Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Dec 1931, p. 64

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? d»an ýon- &U eass i tb ordor adveItl.neuêahez ..br.uht te our 69 t tou centràlAitvemineutte, or "a Juneau.Av.., WImn.tlk. Dedin or nsertions .ýCaéilleWd adv.rtismens wi a WLIETEL11M or., ail -tbree paPeru; Wednesday 9'.P. )L, for WINUTK TLKand -Tbursdar 5 P. M. for> GLENCOE, NE wu. Telepbonee:wilmette 4300. Wnnetka 82006. GreeÛleaf 4800 or Sheidrke 407. a LOST AND FOUND LOST- MONDA Y, DECEMBER 7TH,.. maie cairn terrier, answers to neme 'Peter." ýReward. Pli. Wlmette 1673. 2LT33-Itc BOYS BLACK FUR COAT WITH leather aleeves los1t. between th and. 7th streets and Laurel avenue. Ré- ward.. Wtlmette 3365. 2L33-ltc LOST-DOG, CURLY BROWN WAT- er Spantel'wlth Door C.,Wisconsin, Ilepse plate on collar. Rew*ard. Ph. LOST-DECEMBER 9, GERMAN PO- lice dog, female, brown and tan, very iehy. Much loved pet. Reward. Ph. Wilmette 4840. 2LTNS3-ltc S ANTIQUES Antique banips ASSAND FIGURES,.WIRED AND repaired by experts. We ,heeç.. thorough knowledge of antiqu s and *perlods and design lamp shades that' are appraprlate and in good tagte. Prices reasonable. GOODRICH STUDIOS 1522 Sherman Ave., Cor. Grove St. 5LTN33-ltc * THE UNUSUAL CHRISTMAS Girl,. Anttqýuea--inc. furniture, glass, china, prints,aiver, Jewelry, etc. Many smal1 articles from $1.00 up. Mrs. Grover, 903 Michigan Ave., Evanston. Tel. Day.' 1868. 5LTN33-lte 9 MUSIHEES mmmVICf All Ktnds of Carpenter Work Pone JOHN BOESCII Ph. Wilmette 2185. Il. DRESMAKIIIG LNStf,*l 1 26A NOmmES OARDED WANTED BOARDING EHORSES AND Pontes grained twlce a day and Put In -box stalsa at .night. Witt return thetu ln better condition than when they were received..Best of refereince. Tel. Lake Foiest 410,. Warren . Mer- riek. 26A*L33-1t» For SALE-ýGREEN WIN TER COAT, fur. coliar and cuffs. Yr. old, perfectI condition. Arrange price to, suit you.. Cali afencoe 119~4. 33LT33-ltp TtJXEDQ AND ACCESSORIES, SIZE 38, wvorn twice. $10. Winnetka 1732. 33LTN33-ltc LEATHER COATS, BROWN, SIZE 12 and 14. Good condition. Ph. Win- netka 1205. 33LTN33-ltp FOR SALE-TUXEDO SUIT, SIZE ;8, in goond condition. Reas. Ph. Wil1- muette 493. 33LTN33-lte GIRL'S SHEARED LAMB COAT JN excellent condition. Size 12. Ph. WiI- mette. 3588. 33LTN33-lte 3S LOANS [OANS TO ?liÔPEftTY OWNERS. Make and Ibuy lst and 2nd ntottgages. EVANSTON. BOND & MTU.. CO. 618 Grove St. Greenleaf 5600 38LTN36-tfo 41 BIT. WANTED-PEMALE CALL. PAULINE'S WINNETICA 2662 We place oàIly experienced domestic heiq. Rèferences tnvestigated. OVer five thoueand, No. Shore homes se- cured help fromn Pauline's Emp. Agencies 748 Elm St. Wtnnetka. 4 No. Shoro offices. EXCELLENT COOK OR GENERAL housework. Congenial.' Good ref. Cati Ora Hayes, Greeuleaf 9237. 4ILTN33-îtp GERMAN GIRL, NURSE. OR GEN-ý eral housewýork. Best ref., last place. 4 yrs. Telephone Lincoln 3776. 41L33-ltp EXP. wo MÀX WANTS GENERAL hourework.: N. S.' ref. Ph. Wllmette. 3504. 41L33-ltp POSITION- COOKING, SERYING, ýBY dayý, weok. or hour. Cali Deerfield 501. 41L33-ltp WAITRESS, SERVE. DINNERS OR take a place to 1111 in by the week. WInn.. 1823. 41LTN33-ltp 42 STUATION WANT£Xb-MALE EXP. YOTJNQ MAN WANTS WORK byr the day or hour. Serving and watt- tng table, wlndow washing,. dean wails, and'ceiliniga Drive cai' or any~ other odd jobs. Ca>il Wtnnetka. 1397. YOUNG GENTLEMAN, HUNGARIÂN, wishes positionÏ as houseman, chauf- feurý and.gardener. Ph. Wil. 256-1. 