Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Dec 1931, p. 32

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ff a ro luis mauet b. accompanh4d by the a ot the wvlter. Atilésu for pub- aob the e0itor by Tueaday nooin usce la carrent tenue. oondolenbe. carde 0f Ilialks, obitu- entertaininente or other affaire »ce charge la publinhed, VilI b. r advertiulng rates. Qe.SeparationWiL8 .Lfe Let'a Haten the Day! Nhilc the ùorth shore cannot be said to be I)rjti»arj ly interested in th ,ings agricul- titrai, its residents iil heartily subscribe t o the far.-reachiig beneffts ftegorasng of the National 4-H Boys 4-H- Clubs and . Girls Agricultural Clubs niow boasting 834,000 înleîbers scattered ini evervstate in, the Unijon. 1Launclîed fôurteen v èars ago, ïvith a menlbershij) of ele-ven arnbitious farin bovs, the club lias spread into every rural section mt hie couintrv Nvith a rapiditv, that is, nothing short of amnazing. We urbanItes,ý occupied %vith pour ownvi affairs. are îproiie to ay too littie attention tô this significant activitv whIich lhas 'as its priniary purpose the iml)rovciuent of farni stock and products. Boys atid girls alike share ini the awards given out an- iiuallv 1w lThomnas E. XWison, uresident of tertains froin 1,500 to 2,000 happv an(] healIthy farni boys and girls at a big tulr- key banquet and theater l)arty, ini additioli to passinig'out goid mnedals to the cotunty chamnpion 4-H club! mlembers ini everv county in the United*States. I-Je lias just recently announced the creation of -a Thonas E. Wilson Fellowsipl to deter,- mine by scientific nmeasurernent the Value of 4-H Club experience and training. Rear Adminita Richard E. Byrd canic duties as civic greeter Oogs s completely and efficiently. Greeter Ilad Mayor Cermak no Greesrs such representative, as he. wany a wo rthy visitor would corne and go' ungreeted. Sttfiering: this iindignit.v, thi> Opefl the front* gate or press the bell but- ton. the dog begins barking, the vigor of the bark increasing as the friend cones- to ppen the door. TLhe resit of such greet- meg is that when ive enter we find it hard to decide whether to shake hands Nvith our frictid or. to kickthe dog. One cati easil3l sce that such a1 nîood isnîot likelv toafford at 1 pro nising. prelude to' an- afternoon 1 -r eveniing eall. The n, after we have entered, the (1og continues'his lhalf hostile denionistrations. Hle cornes nosing about our inoffensive ankles or in sortie pther unffleasant way lets us knoÉw that so f ar'as he is concerned wve are.flot welcorne. About this time bis master bids the brute lie (lown, and we begin to regain our coiÙposuire. and pUlll,), up.our sinking feelings. If vou would have ypur, visitors w7èll1 met and wvell greeted do. the* meieting .9and greeting vyourseif. Don't, leave it to vour dQg. On Sunday .afteriioonl, December '13, at 4, in the assernbly hall of Ne%%« Trier.,Higli ,schol the animal Christmnas prograni %vill be presented. Not nerelv December becatîse admission is - frec 13, at Four and ail are cprdial]Nv invit- ed does this holiday event attract township residents, but also, and inainly, because of the opportunity the oc- casio ,n presents of joining in a commumn1111- ivChristmnas celebration. As is usual, t1i)e high school -Ill spon- spr this meeting. It *willI)provi(1c the, assernbly hall, the chorus, the gice clubs, the orchestra, the leader. The pnily respon- sibility ôthers need suei hto n thuiasicalyaccepting the cordial invita- tion to corne and. hear .andi siing.>:And surely this is a very delightfi relsponsi- I)ility. Already Chri strinas Seals are bei ýred for sale bv school children a Show your Christrnas good-will and thoughtfulness by buying early and thus relieving the last momInt burden on sales- people.,- i bui t.',my5' c4bOlt fit' Close by the forest': side. 1 packed mny books atid 1dcsk supplies. A hitndred wies by troul; 1 fixed a Plaie ,aitd Put them in My,,calMs itiitte dale. A. siotu 1 thitik lIlI read eand read. And jîtst wmatch thée years unfuri; iel quite coliteptt and happy Isere .wvfir.Ynzthe' buçy world. -ired Forbis,Wink. Whilc. your favorite'niovie magazine and evenl the snoy;e critics inay not honor it with fou- stars, or bars or diamonds-or whathaveyou, wc here, and now make. so bold. as to recoinrnxend rnost highly tbe current fl, "The Guardsman'." starrinig 'those brilliant: artists, Lynn Fontanne and Alfred Lunt, and now exhibiting at the United :Artists theater. Here is a, picture . you likely have been awaiting, lo, ,these many moon,., Here is the . pearest approach it- has beemi our good fort une to witniess to a perfect transfer of a stage production.to the silver screen. Il"The Guardsman" is for aduit consuniption. Not that it isn't fit for the youngftters to behiold. but sirnply because it is likely to be' a bit above their hieads. Yet there îs nothing Particularly. highbrow about the piece. Splendid comedy dlone in th.e im imitable: Fontan ne-Lunt fashion. Need we say more?. Wilmette last Saturday decided to join Win- netka, Giencoe and Highiland.Parkc in establish- ing its own waterworks, thereby, as proponents of the municipal waterworks proposition wou*ldl say, severing the' apron strings to which it. had been for so long bound to Evanston. If ole, doesn't live in Wilmette, one simply cannot ap- I)reciate this new freedom.' Do0 yoitrcl h.cutrsd TI;at lovely summiter's morn, When rntorning glories tzviied aroumd A field of waVýiùg corn?: Perhaps' those saine f rail ,qowers fafir The 'china, may adorai, 7'hat hol ds your crisPy cereal1 .ÇneSparkl;iy!, winterr rorn. Or inaybe tizose fine jersey cowsl T/mat Io-zed beside thme il, Somne fair osud frosty winter ,norn, Yolir breakfast hobowl ill Nii. And the iordly old porker, too, T/at grünsted Ioud and bold, *Even in times of economic depression, inost of us can afford to buy Christmas Seals.. If it's nothing more than a penny greeting card-seal. it with a Christmas Seal. A Seal will flot carry' that Christmas parcel thirôugh the mails, but every Christmas parcel can and should carry a Christm as, Seal. -MIQ1E. I

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