board's ping pong tournament are expected to reach the fin al gaines after toniorrow (Fridav) evening's play at the StoIp gymnasiuni. Eight players are. stili in the mun- ninig in the junior division, and will statrt their second- ro u nd. of play at: 7,-30 o'clock tomoôrrow. At 8 o'clock the fourteen players reniaining ini th.e senior division will start the second round of elimination and continue the play throughout. tit evening uintil the champion ping pong 'player is de- termined., jThe first matches in tomorroW' s play in the junior division will be be- tween the following players: Marcel Kneip vs. Jerry" Boru; William Conldy vi.ý Frank Koenen; CGordon Wells vs. jack Harvey; Arthur Nielson vs. John Kneip. The second round matches ini the senior division will be between:* Louis Condy vs. Henry Mil er; Joe Moody vs. AI Heerens; Bob Meter vs. H. Freundlich; Dr. George F.; Eisenbranid vs. Jerome Cicchini; Harry Stone vs. George Thelen; Joe Thelen vs. MiltonReid. Results oïf the matches in the pre- liminary rounds last Friday were: Marcel Kneip defeated Ralphi Jerome, 211,2-0 rnk Koenen i defeateci Watèr Lyman,- 21-17, 21-15;1 Gordon Wells defeated John St.Clair, 21-1, 21-4;. Jack, Harvey defeated John Hawley, -25-23, 22-20; John _Kneip defeated Charles M lhatiser, Senior division: H-enrv Miller de- feated Peter Wagner, 21-13 21-18; A. Heerens defeated Arnold Ott, 21-16, 2 -12; H. Freundlich defeated J. Dick, 21-16, 17-21, 21-16; Jerome Cic- chini defeated Stanlev Hawkins, 21-10, 1 21-19; Harrv Stone defeated R. 1.J Nicholer, 21 17, 21-16; Leroy Harvey defeated Iver Burhans, 21-2, 21-8; Joe Thelen ,.won by' forfeit f rom Ed Mooney:-, Milton Reid dlefeated C. * Sterner, 21-3, 21-O; Leroy Harvey de- feated John.Wagner, 21-18, 18-21, 21-1 13. The lic., matches are open toý the-puh- West. ms, East. Siders. (25) IR.- $ulllvan IR.' Mooney J. Blaha J. ONeil V. Meter E.Mooney G.Ellas Kann *H. vonl P1. Todd, referee 8-Roceks (20) 1-. Herbon C.'Moreau R. Moran J. Gaither B. MNeeker R. Manul uing, refe*ree EIi4tes (12) Wildcats (21") R. Werden A. ýRusso R. Mann E. Young A. Roemer J. Allworth V. White W. Young R. FlIetcher J. Gaither Kanning, referee Aces (18) Junior A. C. (51) J. -Stein. R. Waters W. Foslund c.Williamson R., Moran S. Keil B.~ Boran ,H.Specht Kanffig, ?eferee Treani standings: East Siders ......... Junior: A. C. . --- 5 0 Sophomores .... ..3 2 WestidMers .... 2 A ces .. ... ..... ..- W ildcats ;,..... 2, 3 8-RQcks ........ 1 4. ]Mites................ 0 5 "B"911BASKETRALL Resultsý of gaines leaguo for mon: Hoffmian Flo'ist Il (26) W. Johnson P. Wagner G. Huck R. Evans J. Hoffman R. Reairdon E. Phllps - .Ridge Pharmalcy R. Steffens A. 'Bauer J. ilers A. Sehiniler 600 40o 400O 46ô, 200 000 ila B -Basketball Lynam Texacos (17) A. Bernarde L. Gender A Cranmer C. Steffons J. Hartley P.: (22) S. Palmer H. Specht R.Kean TP. Connelly. D. Mclntyre C. Hall Kanning, referee Flo$ist Il (51) St. John Brownles (58) M. Lauer E. Burpee E. .Paterson P. Burpëe M. Paterson H-. McDermiott 'ggle, refere 111. Bell1 Riggle, refer New ITrier M. *Gordon 'r. Wilson J. Kehi D. Voiman, E. pottel. Basketeers (4) D. 'Schinler L. Hoffman 0. H-.offmin V. Fitzhugh J. Krier E. Regan Speclals (1 G. Allen S. Keil Telephone (10) A. Berna'rde F . Toscan! 31. Sesterhen >D. IRyan ---- QSehneli '%.,Berger M. Iloetzer A. Schwall C. Stupika 5) X-2. (16) R.Solonion E. von Relnsperg B. Bairdl K. Hoftmeler P. Caneton Rlggle, referee < R4 Tearn standings- Schultz and Nord (5Ï) V. Johnston E. Berndsten A Stempel F. Clifford C. Ilidier X Nord ggJ.e, refereen W. L. Schultz and Nord 0 Brownltes............4 i1 Wild Indians .......4 1 Mallinckrôdt ..,...... 