cember issue of the Ili"ioiT gb Schooul1 Athiete, official publication of the IlliZi: nois~ High kehool Athletic1 association.. Mr. ShowIèy's article is on the sub- ec,"Student Leadership ini Intrapi'ral. Quoting f romù thé article, Mr. S-how - Iey says, in'part:.- "Practically every leader ini the ield'i of -physical education would like >to sec 1' every able boy and girlenadii some forni of athietic -activity., Recause; of circtîmstances it is, impossible tol have one'hundred' percent participation, but the perccntzge can be raised hy per- mhttilg liot a fewv but many to serve as athletic man.agers, publicity mangers. cheer leaders, clerks, :officiais and as-1 ,iistanîts ini he general scbeme ofa-t comprehensive intramural progranI..ý 1 At Ne.w Trier Township Highi sclînol during the past four years a boys' club with a membcr.«hip ranging f romi twent), to thirty-five bas assisted in a 'fine wiy to promote ail intraînural sports of the, school. Their services reacbed such pro- portions that ffe administration this year bas placCd a course, 'Sports Ad- mi;istratioîî,' in the curriculum. The' ciass. consisting of twventy boys, mieet5' for fortyýfive minutes twice a iveek. This class :wýrk is supplétee*nted by practical activitv ini e ficld h.rnse, gymi- nasiuin or th1 -athletic heI. (Urc'uit k j givn:ftor the course." Amnîg the topics dîçî.eI nithe class. MIr. ShôNvley .says, arc the prili- Cijb Ces o f phycical education, luadership) ir phý sical c4tication, spo)rtsman.iiship). athletic managers aund tlîeir duties rules Ilf ,alllLtic co. ms.nethods anîd tuchi- nique oi mrciatixig, and the promnotioni "'f toun aments. AX more dlet.ilecd article by Nr. Show- 1ù vv oN XNi; [rier's sports ceilh. sportsý adninitrt.i.ncl;iss ,and atbietic nmani- aýger systein, will. appear sao*inlut ëàSteri ubIl)icàt,4,n. The *Shoas Dr.-Hamilton Hoit I Speaker atAssembly: Dr. Hamilton Hlt, presidcîît of Rol- lins college, Winter Park, Fia.. spokc at an. assenmbiy at Newv Trier Hlighf school. Mondàav îmorning, nreceding bis l'a ri__ L' Everyone bas a. soft spot in his heart for beautiful, fragront flowers--th.y breathe a Yuletide sentiment of their own. A lovely plant or eut flowers from l-llavac.k's is an elo quent "Merry Chrlsfmai.' Greens for Christmaàs Decorations aY. W. C. A. secretary in the inter-' ior of China for five. years, bas re- turned to the United States and will spend Christinas and the holidaysi with her brother' 1s family, the Lor_,. enzo C Streéters, 302 Cenitral,,ave-; nue, MNiss Streeiter spént ast, minù- mer in Thibet.j Tom and Hunter Hickso! Kenil- worth. -are home froni Dartmouth this week for the holidays. Witmett*',t Bonded TeI.graph Forists IV. deli ver flowers avoai -he corner or avoai lMe vori. C7 -g-, WILMETTE 2186 RIDGE ROADI SOUTH 0F WILMETTE AVE.