Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Dec 1931, p. 56

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Rates-15cents a1 lino ln one paper. , 5 cen~ts a line ln any two papers. 10 cents a line in ail tIhree papers. MINIMUM CHIARGE ONE DOLLAR. Average of tive words to the lins. No black face type uaed. 19 % diseosl ou al cash wlth oluler advertlseuaents whea bronugt te Oi, *Ulee atI 123*Central Ave*" Wllmette, or 441 Linele Av*., Wlametkf1. Deodine for, Insertions- Caife%advertisementu whllI be WILMETTE LIFE, or ail three papers; Wednesday 9 ,P . M. for WINNETKA TALKC and Thuraday 5 P. M.* for. OLENCOE NEWS. Télephones: Wilmette 4300,. Wiinnétka.2000, Greenleaf 4309, or Sheidràke $87. a'. LOUT AND FOUNO LOST --SUNI)AY, DEC. 6TH, ýFËMAL wlre-haired fox terrier, naine on col lar, ."Patricia Raab." Reward. Ph. kenilWoirh 4740. 2LT32-ltc LOS -TAN SNAKESKIN, PURSE coniaining mone.y and,.other articles between Biann Pharnîacy and resi- dence. Cali Wirniette 5190. 2L32-ltc LOST, - THURTSDAY MORNING AT the National Tea* store, $6'in bills. R-eward. Ph. Keniiworth 1293. 2L,32-Ite * ANTirQuUs THE UNUSUAL CHRISTMAS" GIFT. Antiques-inc. furniture, glass, china, printR, silver, jeweiry, etc. Many smali articles from $1.00 up. Mrs. Graver, 903 Michigan Ave., Evanston. Tél. Day. 1863. 5LTN32-ltc a mUILIomaAND coNTrRAcTiNci CARPENTER AND BUILDER REMODELING AND ItEPAIRING PHONE WINNETKA 2480 8LTN44-tfc FREE PALM BRUSH YOUR FULLER BRUSH MAN HAS A special gift until Christmas only. Something new. He aiea has many new glft suggestions. Phone Sheidrake 4949 for day or evenling cail. No obliga- tioii. 9LTN31- >p Ail Kinds of Carpenter Work' Done JOHN BOESCH. ph. Wilmette 2165 9LTN36-tfc FOR SALEý Pérenniais 5-1 0-15 cents each.. Shr'ubs for haîf .price. J.'OSTROWSKY 2343 West Park Ave. 'Highland Park Phone Highland Park .49 14LTN18-tfc 15 INSTRUCTION BRIDGE LESSONS A hallf dozen lessons will start you right ta play good b'ridge, or, If good, show you how ta beeorne an expert. -~Les-~ sons evenings in your home. Table of 4 at $3.00 per evening. -A. ~R. M. ROGERS -.U. . champion at duplicate whist-. A bridge expert- 1333 Washington Ave,- Wllmette 172S 15LTN31-4te PlIANO LESSONS FOR BEGINNERS REASONABLE RATES WINNETKA. 3024 23 NURSING COMPETENT NURSEf WILL CARE for children, invalids, elderly persons by hour or day. Special attention given to childc-rre. Prices reàsanable. Ph. Kenilworth 1146. 2-1132-Itp a. PiTs BOSTONS 0F SIYPERIOR. QUALITY and beauty. Well trained. Deliver for Xmas. 253 Linden. Ph. Glencoe 1308. 26L32-Itp PEDIGREED CHOW PUPPIES A REAL CHRISTMAS GIFT 10 -wks., aid. Reasonable. Glencoe 800. FOR SALE- YOUNG, RED, BLUE and yeiiow Polly. Taîks. Must seli, reýas;onable, Ph. Edgewater 1067. si.Lapin eveing coat size 36. rer- feet condition. Ph. KeniIworth 5158. FRSALE-$500 COCOA~ CAR ACUL, fox trinimed. coat. Size ý18. $50. .Ph. Winnetka 1 909.. 33LTN32-itc 35 LOANU LOANS TO PROPERTY OWNERS. Malte and -buy let. and 2nd mortgages. EVÂNSTON BONI) &' MTG. CO. 6 18 Grave Si. Greenleaf 5600 38gLTN36-tfô CALL PAULINE'S WINNE TKIA.2662 We place oiy experienced domestic help. References invdstigated. Over, five thousand No. Shore, homes se- cured helpfrom Pauline's Enip. Agencies 748 Elin St. Wlnnetka 4 No. Shore offices. 41LTe27-tre RESPONSIBLE AMERICAN, WOMTAN (miiddle age) wants position in snmali Aiherican family where she can asiss.