*surges with speeci, throbs with draniatic power, andi spark'les with selected short subjects. Speec-also drania, laùghs and thrills -predominates in "The Spirit of Notre Dames" 'M.onkey Business" andi "24 Hours," three films on this week's bill Mighty -drama holdis sway in -"An American Tragedy" andi "The Sin of Madelon Claudet," two other edn P ictures on the current program. "«The Spirit of Notre'Dame," a trib-, ute to Knute Rockne. presents some of his finest athletes as well as sonie of filmdom's . hest stars for .the holiday show , Frida'vý anc Saturday, Decemf- ber 2$ andi 26. ýThere willbe matinees both. days. Rocime'Traits WîiI ThniIl The late Rockne's trenchant:wit, love of f un, andi devotion to his teatn are brought home to the- audience by ýJ. Far 1rell MacDonald's great charactieriza4 tion of the coach. The famnous Four Horsemen, Frank Carideo, ail-American. c hoice ,for two ,years, and other Notre Dame stars put real football and real ight into this film, while Lew Ayres andi Billy BakeNvel*l of screen ame .ive their roles. Then there is the Wilmette's New Year holiday' bill; unleashing.. one ' of the jolliest bedianis that ever ushered a new year in, or escorted an olci year to Memory .Landi. The Four Marx Brothers-Groucho, Chico, Zeppo and Harpo-will caper on Thursday, Fni- day and Saturday, December 31, Janu- ary 1 andi 2. Froni the tume they're stowaways until they sçamper t'h'rough the hay as stable heroes, these relatives are "on the go." New Year's day .(Friday) and Sat- urday; January 2, will be featureci by màtinees, thus providing more -patrons. opportunity to enjoy the Marx. Broih- er's antics. On Thursday night of this week. the Wilmette has "24 Hours," a fàast-mov-, ig andi pulsating drana o iy ie which stars Clive Brook, Miriamf Ifjop- kins andi Regis Troonfiey; In TaIkinfg Picture Doébùt "The Sïn of Madelon Claudet." at the WýImnette onSnnday, Mondav andi Tues- . . . . . . ... T e a t r o d e l L a g o "Alexander Hamilton"..... .Varsity "Touchdown" .... ......... Varsity Friday, December 25 "TheSpirit of Notre Dame" ... .... .. Nilniette. "The Beloveci Bachelor" ......... . Teatro ciel Lago 'Freghersof Destiny"ý . . . ... T e a t r o d ie l L a g o "'Alexander Hamilton" ......Varsity "Touchdpwn"........varsity Saturday, December '26 -Don Q, Son of Zorro" .............Communit.v House "The Spirit of NXotre Dame"-- ..... ... ilmette "The Beloveci Bachelor"' ....- ......Teatro, cdel Lago " frieghters of Destiny" 'Alexander Hamilton"....Varsity. "Touchdown" >Y. ...... Vàsity Sunday, December 27 "Thé Sin of 'Madelon Claudet" .......W ilmiette "Pahny [>ays".. ... Teatro diel L.ago "Devotion" ........ Teatro diel Lago Mouday, DeSexber 28 ',The Sin of 'Madelon Claudet" Wilmette "'PaIM.y Day~s"..:... Teatro ciel Lago "Devotion".......Teatro d 'el Lago "Sob Sister"Y............. Xarsity, "Flying High" .......... «..Varsity Tsaesday, December,29 "<The Sin of Madelon Claudet" . . . . . . .. . . .. . W ilm ette "Palmy Day s"...... Teatro ciel Lago "Devotion".">.......*Teatro ciel Lago Uiie t1 - k- "An Anienican Tragedy"'. . . \ilmettem "Alexander Hamilton"c . . . . . . . . ..Te a t r o c ie l L a g o "Platinum Blonde". .Teatro ciel Lago "Sob Sister" .. ..Varsity "Flying High" ........ .... Varsity Thursday, December 31. "Monkev Business" ... Vilnette "Alexander Hamiilton"ý Teatro diel Lago ".PlatinniBlonde"..Teatro ciel Lag', urday, December 26, when Douglas Fairbanks stars in the action dramia, "Don Q, Son of Zorro." Since no motion pictuires will be ,slovi at Community House on1 Christmias day, Friday, December 25, thle audience wil have tirne to -pre- pare for the :speeci, suspense andi tricks that feature the.play. .Action-action-action," gasps the Community House managem ent ini its preview of the stiniulating filmn.:. "Yon smmply ,can't get-a way ,from 'thé dcx- trous Douglas Fairbanks. He's ever.-. where. at onice-he*s daring-he's wonderful !" .-Don Q, Son of Zorro" is recorn- mendeci as, the cure for that "day- after-Christmas" feeling. Six News-Hawks Cover. "Tragiedy",Murder Trial Six real newspapermen, each of whom has eovered mny sensational murder trials for Ieading dailies, re- ceived assignm 'erts to "cover" one of the greatest murder trials of ail tinie wheni Parainount starteci filning "An American Tragedy," baseci on Theo- dore Dreiser's epic novel, to show Wednesday, December 30, at the / Wilmette theater. The newspapermen selected -%were AI. von Beroldingen, Leo Bagnal, L Bruce Fowler, Thomas WVelles, Hal Hoadley andi Ralph Strinigfello,%t. AIl AISO: Bl had read the Dreiser -novel. They S t a Thelua Todd-Zast Pitts Comedy Fr., Satuwday., Dec. 25-2& 1 matinee BOUh »ays) GALA HOLID.AY SROWI Sun. te TusonDec. ý27-29 ;-"Retire Inn" )tbafl Team I CjpoJ trial. PUblIX Balaba £ atg . 1710 Sherman Ave, Evanstoi ln Unilversity 8900, -Ail Shows Selected Double "W IC K E." Features aJ.1- Damne.", Barrisý has cornposed the est actor.- melodies for many popular songs, "I arn really not a deaf mute just such as "I Surrender, Dear," "It because 1 neyer utter a word on the Must Be True," "Mississippi Muci" screen," says the comical Marxman and ."Wrap Your Troubles in who wears' the reci wig, carnies the Dreams. - honking cane anci plays the harp. La8t - ~6' ~42IC6 mrf-lMýUn- il si ý ; 3\ý 1