for 1 9c l DoM. 430 GREEN REBIANS. Criip and Tender 2qt. 9c Wel retail.oage tcarlt prices JUICY FLORIDA Another 3-Car Load Lot Juat Received lil-citusi%. e a re tite .largest lju>'ers of Floriiioranges on thme Nqertb shore,imee onmnafid the mIgiest qualty and can sel thein ut the lery Iowest prices. Three carloads' of itrn. Juliey* Floriduas are sbiapped te us Nweekly froin Fort 3Myeres ad the Indian river district. WVek-. .i# peial. 5oz. 65 Me4dlurn i ie The Arlstooeat of the Salade very special for. 39c Thurësday-Friday 10 Church Stroot SIROP A A .àVE Be,.ON Davis 1800 or Wihmete. 1, 4 DEIVEIESDAILY: ,9-A..M.-ý2-4 P.-M. THRUIRDAT, FIRIDAY, SATURDAT' Quahty Mgeats ROAsT BREFBi ROLLED. Tlli 'tet Prime flibs of Beef are Boned and Rolled. None botter at any price. No bone or w aste, lb . . . . 9. SLICED BACON Swift,& Premnuhu,j . 2 Ibs. for ... 5 T ua"KEs Fiest North ern Dry Piéked Turlçeys, 8-16 lbs., per IL.5 Calvei' Sweetbveads, 35e SEA FOOD Red $napper Fle t Clç*ean d iBoned.. sàbà .1111K feu sl% t i'. 1kf. the white menti lot Clhrileo. LEG ROAST lb .... LOIN. ROAST lb .... 1 LEG 0'LAMBi Cut from the v e ry best Kentucky Bred Lambs., Roast one and you w ill1 really appreciate the. ten- der,g lb . .......4s PORK LOINS Cut from Corn Fed Pork- ers. Rib or Loin end, lb. ..2 h DELICTSN Chioken Salai POP COR4-Mqiuet br.amd. Moisture proof2 <.j Is RED RASPBERIES-Fiu."t fruitin ~Ne.: c heavy iâ-8 PINEAPPL-R.d.j. raad. B thck dliclus uin every CHILI SAIJCE-Labe Vî.. Brand. Fancy uIy.j 12-oz. bottie, each 2jl Sweet Pickled PEARS or PEACHES - Packed in Cali- ferna, b-eavily spiced- a fiaq addition te a i hs each35e SWEET PICKLES - We cureal. Quart jar,j SANDORN'5 Co1'E lEvery cati date-uuarked, with 1 ptcg. iRoyal Choco- Straivberries 3dos. £or Makes an juhal christuna gWLt i. t. t ýFresh BOX