct and effective. Grpup wvork as yet is rougli, lacking iin solidity or meaning, but the comnpanyis stili tcoo young toexpect very. much there for awhile. The Dance Center will présent Blake Scott, premier danseur of the Ravinia Opera company, ini "El Amor Brujo" this week-end, and for five week-ends. During the season it is pianned to repeat "'Petrouschka," by Strawinsky, and to add Debussey's '*L'Apres-Midi d'une Faune", and 'LeFils Prodigue," by Prokoflef. Ruth Page wiIl alternate %vith Lisa Parnova 'in "Petrousclika." Develop Theater Mr. Gluck-Sandor'and Miss Sorel have de.veloped a smali studio thea- ter, wbere performances are beld, regularly everjy week end. It is em- phasized that the productions will be as professionai as possible, since only. dancers who have appeared in recital are in the casts, There is to be no - -- --, - - -- il --wun a s iarmyard the -rastrai and i'ugue," recently' da, who has kissed Queen Ice-Heart bagpiper finds hiý wife as cbarming played by the Philharnîonic Symi- once, is swallowed up by the earth as ever, and they' embrace while phony orchestra. when lie swears to Dorota that if Babiiisky goes off sadly. Surrounded One is reminded of the hist-we're- ever he kissed the Queen *"may the by their friends, Schwanda and Do- not-really-in-earnest mood of Ravel's devil, take hin to hiel on the Fs ot 1" rota sing o.f love on the farmn, where "L'Heure Espagnole," *wbile listening In bell, Schwanda refuses ;Lo play they have the liens and geese, and to -Schwanda," for everything is only bis bagpipe for. tbehevi adP h i -we ete a rte roos ter. crow.i JOINT RECITAL Caio de Vermnond, basso profundo. 1and Leon 'Rosenbloomn, pianist, two Chicago artists, wilI give a joint re- citai, under the direction of ýBertba 1Ott, at the Playhouse, Sunday after- noon, .December 6, at 3:30 o'clock. i

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