G roup'Sèes, Etchings of Peterboro Artist A shiowiig. of etcinlgs of <Irait *Rcynard, -heltiWensdyof lasi weck at the Fie Arts building, drew aL représentative group of MacDowcll S;ociety iiembýlers. ;Mr. Reyvuard is knnown as 01neote n ii niost, gifted workers at the, l'ejterhorn, colony andi thlis 'Opprturnity was welciniiîîc<lby inany nnortlî shore resideilts. As an exanîplle of the tiinuely ai( given by the .,laç DoivelWas.sociat ion .Xfr. Reynard ftells of his: t ransitiot' fronu. an illustrator, earning a,:. living, Io in artist givinig the best he bas to give, anti running on1 the riinu. Tihe resuits are connpensatory to thos.e hb--liëviing. our art tn bc ainong t!i "spiritual assets of the country." lu the sunlîner ,nof1920 Reynarà. aniuch harasseti artist,"founti hlmi- self, in a secludeti studio anuong 1New H-ampshire bis, orking for Iliimself alone and trying to mecet bts 'owi standards. That fail sawv hini drivinig past the Mletropolitan milusetnni on his way to an art dealer, a butidle nf etchings, p)art of bhis suinîmer's ont-' put, in the back of bis car.ý Sud- denly. an ur ge to study a Rein- brantit prompted I im to park, enter the mutseiunu, take lire irom bhis sur-ý rountiings, begin to Sketch. T'le re- suIt, ',Metropolitani Print Roonui," is consideretionue' of is finçst vworks. Anti in this hour his lick tfook a titra, for the attention oif lie curator ended inl the nmuseuni's purchase of four etchings 'for its permanenît col- lection. Onie of these, "The Waii- tierers," at the end of the exfr.bit was Won as' a :prize by Mirs. l)wight C. Orcutt of Giencoe. * A good mnusic critic anti telighthfil improvisor at thie piano Mr. Reyniard, bas taken 'nany subjcct., froni the musical ivowrî, *' Opera Box,"' "Car- * negie Concert, The 'Trio," "Bec- thoven Sonata" anti anîong the Mfost striking of bis works, studies of' both Konssewitzky andi Toscanini, wvhile contlucting. 0f the formner hie says, "He is like a tireti boy backstage * *after a concert and sticb a surprise to ine. This remal. tirv onl tii The play is to be "Grand i-otel" at the Grand Oper.a bouse. 'Anyone ini. teresteti can procure tickets froni Mrs. William- Sears, 415 Cumuror road, Kenilwort. Chuirch of lEvangton gave at the las. November meeting of the Womna&s club of Wilmette, the jufnior aux- iliary bas offereti a gift of $250 to the Joint Emergency Rèliei ft,îîd, andti teWoiians club itsclfi, througli its Econoniy shop, lias pletigetilsd 1to the same cause. '1'hese iniportant. announcements were nmade at tilt afternoon meeting of, the. Woinan', club NVednesday afteruloon. Deccini- bier 2. The civics departient of the club, in charge of the afternoon's prngraîi wvas representet b.y Mrs. Oscar Hebel, wvho,,graciously introducedý Miss' Es- telle, Bernstein, sopranto, andl Judgý- .Marcus, Kavanagh, speaker of flhe afternoon. Miss Bernstein, with lienry jack-_ son as acconîpanist, wvon enthusiastic applause for ber :charining. prograîn, whicli, consisteti of 'the aria ' Una Voce Poco Fa" froin the Barber 'of Seville," Solviecg's Soîîg" by Grieg, andi "Lo, I-ear the Gentle Lark," and then the encore,- "L1jtle Star." lier voice is clear, ringing, andi young. She is earnest and sincere ini ber siniging and displays understantiing for, the phrasing and inood of ber songs. Her voice, it sceins toY this hearer; is at its best ini its upper -register, wbhere througlh ber trilîs antiruns, se shows her best train- inig, the most facile handling of bler voice,. and, its nîost brilliant toile. Flagrant disrespeet anti fearless- ness of the Iaw, the way inwîl criminal Iaw is adinisteretl, andi lack of respect for autbority, for hIe rights of others, anti lack of train-l ing in obedience are- basic causes. o crime ini this country, one d edùce-ý after hearing Jutige Kavanagi, one ofthe 'mostenxinent juristso ic ~Coutinued on l'age 53) N o t bridge, Club1 to Give Children's Yule Part y 'l'le Northritige \Womilan's club of Xilette'- will bolti its animal Chil- dren's Christinas party on Tuestiay, Dl)cemnber 22. Tbe partY is uinder thet linerls made during the yearby the mernbers of the Ortier of Martha. The linens will go to the. Extension *Society for the, Missions in the Unitedi States. 