'q)I a(jt dt ~- --- -..i u.entertailned the ings Will hover o er the nllisbers and Officers Of the club and Mrs. I~e gussand ôld Santa .will ttw(k- awjay at luncheon. *surprises for you." l-*------.-- To Give Birthdag Part y New Trier Girls -Wdl Hobby Naethans, son of Mr. d *GiVe Christmas Dance jMrs. Ernest Naethans, 625 Grenda avenue, -will host at an afternoon; A large group of New Trier Higli party next Saturday, for sixteen school 'girls will be co-hosteses. at aJ friends on the occasion of bis se.,-- ;dance to be given at the'Hotel1 Sher- enth birthday. Guests. will înclude: man- Monday evening, Derèember 2i. sornle of bis classmates ini the second Tu lostesses are to fie .<;race Bart- -grade of the Laurel school. ling, Dolores 'Chatard.'Gladys De- Lýong,, Dorotby Hazelwood. M Nary ane Kellogg,"Mary llenIlauerPlan Yule Carôda at Club Carol, Laùrence, Marjorie \lc-xie' Plans are already- underway at In-:j Marie, Skog, Jane Thomnas. Marion dian Hill club for two of, the clu's Euen ~aton RthWe~trand 1ost popular Christmas custotns, the Anta. Marie Wilson. anniual, sing around the Christmias trees outside the club blouse, Sunday. At Shawnee Lun7cheon Decernber '20, and the Young people'S' I partv the followinýgeveniiig, Anon hewmen members of_7 -Shawnee Country club- %ho attended Bridge Luncheon Hostes tli Mo da - unheo aid ivt Mrs.: W illiam A. MolIton, 235 Rat- brde -)cemnber 7 tte club were eihrod, Kenilworth, entertained 1Mr. William .MaSon, Mrs. R.i twelve friends froin , Chiago and Flood, Mrs. J. E. Wortlien. Nits. Kenilworth at a luncheoni and bridge H-ubert Carleton, Mrs. \V. L. Hart, Thuirsday-, Decemiber 3. M rs. ' . P. Harris, and Vir.. . I ________ Have Depression Dinner Girls'Wok fr CM ~r.anid Mrs. Earle D, Ly, 5041 Woth fý C aiY Eltnwood avenuie, entertainied twl'enty A gP taJni r iat Velfare of their friends last Saturday ata g-,irls inet last Mondas' at therei depression dinner and a, white ele-) dleRce of Mrs. H. J. *Prussing. 549 pliant bridge. Earlston road, Kenilworth, for ai) af, ________o___ig orchri.v Fete Bride and Groom teriootiof swin forchartv.Mr. and Mrs. Sai H. Clark, 135. Have Opera Guests Fuller Jane, Winnetka. gave a din- OneeWednesdayDeceniber Rose T. 9, aOnes.MxW.Zbl r e Wednesdayevnn, Decettiber 9 .frM.ad9,r.Rsvl ' ez and1fr. Aax . Zbelentcrtained gar, .132 Fuller lane, Witinetka, whoi I'ederal Judge, and Mrs. Evan A. were arerett3. E*vans, and F'ederal Judge and M;*. marereet> Will Mf. Sparks at the opera. Ceert niesr «tBideMr. and Mrs. F. E ari cl avirf i E eti fl 404 Gregory .aven>ue cn1tertaied Mr. and Mms.Hàrry Jolhnstqi,11 informnaîîv in their houle hast Fridav G(reetnwood, avenue, entertained twen-. evening ini celebration of ftheir wed- ty of theirneigbbors at an- evenli. in ganvrry lrl(le st Saturday.gdiganerr. Dinne Host Satuday ircle Hostesa' Mr n Mr ss atnr Bone, The Neighborhood circle of th1e _Nfr, ad Ms. rthu Bonet157Congregational chutrci will meet on, kobsart road, Kenilwortl', will enlter- Tuesday, Deceimber 15, withi Mrs.1 tain twenty friends aý, diinner idw~ard L. Scleidéeeii. 704 1,àkeý bridge Saturday, Decemiber 12.* avenue. PA 1NTI N S AN D OBJECTS 0F ART 1JI& .50' 's SI.95 $150 -Il $75 $ 2.95 mo on