E±rnest - ShapI<e'r, . Raymond Peterson, Jeromne Nevins, Harry Kramner, Paul Emirick, Charles Beck, Robert Ednmonds, Deon. Trimmer,. Harry .Enïrick, Chfane Beck, Bil MiacMorran, Bob %IacMorran, Bob Brumbaugh, Dick Roth, Jimr An- derson, Bill Wilcox, Robert Eldridge. Howard MoNfulding,: Raymond Engels; Troop 4-Harry Hendrickson, Armeri JorJo!ian, 'Bill Jenkins, Norman Trck, Dlaniel Kaurneyer, B iglow Haley, H. Stock,,, Bill Lehie, Jerry Bonn,. Theo- dore Field, Robent Tansili, Gervasse Barnhill,. Elmer Stone, Bill Bersch; Troop 5-Herbent. Lang, Bill Hart, Ash- ton Taylor, Graham Burke, Bill Beebe, Charles Ripley; Troop 8$--Herman Bir- land, Rowland, Davis, Larry Toiwen, Howard Jones, Hall. Clark,. liaidane Wilson, 'Bil Hanvey; -Troop1 10-Fred Bakcer, Jeromne Maher,' Jerome Puize, Clarke Kirwin, John. Welter, Edgair Goetz; Troop, 12-Ed Joyre. Firmas Loan Trucks Tlhe VilIlage of 'Wilette and several business concerns hel.pèd the Scouts with the: cartage and storage of *the bundles. TIhese inc1%ded Edi'nger Coal and Mate- rial company, with one truck; 11offnian Brothers Coal and Lumber, with. one truck; Kutten Brothers Coal company, wvith onie truck, and the Rensch Sorage MVareliotiùge. with onie truck. The Vill lage of Willmütte provided five truclks. Services of tivelve men, employes of the, vios compariiies and of the VIlae were provided to man the trucks. The paper wýas stored in the Kutten coal yards. Arthur Lee, civic service chairman,. for Wilmette. Scouts. arranged for the transportation and storage of the paper. Scouts reporting for duty in Kenil- w-orth were: Springer, J. Smith, V. Smnith. Holden, Tomi Cruttenden. A., Cruttenden. Carlson. Mclntosh. Weese, ~Wl'Anderson, Noves,. Dickerson, Pautlstiëk, G. Jones.> D. Jones, Carpen- ter, Cutler, Stilîman, Resseque, WNork- man. Lee, Harrison, B aker , Fyfe, Sal- isbury-, Stebbins. jack Fitgcrald,:Mor-. ey. Bernis, Hildebrandt, Cornell, and Scoutmaster Bob Townley. eTrucks for cartage wvere provided by C. A. Thorson and supervised by Carl- ton Thorson. D. S. Crooks, chairman of thie Scout civic service cornmittee ini Keniil\vrth, -,vas. ini general charge. 'was wvritten by F. C. Hapold, and set to the nmusic of l4th to I7th cei- tury carols l)y R. R. Broomne. 'Mad- anie Gilderoy Scott, director of the two choirs,. brouglit the 'lY wt her frotniEngiand a ye.ar ago. Followý.ig lis, the personnel: Director, Madamne GiIderoy Scott; stage manager,. désigner of stage* set- ting and electrician, Fred Borgfeldt; organist, Lydia Koch ,wardrtobe i tress, Mrs. J. C- Blaylock; assisteant wardrobé ites Mrs. W. A. Mc- Keighan. (Authenitic médieval costumes exe- eutedby the worten of the ehurctlh.) (2ast (in order of apýpearance) The Messenger . . .. Mme. Gilderoy Scott T'he .Innkeeper at B3ethlehem ...........George Wiliiil' A 'Vagabond.. .... ..... Gilbert Rober- First Shepherd .. ......... Arthur Scott, Second Shepherd .......... A. Heerens Third Shepherd ......... William Burns A Soldier of King Herod . .Walter H4asa Three Wise Men: Melchior ....V.Beýnjamin, Richards Gaspar....... ..Z.A. Parkhurst Balthàsar.......A. E. Gebert The Virgin Miar»y-., r G. NS.. Lamb St. Joeh.....Charles V lr Train of.