*t with al kinds of work. Good hiome desired. Smiall salary. Best ref. Write P. O. Box 117, Evanston, 111i*. 4lt32-ltp: COMPETENr WOMAN WISHESý TO' take care of children day or nlght, 35 cents ,per hour. Also have coil ege daiughter that can do saine. Can aiso do serving. Ph. Wilmette 4203..1 41LTN32-lne COMPANION, READJER, IN INVALID'S hine or mnanaging housekeeper for widower or institution. Prot. widov. Ag,3 50. Wide exper., good refs. Must be refined home. Wlll travel or go els<ewhere. Write A-66, Box '40,- Wil- mette, 111. 41L32-itp EXPEnIE-NCED WHITE -W OM AN Iwants laundr¶r Monday and Thurs- Id~taea take care of children eve- Inings with mending. N. S. ref. Ph. Wiiniette 4411. 41LTN32-lnc YOUNG WHITE WOMAN WILL GO ta California with family f or the wjnter as canipanian, nurse girl or mnald. N. S. iref. Ph. Wilmette 4289. 41LTN32-lnc EXPERIENCED WHITE GIRL wants general housework or caak- ing. N. S. ref. Ph. Sheidrake 1532. resident help. »ne, GER-MAN LAUNDRESS WITH A-1: ref. warits to take homewashing. Out- side drying ,only.ý Ph. Wilimette 3073. 4ILTN32-lnc QUIET; RELIABLE COLORED GIRL wants> general housework., N. S. ref., Ph."Greenleaf. 8260 after i1:30 M M. 41LTCN32-Itc SITUATION WTD. - GERMAN GIRL, generalIkhoùsework,,. plain cooking or second maid. work>. Good'references. Ca'l1 >Wilmette 3137. 1T3-t EXPER.ý GERMAN WOMAN ýFOR part tinie 1wOrk., Washinig, ironing or generai work. Ph. Morton Grove 1707. 41LTN32-1tp SIT. WTD.-GENERAL HOUSEWORK, cüooking, iaundry. neat col. maid, good wvaitress, fond of children. Glencoe refs. Okad3496. 4ÏLTN132-ltc EXPER. WOMAN WANTS LA UNDRY, ,washing, Irohing and cléanfng Tues- days and Thursdays. Good ref. Ph. WH*mette 3220. 41LTN32-lne JZELIABLE GIRL WANTS WORK 0F any kind, week or, laif days. Best of ref. Cal] Florence,'Giencoe 1841. 4lLTýq32-l nc COLOJtED GIRL WISHES A PLAC4 as general hotisework or care for children. Ph. Glencoe 731. 41LTN32-1 ne EXPER. WHITE~ WOMAN WANTS indry or cieaning by the .day. Ref. Phi. Wilim-ette 4288 after 5 :30 p). n. 41LTN32-Ine SIT. WTD.-BV EXPER COLORED wonîan, good cook and generai house- wvork. Ref., Ph. Glencoe 1420. 411'PN32-Itp EXPR.COLORED genéral houseWor-k. University 8371,. GIRL WANTS Best ref.' Ph. 41LTNà2-ltp eýXPER. GERMAN WOMAN WANTS Iaundry or cleaning by the day. Good ref.. Willmette 1789. 41LTN32-ltc EXPrER. WOMAN WANTS WASHINÇG, iroining and cleanIng. Good refs. Ph.' Wiimette 480. 41LTN32-lnc HELIA BLE YOUNG GIRL, *WHITE, desires position ine mothers helper, LADIES' TAILORING, DRESSMAKING. Hlooked rugs. Hand painting of novel- ties. Reasenable. Mis. Robinson. Phone Wlnnetka 292. 111L32-ltp DRESSMAKING, ALýTERINO, RELIN. ing, ail kinds af sewing, at mnyhoe Tel Winnetka 1167.,iL2-t FOR SALE-LADY'S PERSIAN LAMB coat, size 16, ta be seen marninge only. Phone. Winnetka 1004. * ý3LT32-1tp LONG GREY FLANNELS AND BLUE coýat, size 12-13, $3.50. Also grey .knickers and leather jacket,' size 12. Winnetka 2170.3L2-p 4iLN3~ncHOUSEWORK AND CHAUFFEURING. EXPER. LAUNDREss WANTS TO Aiso window% washlng and odd jobs do work at home and housecieanlng. byv experienced and reliable man. Ph. Will take care of children eveninga. Wiimette 2345. 42LTN32-lnc Wînnetka 2882. 41LTN32-lnc. SWEDISH MIAN WANTSODD JOBS COLORED WOMAN, WANTS GEN- of: any kin4. Can aiea do uphoistering.ý erai -wark by week. Ph. Wllmette 1666. Ph. Wilmette 3166,. ask for Sid. 41LTN32-îtp1 42LTN32-c 1 41LIPN 32-Ite

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