3 2 X. Y. Z...........;.3 ý2 X-1-.-.............. 2 2 New Trier Specials . .2 3 Illinois Bell Telephone 1 4 X-2 ..................0_._4 Basketeers...........O0 5 Six Bits .... . ...o 5 VOLLEY BALL Resuits of asat ek's volley garnes:. Methodist (15, 16) Baptiet (8, Otto Gepper-t George Will Carl Geppert Earl Me, Leslie iTannawalt George L Dewey Anderson Car .Walter Lindblad, Art Young" H-offman Florist 1 . (15, 15) Jake Heffman Alex loffman Eiarl Miller George. Huclç ff .Phillips pet. .,00 800. 600 60() 500 400 200~ 000 000 000 bail 8, 14) Ilianis IDow L~amb rlson gberg. Wilimette Tailors (5, 8), .William Thalman Ernest Thalman Robert Braun Elmier Keil G0oý'ge Thamman Bd Schlldgen (5, 5) Gy w Williary Green and the golf course at. the foot of Greenleaf avenue -Tuesday Rnrnng laying the first coat of ice for Wilmette?s public skating ponds. which, if weather forecasts can be- reliedupon, should be ready for pub- l ic skating dur ing the. coning W-eek- end. The fields were banked.and smooth- ed over in late November preparatory for the first cold.speil whien a pernia- tient foundaioni for ice cQuld be laid. The two ice ponds wiII be open: to the public.,during the holidays f rom Q, o'clock in the morning until 9 o'clock in. the*evenings everyv day ini the week, dependent.of course. on the weather conditions. After the. holiday season. the ponds wil be kept open froin 3 o'clock in the afternoon until 9 o'clock in the. evening and on Satur- days and Sundays froin 9 o'clock in the inorning9 until 9 o'clock at night. Attendants provided by the Play- ground and Recreàtion board will be in charge of the skating with au- thority to enforce the regulations governing each pond during the scheduled hours when the ponds are open to, the public. No person is al- iowed on the ice when theý ponds are, flot officially open,- Daniel-M. Davis,, dietrof recreation announces. DEFEAT CHICAGO FIV)E ýLyman's Texaco basketbalIl teani of Wilmette defeated the Streaks A. C. of Chicago Tuesday, December 8, at the Howard school gymnasium by a score of 16 to 14. Thei Streaks are champions of the Albany Park dis- trict and thet rimrning was thé first suffered by the Chicagoans in two years. "Red" Jones, former New Trier High school star, scored the winning basket for the',Texçacos in the waning seconds of. play., The Texaco uine-up was as: follows: G. Geuder, left forward;é A. Bérnardi,. right. forward;, A. Cramner, tenter;- L. Steffens, left guard, and 'P. .1oncs, right guard. D. Langdon. J. Harrison G. Stone T. Oberineler. J. Lawton J. Moore Kanning, referee Blackhawks (27) Shgmrox (17 J. Iverson V. Wyle P.. Jones W. Rogers R. Horne T1 . Sullian Other social functions> are being planned for the "*W" club group for intervals during the remainder of the school year and the Recreation au- thorities plan to effect a permanent organizaffion for'letter winners în the variousý sports to extend from year to Ratgile, referee uonrea.LiuIli ... . 4 Hoffman FlorletIIl . .l Wilmette Talors .... 1 4 Blackhawks .......1 4 "A" BASKETBALL Resuits of gaines ln Men's A1 1Basketball: Hawks (40). K. ofg L. Langdon J. H E. Berol H L. Onlon 1 100IV1 .. l 1uvg odd, refere e 100 100 Teuin standingW: 1OP W. Blackhawks .........6 Presbyterlan ......... 3 League Hawks............ 4 Sham'rox...... .....3 C. (21) State ]Bank-.........3 eitman K. of C......2 Sieren Irish ý................1 Meter Mthodlst ..........O *pet. 1,000 750 667 600 338 167- 000, Xgnning,. referee