tiFedutL ti noon of Sc ular meeti Howard sc wAi UV U1Ot inan after- at the reg- .15, at. the Tbe Pré- Scb.ol circle will lay aside its regular îstudy -plan and, in a houi- day spirit of. friendliness , hold a get acquainted party" i its .next meeting, Tuesday evening, December 8, at tbe Howard school.' New and prospec- tive. memibers are cordiallv- in'vited'to attend this gathering. M rs. Henry Fowler will open bier home at 1404 Forest avenue for the regular' meeting of the !Babies Friend- ly, next Tbtirsday. afternoon.. Decem- ber 10. M\rs. J. V. ýSmtlb, president of the association, is being welcomed 1ack atran extenisive tour tbroughout the W~est. lii an age. when the beautifullv' stated "clhildreni's; charter" bias placed hefore us aniew the rig-hts of cbildreni and when! social service lias becomne the~ recognized aim of mÔst 'orgamiiza-- tions, nmany womien :.are finding their iiiembership-iiiP. T. A. an answer to their query, "What ,can'I do?" An organiization of over a million nienbers can be a vast power, for .9ood, especially wlien that organiza- tion works with such ideals as does the P. T. A. The'-influence of this sRecreation B5oard and Sunday Eve- ning club books have been purchased foi' a few children, song slides pur- chased for the music departmeint, en- tertainmnent bas been furnished that would otherwise haïve been denied, thé children, and the hea.lth of dozens, of childreit has been improved so that tbey might, pursue ýtheir work with their handicap removed. Last year ffty-four oï our children were cared for by dental clinics, whicb were fi- nanced from the P.. T.' A. treasuüry. This year $80 bas been.paid on den- tal clinics, and approximately $100 additional will be.given by the asso-, ciation for this important wdrk.' It is expected- that glasses. Will be sup- plied for some chiidren also fromn the fun&, and tonsillectomnies performed. 'These are some, of . the .reasons why, every teacher. and evéry parent shoculd join the association. It. is an old say- ing-but. true- In union' there is strenigth." C~oach Stagg to'Speak iat Men's Club Meeting Head Coach Amos Alonzo Stagg of tbe University of Chicago will be the principal speaker a.t the next meeting of the Men's club. of North Shore Con-' gregation lsrael.- The meeting will be held at the temiple in Glencoe and will bear the designation "Fathers' and Sons' Night." Cen. Johin V. Clinnin of Glencoe will also be a guest of hon- or at the meeting. BOYS-ý ..Horsehide -Coats. Sheep Lined- Wombo Collar, There isn't a. value like thiýs--anywhere.! The tietgrade, of leather, black or browft; Double breasted, 4 big pockets.PU Sizes from 8 to 20 years. MIf-WooI Campus, Cat Double breasted. Maroon, navy, green Smnar Corduroy Slacks.9 Warmn, practical, popular and a buy. 2 Woo,, and Mixed Hose ?48 length. Sizes 8 to 1il; 2 for $1. 55~ $2oliu e iU derw a Wool mixed, long:. or- short sleeves. Juvenile Coat Sweaters AII-wool. Solid colprs and patterns.2 $1 .49 J. - 1645 ORRINOTON, Chicago Stores: 105 N. WABASH AVE. .EVANSTON 1S... LaSALLE ST.. * Orrington and Church-EVANSTON Phone Wignetka 0188 (No ToII Charge) Evanston SI..> Open Tuesday, Thsrsday and Saturday Evemings 78 E. JACKSON BLVD. JRefiiiements,