1,kith, Cales Larsofl, Johnt Millier, Carroll Murphy, Paul 1PiIil»s, ,%.thurj V eldon..HooalMetn V)on AlfoËd, .Earle Bloruev, e pr x Býrooks, Caineron Bro wn, Bill 1:Wuse, niam, Charles, Venrick, . Milton Voire, Clyde Warble, Charles Wli-tstbt', Vrauînk nîlim, JanisWof ilonor Roll 8ydIliey 1)ate, George Iluîît., (iirlen KiiJlpp. Williani -Rohltif g, ýBurti %v,. er, AI Ackerman, .1-is MBrdsal, %Viliam Brt.incri Edmnid Fi.z-z.i,Ed Johns,"iV illiamn Ray, tL*hrleê-, liey,. nolds, Ben WNhelan, Roger learrt-tt, Joèhni Bteckmann, IDavid .Elsenilitii,,Norman. .Moldinie, William. Nord nurg, 11lieia rd -~ead, TmThale, John, %n der Vriesî, Bob: Walpole, Harry t*-. Honorable Mentiont Charles Brown, Lawrenct Iîkn- ter, Burt Falkenburg, Ray L'nnî 1b- crt. Flec eCharles Holne,,ia nie- Kraft, John LukQ, jaines MvXtil, Wâl- tcr Merrill, Beni Olds. Ed%%-ird eîiI¶ Stan Schuman., Jaok Seli- ~mi iloior iRoll Bill1 3owefl, I3trrage a~i,.oi .àathison, Locke Rogers, John GriIith, Geirge Maxwell, John Cohrad , te ;ibrPaul.Gllett, liuhard iHall, JIames Kingery, Jack Long, ('y. Mac- Kinnon, Dick Oison, John. Phillips. Don Vail, Wallace Crawford. E~oc liarry Hughes, Bill katz, Ltv Korn- tlith, .:Fred Kriebel, Vernait IRuge11, Jv.rette Warshawsky, WýCrrien Vuuîg. HIonorable Mention' Marice Bosley, Vaugiiraat John JIyrne, Bill1 Chichester, Perry Crîw ford, Boi )Davis, Sanford Glfford. Joe Har- rio, Bob Hermanson;.i, 1ni1dolph * .acobnson, David Jasper. Louis Kleinl, 13111 'Mechior, Bob cGie,;eo'igé. Melvin, Melvin Si1verinan. George S Itokes, Bertram Tlich, CGrç,ss %Vil lian ms, arry Woldexiberg. FBESHMAN BOIS~ Alan HIenrekson. Harry i1,ttle!Ib, charles Broad, Roy Pemniot'.n, Paul, * Jemipsey, Geor~ge Frie4*04, Douglae, Loper, William Martin, Warter .ebultz., Walker Jenseni, John Adanis, Marvîn. B3rand, Davild Gooder Thoma.s Ililde-, brandt, Bertil.Hller, Fred Iloian, Carl Johnsen, Gordon Matthews. i'ýd-; ward Mee, Jarnes Mtigs, Theodobre -.mlth, éPaulWigt *H ouorable Mention Euls Ballard, Jerry Born,. Graha,11v Buirke, Hugh Catrnngton, Bill Condy, Bill1 Crawford, James. Donovati, Rotwrt PaoRobert,. Garrettso, OJamîes4 Ger- rard, NorbertHapp,_Mitchell Hutûhlfl-ý during the lule hnduays. BANQUET FOR SWIMMERS On Friday~ Deteniber 18. thirty- five inembers of Shawnee Cousntry cI.t.b Who have càtpleted the "ten- mile swhiC *ill e.giién ia banqu et.! It was also decided to establisbi and .publish a list of certified Merit Badge counsetors who right give in- struçtions in. the v'arious MNerit Badges of thc Boy Scout. programn, this phase of the work coriiing under* the .Ieadersllip. of Jolusi Lawsôn Wboe is chairmain of.the Cot of Hlonor committee-for the district. Other itemns of dis;cussionI were the registration of eIl wort h -Scouters in thé' Universitýv of Scouting. a Herey guards ri~ ...arcb. * J y %i*S** %-it LV.- anus, M. W. Van Arsdale, John Lawson and M~yron C. Ryboit. REAL ESTATE LOANS Have, funds to boan on North Shore restidential property at rea- sonable rates. Ses us on renewals. Also inortgages for.aie. FL G. Pauling &7C0. le -S. La salle St. Franklin 7740 $15.00O to $M00OO mw. st iloe CUIM 1' Mmik is ,one of, Nature's most ".'f r*agi1c" foods. Cônstant Iow temperature plays an imiportanit part in its. proper'delivery. That is why in the, warmer months, each and every bottle of Bow- mants Milk is cradled deeply down in pure,: crystal-clear ice. rut MI L K 0F %TLPERIOR Fl À VO R 1 il.