'ere assistant host- ie DeBlois of thev of Educatin gave talk on jlaythin 'L1S n 1 tô 5 Nvears nf a Most for the age. One or afew durable toy1s of goot' quality are mucli to be pre.ferrc<I ti many cheap téy whîiharà so Jroken anti nelecteti by the cit Many enjoyable lbours niay be fur. niished 'for the childi by luavinig 0'1 luanti a supply of mtrilsuch a,ý bags of wootien blocks secureti fr 1 %u'i a. lunu lber yard . and. road -lieade<I ilails andi goodt tools. Au casel whlicl' nmay be easily miate. iii the bomle worrouîfurnishes -thie child %witlh agooti place té paint on large paper, wi»h calciminle painlt. antidprs hlis ow.vn ideas on paper. A chilti shoulti also have somle to' such as aý velocipetie or cart witlî which *he cail play, out doors and have ,action. Ail chiltireri love to tiraînati;ze amiî slioulti .,have toys witli whichi thc' may dio 80. For a girl, tiolîs, dilics. play bousehold toNys, are recoii-- mendeti; for boys, large blocks %itli wbicb to, builti, soldier ant i idianl suits,. anti. nuechianical. toyssn ch a, trains, and boats anti aéroplanes 'Mrs. Ralph Moo"dy'He.ads,: Infant Welfare Board Thle Wilrnette Senior Infant Wei- fare board met at the honie of iMr. R.' Tencher, 828 Ashilanti avenue. Montjay, December 14. Besidles the 'sewing of the~ much needeti baby.' garments for the Alice Wood sýtation1 andi the regular business' esi ýî t revision of the by-laws Wvas acccpt- cd. The floigotficers also %vere Mrs., Raîpl IXV. Moody 33 M5sh- landi aveniîe, chairman.; Mrs. Charles, A, McCoy, 730 Ashlanti avenue, vice- cliairînan; Mrs. 'Hayes Mý\cKininey-. 1035 Cluestnut avenue, recording secreary; rs. Hubert. Carleton, 1 103 Fýorest avenue, correspontiing. seçretarv; Mrs. Judson F. Stone, 1234 Asfiland avenue, t reasurcr; Nfrs. Haroldi B.,- Foster, 120 Wootibine avenue, sewing chairman; MNrs, T. B. Potter, "607 Forest' avenue. 'assistant seving chairmali, Nfrs. 'R. Tencher, - -*~.. -111N oi' mozAJiey: to the Joint Emergency -Relief funti, $100 on its pletige of $400; to Great Lakes Unit x,$100; to Infant Welfare, Arden Shore, anti Wiluxette Hjealth centeS $25 each; a total of,$275. ;for nai Sa t te animal pantry saile to 1 given hy the Sisterbooti of the Northl SIiore Congregâtion, Iraël MoiiidaV. l)ûecnibcr 21,- at the temple. i.ilicil:l and< Verfiion avenues, GCloMs I.oiiA. uekifof Wvilnîett, cliair.- Illin Oil 'iv ways and nieaîîs coýin- 11111 tee. is l)ing.assisted by hù .lwfoi cakeüs anicookies, NlYs,. li, 1, Irlin of i'unuetka assiste«i hv ls. lBý(eitiînand M1~rs. H. Kahn of XVi1- nletka, Mfrs. B. Morrison ai Mr 'l Stein of Glencoe; ini charge of catiîdve and Énuts,, Mrs. Charles Sificere of (;lencoe, Mrs. Max Livingstou of \\*inncltka. 'M\1rs.' Fred Sneckcn.Mrs Saiuel Goodman anti Mrs. Josepli Mîichacîs of Highland Park.: ;-i chiarge of 'jehlr andti oodlves, Mri., .larry C"annman of Highlandi Par'; ai NMrs.'William Cowan of> Eval-. ton; receiving room, Mrs.- Felix lI.owv' *anti à1rs. j. F. Greenebaum of W\il iietka; telephonies, Mrs. Percv, Coý%-4'q o'f Gleticoe; wrapping booilh, Mrs. MIillt!ilon of Highland Park anti ilr,. WXar-renî Sbuster of \Vinîîetka; eceition coinnuittee, \Ir,. LusLiq- 'lenthal of Glencoe. >Mrs. Barnett Faroîl of iueîai i'reside,ît of the organizationi. Llnlcheon ii ill be served at 12 :30 o'clock. for which 'reservatiotis are 'heing ruceiveti at the temple (,r 1w Mfrs. .1. Scbunman of 890 Cirecnii od avejîne. clWinne'tka. 'It-is rqett tliat vryone l)ring orle or miior(. ~anwicwsto be distrilntr<l. to Clii- eago 'v'or shoolchiltirenl. T'liere will be a display of Indus- trial, WAorkshop protiucts, suitable for' gifts andi réady for inmediat<: deliv- er3ýs. 1w M'rs. Abel iDavis, of Glencoc. aS tted .by. -lier connitc rs Richard Mayr, rs. Sam A.ishnîani, à1rs. Jacob Franikel, Mrs., Gilbert Loe'we; antiNlrs. Albert J. WÀeisberg of Glut(coe, and -Mrs. Richard Ui- malin anti \Ijs.Walter Lilienificîi ç f 1-ligiand Park. To See Merionettes The Woman's club of Wilmnette is giving its annual Christmas pat'ty for chiltiren Wednesday, December 30. at 2 o'clock ini the afternoon. Nich-, olas Nelson will presefit a perform- ance ýof hismarionettes.