A. A. PLACING 1932 SCHEDU LES A dvertise, to the CREA of ,you .r .market 'Ail thie Facts Indicate ,ý,W EALTH.* Mr. Account Executive!. Mr* Space Buyer!, You know what. 1.931 has been. It bas seen appropriations sliced in mapy cases. It has seen a, curtailmnent of advertiging by mn ftewatis firme in the country. Ini ev ery aedringthe past yeavr dollar 'nveeted in advertising Carried with it an ever >inçreasing dematnd for RESULTS! So we are going to talk plainly about the prospects for 1932. The coming year, we ail hope, will see business stage a comeback. Our forecast is as good as yours relative to, the next 365 days., RESULTS, however, will stili be a a premium and the only thing that will COUNT. In many cases advertising schedules are being prepared with thie one thought upmost. Dollars will be invested where they will go to work AT, ONCEI Media and their coverage will be sub- jected to X-ray analyses. And only those territories which show buying power will be coneidered. In the, territory served by the Chicago Suburban Quality Group is mone... lots of it. In it is a quality audience with money f0 spenid and wiIIing fo spend if.- It representsa virginfield .. the rickest in1 the coutr...where conce ntrated effort will be resultful. But only concentrated effort will be euccessful, as thîs audience ie uniquely loyal to its ou,» interesfs. Chicago. Office 1016-17-18 Willoughby Tower.PoeCnra 35i 1 Phone, Central 335.5