A man who got tired of beixig a fool, re- ,cPlain mien, tused to the wildlerniess, m-daN and nîight, an mav sort rs %%eatier" ni lli '~h dntrs-aa and eig bri thesc Iwo giants, as tlaey are described, are ioiloNved %vitÈ no sui; ainouit, of iaterest. Thue reatder left witla a viivid impression o f the broti ers-aage. kind, eartl~ if3- c -wlao Conaaaîand attenti. on wherev% théev go. I.ike, the -Pied .Piper 1-atii l haci drawv t(> .their. sides nunîh11ea- of tolli%'ers whoinoaUsi where the brothiers gte. For -v~ears th litile b>and< travels froin state to stat siot k oiaaig '-bere it's going. ba realizing that it %wiIl arrive at il destiniation mil v whien the brothea fiaad tlîat tgreat- peace which the, kiio.tv il coule vhell tIîe3'racý thecir Iitpae * This novel- was t le ,%V1iiuaaer iii iih I larper prize>cositest this year. Tih storv is simiple iii plot and it coua tains ano- great pthilosophical thena, onr profound character study. Tii lirothers r ,epresent one characterisi i1 -- t4h t-o he :-Spir-it- o-f -Urest -ihici leads mnto 'e-xflore and cotiqtuer ne% worlds. A -wealth that can- ..not be affected by ýn broi ,ered t 630 ýDAVIS ST. Walm.etf,724 EVANSTON AITHE AUTi UIOGRAPHY 0FI ICHARD BAXTER. lEdited b%, J. M. Lloyd-Tbomas Evev1. an' lýibrary,. Dutton. A HIS-TORY 0F THNE BORGIAs. B-v.Frederick.Baron CÇorvo. Mod~ crn Libriry. GIVEN GOLD MEDAL Michael Pupin. best knownl to tiftc Iiterar-v world for bis Pulitzer Prize autobiography. "Front Immigrant to Inventor," and to tbe scientific wvorld as the mail who mnadle long distance telepbony plossible, bas been.awarded tbe highest of Ameri can' engineering bonori, the John Fritz gpld medal. to p>resents a picture of post-war Ailer- of ica in which jazz, agnqostlcistn, h1it- terness, immoraiity, irreverence ruai rampant. It is an ugly picture, buit qo the bitterest niedicine to swallom, il all sometimes the best for yoti. 'i t 11 ail intents and purposes Mr. Poole SV ~hotds up this pgrtraat, of American, .11" life and points out its destructive- er qualifies.- It tan oniv end h- Of destroying, itseif. a jack Wyckoff, effbittered j1w war experiences, tries to find b is rigbt lit place in life, as weii as eomethitig ini le which hie tan, believe. Hisý father i., ut ai)physiciai, lbut -the son cares aaotia- its iang about a, career of tbat 'sort: hi-S. rs Ibrother is a.banker, but Jack -detests, !nkers because bis brother is one. h~~ Whna gy of bis -is produced and wins success hie determines on the e profession of, letters. He cbooses to wvrite of the most sordid, and de- -.praved life (wbich lhe calis realitv). If alerJioPee. 'imply because he, so abhors the on- former/yventional and dignified societ.v (0' e rit irte of'tige North Shore Areà bc i aensaemmes ic M!cieil, BRoy Siouts of Apperiéa ' O'twhich i penantre smeib-dw1 l but W7to j: ia-dw educrtioiii direc- Oto hspinttsrat ýô. 6% tor of the District of C*ilî1ii;ili a tragedy, or farce, as Jack hinseif, - Boy Scoséts of AmL'rù a. lias. jiFesi calls it, the- end of which iis tunm:tes- - iesued a siew pamphlet of short tionable. The apthor blames jack'.s stories for boysv. bitterness against the view of things on "the bunk. and hypociisy' llav The bo kie c ntans a got p o -e~e geed. for moey, boost and boom . brief' sketches in a bovy'.s lifé . Mfr. the lustsi'the graft, the violence andi %iacPeek hias also written '&Glimpses ail the crass stupidities, wbicb makc into Boy-land," "George WN'ashington- up so large a part of- the life of oUtar Real Boy," and other bookiets. Mis. cou.tr-y nowvada%,s." When Jack'!, la test Con'taiins "Jimmv sý Zone of III- end camne the father bowed bis laea - fluence.- *The Brighitest FIag of Al, " -"and_ desparatelv lie f eit the aîeed "Grave Prolinas of State.- and other of sorte abiding -heaven of faitli far' storis . better future for mankind." With. a sk0U aiud de-ftiiess tlaat 4-s . Mr. Poole lias; given a 1penetratiiig ftokens int 1mate and sympattîetic tunder- in11Sight into the character of Jack, staning oi he iflculti~s. an trnni li o is representativeof nan mr of hoy life, the author acts s inter- i can vouths. l'le characters of ýMr. preter and guiide as: le takes lis iaito and Mrs. W v.cko-ff., their other. soli. thoi i hihh ie Soe Blair. and the latte?'s tiwif.foIe. .Of,,the stories -are liardiY imore,.thani are Al deftly drawni. The story is ao i incidents., Pitures art, paited ith harsh one but il as iat -tuL~toua- rapid strokes. Somethiing .,is left to start to finiish. ;.the readers iniagifnationi. ,0 bys'ii ddthsa(iflerelat VANITY FAIR IN BOOK FORM sort of voltumet. Nainv parcnts wliIfin<id Frtefrttnei t rlin hielp Ili the iniplied 'analysis of sittua- Foth istmen sbrlat tions. Workers with ho5anad leaders career ' tlhe magazine Vanit3- Fair ha> -4 out l gee-aiastbe nrn~ ~ been__made thc basis o-f an album. Give Them Thms Chritànas Gift Stati.mey Unusuil Christais% Cr sud Gift Wrsppangs 1724 Oniton Avenue Orrlmgtoa Mfotel Ul4w. 1By VASH YOUNG 5tlî large Printing