urai,> vaton seiIVs, givetl 4Mon- day evening at Comnîunity 1-buse. j His four talks were sponsored by the North Shore Art league, and at the conclusion of Monday's lecture' the Ieaguc's president, jaspe(r King of \\Vinnetka, thanked Mr. Vùofr taking the league withIhim to Spain., Noriwa%,.and Venice, in his talkse. Scascapes by Charles \Voodbury Lhonel Walden, and Marioni Her-! nanda. and miusic' by Edward -Mac- Dowvell, acc(>niJanied, 1Vioday%S%,ON,-' agérs across the Atlantic to, the port -troum which Columbus sailed, and troni there tôo-Barceloiia. A paintinjx of cil)umibus niow in the collection of the Hispanie socicty in New York, and tle vastly different Columbus statue atop a gingerbready cohîin .in a Barcelona square werè the ksubljects * of two of,-Mr. Watson's slides. hý .spilrit of Baircelonia and the gayet* of a Catalonian- band were brougÉht to Winnetka through the. mediumi of Ilizet's "Spanish Serenade.- 'flice success Of the Barcelonuu- ex- position Mr. Watson attributed, to a grou~p-of nien, painted by 1enelito, tliei Spanish portraitist. One of the group, is low ,in.. Chicago, arran gî1ig the! illumination for the Century of Prog- res e-,position as he did thatof the: Barcelonla fair. Delicately colore( p-ictuires, of the illurinated fountains: of the fair had a fitting.accompani- tunent. of Ravel music. ."The Saviour" Too Modern Ravinia ias made Lucrezia I3ori Sc bloved on the north- shore that Monday's audience was sonîiewha, * tartleà at an extreniely unlattéring liead of lier clone by Gargola and * sown by Mr. Watson. Another *too modern piece, a buge mask called The Sa'viour," ivas pictured by Mr.' * Watson witlî a'painting prophesying 'he Secônd Coming of Chriýst*-a whitc-robed Christ standing on the -front seat. of,*a.:1904 mode! ýFr' iklin touring car. T'hese and other modemii Spanish dcsigns-an apartuient building made *etitirely Of curves,, and theé Sacrada Familja' church of Gaudfi, -wit.h 1s twelve lofty sp ires for the twelve *apost les and. its stili loftier spire forý t he Christ-were *shown to demon-, strate how thiese people, with great A Sale: 0f Christ.ma ec ties Tliat.Solk1at $250, $ 350,adJ4 35ý 3 f« 14. EVERY TIE was madle to sel! for $2'50 to94 lon.a. 1erl1aps to the sea. l'le 1nysticàl, 'magical *t'Parsýifal"j music of WVagner, the transformation scelle of the fiÊst act, the faitli motif,' and other parts, worthy above ail other music to -be joined withi the. abode of the Holy Gxrail, accom-1 panied the Monsalvat pcues. The1 records were made -by the Beyreuth: Festival .,orchestra, Mr. Waona- non nced. -f ,.rinÉ'ton . and Chbirch-FVANSTON-ph.: winn. iURR(No 1"Evailston She> Open Every Epenipèg Until Christmnas 0 The IIub, 1931 . ¶ Toil Chrféi