Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Dec 1931, p. 1

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CAROLERS SING AT LIVING TREE Annuial Community Christmas Eve Gathe ring on Village Lawn Thur.sday (Conttri'buted by Recreation Board) The program for the eleventh an- nual Christmas Eve Carol. Sing which will take place Ibis ThÛrsday eve- ning agt 7:30 o'clock, at the. Village Hiall 1 a -wL n around the. commUniby Christimas tree, will:,follow the tradi- tional order thait bas beeni used for the, last decade. Village, President C. P. Dubbs, will open the programi with a, brief ad- dress of welcome to the carolers, ex- plaining the p urpose of the: con- niunity open air sing on Chrisbmas Eve, after which R. D. Burtner will leàd the caroii. The hyrnns wil be sung in this order: "O, Corne, Al Ye Faithful," "Ha rk.! The Herald .Angels Sing," "*Away in a Manger," "We Three Kings. of. Orient Are," .-The First, Noel tfhe Angels Did Say,' and . finally :'S i 'I e n t Night, Holy Night." H e n ry owler, chairman of the Playground and Recreation b oa rd,: under- whose auspices the caroling I5 conducted withi the cooperationi of the churches and civic organizations, will close the prograni with a short talk. A band composeci of New Trier High sêchool, students will accompa-ny the singing. *The Christmas Eve service always continues exactlv one-haîf hour .and Js one of beautiful significance in that it was or iginated so that every vil- lager. adult and chîld, could galber ini a central group t0 celebrate the Christmas occasion together. 1It is open'to every person in the village. It 'will close promptlv aI 8 o'Èlock. D)aniel :M. Davis,, director of ýrecrea- tion,- announices. The conimittee in charge of the Iar- rangements. composed of Mr. Davis, NI'r R Ur t npr -e. r nd G T-H.Rediirj At Sunday Club Leila M. Blomifield, nativec of New Zealand, anid zell knozci student of civics and economnics, will address the Wilpmette Suizd<il Evrning club December 27'. Site wilI give a lecture on Neu' Zeafand which,is to bc il iustrated with mo- tion Pictures. North Shore Signal Request Is Denied The Chicago, North Shore and Milwatïkee railroad's request that the Village of Wilmette accede 10 ils proposal to instaîl automatic signai and automnaîic gale cont rol at three' important crossings in Wilmete-, Lake avenue, Central avenue an& Wilmette avenue-was denied offi- cially last week..wben the Villagee Hawxhurst Lauds Boy Scouts for »Relief F und Aid President Ralph Hawxhur st of the Village of Kenilwortli praised the Boy Scouts of Troop 13. for their effort and'resuits in the collection of over five -tons of papers and maga-; zines onDecember 12, for the benefit of the local relief fund. ,Mr.: Hawxhurst said:. &'Through the Boy ýScouts and their paper and magazine collection a real good, is being accomplished., Last week over* five tonsý of newspapers were collected by the.Scouts.. I un- derstand 'about twentv tons-of paper are delivered into- Kenilworth eacli month through the mail and by car- riers. I urge -every -c itizen '-to dohis- part in saving of the papers and magazines for the next collection bv the Scouts on January 9. Sml keep the papers; the Scouts cail and tie them in bundies an'd trucks do- nated will round thern up. The- pro- ceeds f romn the sale of this paper collection, is tlurned over to the local joint Emergency Rkelief fitnd by Scout ' eadquarters. We in Kenil- Worth; are proud of Troop 13 and -the -oys deserve every cooperation, which I caîl upon the citizens to give them- in tbis worthv cause." Sidney S. Pollack Over-Rules Ehi'rlich in Fight on Zoning Village Attorney Willis D. Nance reported at the meeting ofithe Vil- lage board last wveek.that Master in Cbancery Sidney 'S. Pollack, Who0 ruled against Benjamin H. Ehrlichi in a suit Mr. Ehrlich had brought against the Village, overw-ruled al Ob- jections which Mr. Ehrlich made. to the master's report, Suit was enlered by, Ehrlich to compel the Village to issue' a permit for* the erection of a lbtree-storx7 apartment and store structure onT property owned by Mr. Ehrlich at WILL NOT CLOSE LOCAL..SCHOOLS Tetchers Wil Return After Vacation;. Board to Confer' Witb P. T. A. Groupa Definite assurancèe that the Wil- mette Public schools will open aîter the Christmas vacationt was giuex by Henry E. Culler', president of the board of education, tbis week. 'Mr. Cutler stated' that the beachers,.are coming back to open the, scbools knowing that there are flot suficient funds to pay theni in full, if- at ail, but feeling thatit would be of no advantagie to be witbout a job. A'meetingý of the executive boards of the two parent-teacher associa- tions and the meinberi of the board of education was called for Wednes-' day nighî of this week for the pur- pose of determining if the parent- teacher groups are willing te help i a drive to seil tax anticipation war- rants for the p urpo se. of raisingr funds to pay- the teachers and :thie ordinary, operating expenses, of the. public schools. Propos. Mais Meetinig Ib is plan is agrecable to the par- ent-teacher associations, a mass meet- ing will be héld about the middle of January, Mr. Cutier said, to acquaint Wilmette citizens mo~r e fully wth the plight of the schools and te dis- - uss definite measures for keeping theni open. The Wilmette Civic league at its regular'monthly luncheon last Friday,, went on record as being beartily in sympathy with any plan the board of education mia y devise for keeping Wil1mette's public schools open. Loague Eage to Help .The direclors Of tbe Civic league held a meeting Wednesday of last week with Supt. J. R. Harper and with Mr. Cutier, president of the board of education, to discuss the situation. U~L.1w ber zq, a uinner wwiDeUV iai 'U 4L LAA-"V . . - ---- -- Wi VV C1>C un*ý,i i lmb * - I College club for ail local and visiting Girl Scout News. ......12 erly of the Swain-Nelson nursery lji schedule for the reniainder of the week graduales of the Western Reserve juniorj<*.................. Glenview. The malter was referred will be the sanie as usual, Miss Anne University library sehool. Both Miss to Village Attorney Willis D. Nance L. Whitniack, librarian, announced this Whitniack and Miss Mary Winner Music Pages.......... 20-21 for the purpose of ascertaining whai- week. 'Next week the library again Huighes, children's librarian aI. the Recreation Page........ 10 liabililies or difficulties, if any, would will be closed on 1Friday for Ne* WimtePublic lihrary. wiIl attend, Society Pages. ... -2 arise f romi dumping -in No Man's. Year's day, with: the usual. schedule for tbis dinnerw. .__________________ Land. therestof the wek

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