Viîce Commandler Ikacli annouinceý to outreiics i Detroit an d else- ninetv men have paid u.p for next, %ev Mn ad hto aciu Near, being a percentage of 52 për-,of our sacrificial legislation il: De,- cent. This first drive ends at the De- i troit our mewmbersbip w%%ould drop1) cember 8 meeting when soine avards Thley said the adiustedJ compensation %vill be made to the leaders in the;' bans were responsible for the anlilý membersbip campaign. The comipre- lion members last vear. esietelephone census is quite *'The showing here ouglit to he w%*rit-. productiveof new members who Witt! ten in letters of gold across the pa- also benefit by attending the mieeting.: pei s of the conr.TeAmrcî Legioi,. is <boing the i h !)clt ouI Commander Leal report.- that his itj telephone bias been kept husY withi cails from people witb old clôthifg -er 1.Stevens. J r., nationtal to donate fof sevice wNork. Keep up Commander. of the Anierican . Legiot,. the good wrk -by calling Wîlimtte told departîient, commnan<lers and a&- jltats at their anniiual:coniference at 1088.national headIqurters bere that lie Sericeoffce W.F. ol. igeriintends iniviting as, distinigtislied, Srice ofic te W. F. Bofhe. guests at the next national colivei-- workng wth te cairmn ofthetion, to be held ini Portland. Ore.. an Village board committee on unen- outstancling minister, of everv deknm- ployment, as is shown b i 'anoçticr Itation lu the Uie tts artclein hi isue f WY.ETT LIE. 'Tlhe Anierican Legion b las, been ridiculedi, and actuallv persecuted by. The greatest, advance niemibers.lîip some persons. and organizations seek- in American Legion history "Was re- ing to discredit. our -iti1ence.e lie Pcrted for 1932 at the, annual con- said. "I intend correctisng this at the erneof departnient commnanders, ilext national conventon. I will re- adjutants and service oficer. b leld Jqulest thiat. outstanding and distin- at national headquarters hiere. The1 guishied representatives of, ail tlic third annual telegraphîc roll cati. con- churches sit in youir conferences anjd ducted in connection, with dt confer- comnittee mieetxngs, at the- conivte- ence, %howed that. 333i.102 memibers tionm, and sit on the floor of the roll- have alreadv heen signed. up for the %-ýmtion, in order that thiev can ec co'ming year. for theniselves the constructive vork This as, close t(io oe-thlird (, i i-el that vou are doing. These iistters, entire membershipfor 1931, which is thn -ill be living affidavits as to approximately one -million :înd titv- the service whichi the Amnericatn Legin t1hree- thousands, and -a gain over irendering to God and cotintry,." the sanie date last vear of more-S Van Inwagen Inwest Your Christmas Savings Wisely in Photograplis by BER NIE Give. P/ùôographs of >'pur Chi ids and rel BERNIE STUDIO «B<tter Pictures-Better Values" -LM :eranAvenue, Evanston Tl nvriy89 from 9 to 1Yotor pCorne Visit- The. Barry, Apartments A home People- for ciscriminating, six tonine ,room apafm.t overlooking Lincoln Park. 7ý310M Sheridan Road Toi. Buckingham 4041 CHICAO. A 6 and a 9 Room Furnish.d Subeas. for th. Winfuir bdon!t shop' by' lot this Christmas: You wilI1 be pleased. ro learn how compleiely the met~chants of Nortb ,Shore Line,.communities can tulce care of your Christm'as needs. Their prices are rigln; their stocks give you a good selection and rhey are anxious to see you get just exactly what yen want. CItUGO LOOPI Buy as usuel - and .arly Dir. Tél.ý Univerol"tYy