42LTN33-lne MAN DESIRES CHAUFFEUR WORK or cleanlng by the hour or day. Ref. Rleasonable. Ph. Wiimette 189. 42LTN33-lnc EXPER. WHITE CHAUFFEUR, WILL- ing to do anything around the bouse or yard. Good N. S. ref. Phone Winnetka 928. 42LTN33-ltl> EeXPER. MAN WANTS HOUSEWORK. N. S. ref. Ph. Wilniette 3073. 42LTN33-Inc EXPER. MAN, CARE 0F FURNA'CES, shovel walks, wasb Windows, etc. Phone Wnnetka 1552. 42LTI33 -ltp 44 HELP WANTE-FEMALE A HIGH SCHOOL GIRL FOR HELP with housework and care of children daily.after school and 'Sat 'urday and Sunday mornings. Mrs. A.:D. Pettee,ý 459 Drexel Ave. Ph. Giencoe9 02. 44%T33-ltc . 20 POSITIONS* OPEN for-experigeced White dbrnestie: *help, must bave .working' refs. and be under 35 yrs.. of age. . Appiy in person only PAIJLINE's AGENCIES 748 EJnWnek 1930' Chevrolet coupe, tuin. seat .. .. $300 1929 Ford, 2 dr. sedan............ $165 1932 Nash, light 8, sedan ...... >.... $750 1930f Hupmobile, 4 dr. sedan, 6 wire wheels, sold new for $2,400, wtll seli for............. ......$900. 1932 Model 490 , Nash 8sdn, wr wheels. List price $1,M9, will sell for $1,200. Car driven 6,000 miles. STANDARD MOTOR SECURITI ESCR. OPEN EVIENINGS TILL 10 'O0CLOCK 1119 Chicago Ave. UNlversi.ty 0057 48LTN33-ltc CLEANUP Before Inventory 30 USED) CARS 0P EVERY DESCRIPTION Grea tly reduced prices., Easiest terms ever. Buy now and save. 1735 Benson Ave. Cor. Clark St. FORD ROADSTER,. LAI'E 1930, HIGH speed . transmission, heater, si1de mounts. Ph. Winnetka 2958. 4SLT33-ltp, CHEVROLET TRUCK-PANEL BODY -no, reas. oWfer refused; also Pines front for 31 Chevrolet. Phone Win-. netka 1205. -.48*LTN33-1tp 50AUTO SUR gVICE, WH-Y PAY $2 AN HR. FOR HAVING(; your car repaired If you can have It dose for haîf, by an expert? Donc ln youir or my garage, or over. night. Wil cail and deliver. N. S5. ref. Save mor.ey and cail Mr. Iraut, ICenilworth 1146. 5OLTN33-Itp Si ,FOR RgNT-RoOhuS ROOIM FURNISHED WITH LARGE fiat top desk, excellent -bed, coonfor- table readtng chair, iamp, dresser, Ha's 3 windows andl adjoinirig lava- tory. Also garage space. Ph. Wil- mette 3696. -5lL33-ltp LARGE PLEASANT, FURN. ROOM, also connecting single room., Kitchen and garage optional. East side, Ph. Kenilworth 86. 51LTN33-lteý PLEASANT ,FRONT- ROOM, ITOT water heat, close to bath. Near tranisp. Reasonable. Wlinetka 810. 51LTNZ33-ltp UOOM ROR RENT, DOUBLE OR single, near "L." Private home, aiso. garage._126_Fourth S'L Refs. jrequljred. mu MY QUV L.I.> >m rEPND1Ai5LE ~LAUN- dres-cleaner, cecans the corners, BZAUTIFUL BOSTON PUPPY, CHAM- waqhes fine things carefully, uses any pion stock, reduced Christmas price. washcr. Utiversity 1943. 41LTN33-ltp 1776 Etes Ave.i,Chicag.o. 26LTN33-ltp EXPER. WOMAN WANTS LAUNDRY BEAUTIFIJ L CHOW PUPpy FOR or cleaning' by the. day.. Ref. Cal sile. Phone Wtnnetka 3841. 2OL33-ltp , Wilmette 4288 afteýr 5:30. 41LTN$3"-lne 4bULTN3 .-ItC . " 'i Va.,w itrette. O5A-LTN31-tfc SALESMEN WANTED - NEA1P Ap.. s FOR ftENT-APAgUENT pearing. Young mes who are sot *afraid to work, Sec E. R. Anderson, POR RENT TWO ROOM KITCHEN- * /o North Shore Coke and Chemîical ette apartrnent near transportation CO., Waukegan, 111. 4àLTN33-1tp steaiS heat, electrical refrigeration. Cali Wilinettê 1800. 564TN31-tfc *NEAT COLOREr> COUPLE-M3AN AS chauffeur and housemnan. -Wife ceook ONE 3-RM. KITCHENETTE, APT. and maid. N. S. ref. Cali sith, Humphrey Building. Winnetka .98 or Kenwood .8919. -45LTNÏ-îtp 3328.. 56LTN20-tfc R A. j . 1 i

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