.A duice to Motorist 'Making surveys of this and that steems quite the fashion nowdays," says U. C. Abel, of the Abel Battery and Ignition service, 716 Elm street,i .Winnetka, local, Exide dealers, " but much. information of practical value can, bc obta.ined. "For instance," be continues, "a survey was made by the mnanufac-, turers of Exide batteriesto find out, ap>proxittiateiy, how many tim es, a battery to start his car. "The information obtained was higbly interesting. It was foun d that the average was 2,200 times a year. That nieans that the average automo- bile battery discharges current at a high, rate about this number, of times depending of course on thec'use 'to whicb the car is put by its.owner. "This information is. of value -in many ways. It emphasizes the deces- sity of keeping a wàtchful eye, on one's, battery from time to time, es-j h M I VUg~'IrnUd Dou't be fooled by the niild weather strAeae aule te conu. Play sue lw havinj your car pre- Pared, today,for, the rougin wiuer d&iv- ing conditions. Main S &7e -e . IL E* flyAv. Change. to Proteet the Rediaî,ir PRIESTONE ALCOHOL LINCO HOT WATE* HEATER THEOIL WE"LL it at I ;.éA.. Bob 'n' Mlle ruons wuamcue ,~jjq 'I Il "In coId weather," Mr. Abel assert- eci, "the engine is harder to turn andi the efficiency of any battery, regard- iess of its make, is lower. According-. iy, a battery that bas been working ail right during the warm weather may not be in condition to stand an ificreased> load with, lowered efi- ciency. .41n warm, weather a battery can be in a pretty poor condition and yet be capable of tur ning over an engifne. 1"But whe.n frosty niornings corne, the* weakness in batteries beginsi to appear, usually catching the motor- ist unawares. Battery inspction at this ýtime is good insurance against unexpected battery failure this winter." FINAL ROAD LETTIlNG The third and fina Ilnois state road letting in November resulted in the opening. of apparentiy satisfac-1 tory bids for- 102.66'tmiles of paving, 19 miles of gradinig and.' 16 brid ge jobs at a os of $4~644,263.36, accord- ing to an announcement made by thef state bighway officiais. 0f tbe, pav- ing, about 96 miles will be 18, feet9 wide; 6.14 miles will be -'-0 feet andi 1.45. miles wiil be widening to 40 reet. MORE CONTRACTS n Ilinois highway officiaIs have placed fifteen road and bridge con- c struction projects under contract 0 since November 28. The awards made'%N Is Opposed by Auto Club In an open letter to the nienibers of the state senate and legislature. the. Automobile Club of llinois through its president, Si Mayer, ba%, registered a determined' protest against the proposed, increase in the gasoline tax, and predicted that the autoists not qniy in Chicago, but throughout. the state, ,would rise- in revoit if the inmeasure were passed. Mr. Mayer point.ed out that, sixty- five, percent of 'tbe car, users are numbered in the working class, mauiy of ,tbem carpenters, brick-layers, plasterers, painters and eiectricians being identified with the building in- dustry wbhich for the past, two vears has been at a standstiil. "Nta few of these men live in outlying communities and are vir- tuaiiy conipeiled'to use their cars as a means of transportation. Theyare hesitant about using, public. convev- ances because of their overail attire. "These a-utoists-, lready paying, perionai property taxes, city and state license fées, and a three cent gasoline ta.x, be stated, feit that they, Were shouldering moreta tei share of the, burdenP, and reconi- mended stringent' economy ny uad- sinstration budgets." caii for $947,364 worth of work, much, of which can go forward during the Au Ideal Clirilstmas Present I NEW- SYNCRO B. MESH It Pleases the Entire Family CHVROLE six JFRE WHEUNG 'AT would b. i '.ry member of foir less than twice Chevi 'Hero. trulv im a ecar fi,.. Vour Neighborhood Dealer NORTIHSIHORE CI]I1EVIOLIEITSAL.ES sD'L £ 58UI é3,Y%,VV AIM5~4L i.r.cuy u()PPoss:e the De.ot' Phon Wimete 4414 Phoice, Wiimette 3334