.WIiy, à Permonent, 0f Cours.! This ypar above a&Il othrs .v.ryone wl1 want to gef and give useful Christ mas Gifts. Malte you..gift t Mot her Sw..fh.art, Wef. or S*M- f*er, a PERMANSENT from ALBRICHT .BEAUTYJ .SIIOP 1 167 Wm+e. Ave. Wilmeff. 4517 121 HERDON GARAGE, ?32-1Zth ST. use the large, comiortable Wilmette 2f Cai - jt saves your car and coats no more than ordin*ry cabs. Rate. by Meter, Hor or Trip 24-HOUR SERVICE mothers iast ,aturday morning i the Jenilworth Memorial gymnas- iuin. A large representation of niothers attended. In addition to stunts by each of' the Cub dens and a short talk by Assistant. Scout Executive Boltz of the North Shore «Area council, medals were awarded, to twelve boys who have completed Cub, achieve- ments of various kinds recently. .Boys, who received these medals were: ...iine-:year-old class-7jatk' Lawson, bronze wolf, Charles -da la Chapelle, gold. wolf, Tom Meredith, bronze wolf, and1 Paul Kelly, bronze wolf ; ten-year-old -clss- Arend Knoop, bronze bear, Tom Ellis, gold bear, Ralph Starr,' silver bear, and gud Stiliman,, silver bear.; eleven- year-old, class-Billy Bay, 'bronze liont, Melvin Hawley, silver lion, Jim Olin, bronze lion, and H all Stewart, gold.and silver lions. The stunts sta ged by the different Cub dens were as'foUows.: WoIver- mnes, "On the Job"-,'Pinoneers, "G«oed and Bad on a Hlike"; Vikings, "What Is a Cub?"; -Blackfeet, "What a Cub. Can Do When He Tries"; Indians, "On the Way to Citizen ship"; Leopards, demionstra- tion of a den meeti ng;l and Skel e- tons, demonstration of right and wrong den meetings. ,Robert W. Townley, athletic direc- tor at the joseph Sears school, who is ini charge of the Cub wôrk in Kenilworth, made. announcements to the boys regarding the 'passîng of achievements and concerning a day skatin« hilce _-hich the Cubs plan to AUl Tejephone -sad C. O. -D. Orders Carefully and Quickly Delivered. Charge Accounts Solicited from Relible People. WILMEITÉ 1145, Wihnette Ave. Phtnes 731-2814 WINNETKA 796 EliSt.. Phon«e4333, HUBRARD WOODS. 9lO1/p L in d en Ave. Phone, W,..,. 417 GLENCOE 345 Park Ave. PhoÉ,e 18 glilful roast,Lbl c -. pur. te of pure rich ailk fron registered and test"J Ipound of tbis 63 butter.. . . . . . . . .. . .. 2 lb.. EARLY SELECTION IS ADVISMILE Do.not wait until the lait day- to ord er your Chriatum Poultry., We, now have ready. for your, selectiont DUCKS, GEESE, ýCHICKE.NS ad coc Meats selected for, this, week's sales. tm r books tin uin auy monh lu te past, Miss Anne L. Whitnack, librarian, reports. Ten thousand nine hundred thirty-seven volumnes went out of the main libiary and Laurel branch, and in addition, 2,049 ývolumes were cir- culated among hie grade schools. The children's room *had a gain of 2,000 over last year. During Book week ,500 children signed the guest book in, the Book house,, and 190 children attended the- special 'story hour. More than two hundred aduits were registered in November and helped account for the e8 percent increase in, circulation in the aduit'department. It is regrettable that with the ýtre- mendously increasing demands made upon the book collection, and - the st'aff of the library. that it is unable le do more, Miss Whitmfack stateg. But until the tax situation is cleared up in Cook county the ibraryf must function on about. haif the money. it would have had in, normal times. This means that purebases of books are drastically curtailed, that much- needed re-decorating is not doue, and that the, long planned increase of hours open is foregone, according t. Miss Whitmack.. Mr. 'and Mrs. L. T7. Haugh, 1528 Forest avenue, have returned to their' home froin a week's business and pleasure trip in New York state. They visited friends in Syracuse, Baldwinsville, and Webster. They also Went to see Mr. Haugh's family iu Oakfield and theu went on to Ro- i .h..A D..Wi p .J..al