-Heralds a.nd. Gift Bearers,... ý.....Junior choir Heraids: Lillion Jolies, Gladys Pheipý, M,%arcia Anderson, Cythera Guthridge, Susan Andlers -on, Virginia DaIdtrom. OIift Bearers: Jane Biayiock, Anna Gertrude Orvis, Janice. Guthridge, Lois Jane Roberts, Betty Gebert, Roxemery Mcl(Keighan, Joan Guth- rýidge, Ruth Phelps, Lucille-Heerens, ýEllen Jones, Martha Hartmiat, Imoý- gene Kaufmap. Quire ot the Hea-venly H-ost r (Senior Choir> : Grace Parmiele, Marion AI- lison, Hazel Green, Geraldine Seipp, H1elen Benkowski, Clara Orv'1s, Helen Orvis, Helen Hauisman, Pearl Hloose, Ora P1helps, Mesdames Gllderoy Scott, * EdNvin Phelps. Fred Leason; Mesrs. : Joseph Metzger, Walter Haas, Arthur Youngberg, Gilbert Roberg, Ros Blaylotëk, Johin Dernehl.. A free will offerlng is to be taken to cover the cost of the production.. Highcrest Pupils if) Christmas Fete Friday Plans have been completcd for the Christmas program 'to be given at the Highcrest school, Illinois road and'Twenty-third street, Friday afier - noon of this week at lo'clock. The. school wil. .losey for the Christmas vacation'1 Çllowinno the tnrorram. A was suggested to the Village board by Dr. W. W. Hawkins, Wilmette health comniissioner, and Mrs. Ruth H. Snyder, chairman of the board's public service committee, introduced the motion for the drwnupote ,ordinance.* Licensé fees will' be. charged restaurants, :meéai markets, groceries, l)akeries,. beauty parlors, laundries and other .business places, if the ordinance is adoptêd. Bentley McCloud, fr., will be home Friday from Princeton university to spend the Christmas holidays with his parents iniKeilwo.rth. Tenth.b Street and Central. Avenue prugrain, wnîcln was uncier the direc- tion of Mrs. Marian Cotton, head of the music department., and Miss Win- nifred Mickey and Miss Adelaide Jones, two other members of the de- partment. Froin ail parts of the toWnship have corne words of "praise for the work of. the students who. took part in the mu sicale and. for th 1e leaders who trained them. The'deco- rations for .the programn were i çharge. of Miss Catherine Murphy of the New Trier 'art department. Mr. and Mrs. Fred -S. Skeel are spending. the winter at 338 Wood- stock avenue, Kenilworth. Wilmette, Iii.. SUNIDAY SERVICES -itA. MK WEDNE8DAY ~- TESTIMONIAL MEETING 8 P. M. SUNDAY SCHOOL EXERCISES-9:45 A. M. 111ECEMBER 20, 1931 Subject; IS THE UNIVERSE, INCLUDING: MAN, EVOLVED BY ATOMIC FORCE?' READING ROOM-z 148 Central Avenue Open Daily (excepting Wednesd ay) 9 A. M. te 6P.M Wednesday 9 A. M. tO 7:45 P. M- Saturdag 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. lThe Bible and Works of Mar Baker Eddy and ail otber authoized Christian Science Literature may b. read, borrow.d or pmrcbssed a: te Reading koots. T1H PUBLIC 18 CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND T14E CHURCH SERVICES AND VISIT 111E ýRMDINQ ROOM , For For Coffee-Drink'ers -Y.ES, * an electricPERCOLATOR this Christmas New York PUBLIC SIERV1%CH COMPANY OF NORTJIERN ILLINOIS JOSEPH W. KEHOE, District Manager H. C. RFY-NOLn)S, District Superinteudeit. 11#11central Avenue Phono WiImette 5,10 First Churcli of Christ, Scientlist j