Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Dec 1931, p. 11

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High school on «M\odav nighit, when' hie made bis third appearance in thet ,Artist-RecitaI series in as maiiy years. Mr. Spalding is regarded îiow as alniost a persona] friend of everyonc in bis audience,, andhe was greted w'vith' prolonged and, warmn applause when Iie stepped onto the stage. We have corne to know that we can :ex- -pect ail impeccable performance freimý himf, a program composed with the finest sense of -balance, and. interpre- tations .that .are. individ ual, gracefunil and musicianly. There is nothing coldly calculated.or per functorv about the music lie draws front bis Guar- neiusbilin", It is ail living music, part of .biis own tastes% and aspira- tions. His listeners are drawn to imi, attracted bv the mani as well as by bis inusic. H-e is, therefore, ifiiiely satsfyngand stimulatinig. There is something ini the way Mr. Spalding plays Brahms tliat intoxi- ctsone. The soniorous, rich. resoný- ance, in the piano part aiï the . D minar sanata, the uit- and . Io*, whis- perings of the violin, the poetrv aof Brahinis, comibined to mnake this nium- ber marvelously. thrilling. But everything 34r. Spaldinig plaved was thrilling-the charming- Handel' A major sonata -which started,'off h prog rami, .and the exacting, but ývirile, Bach B minor partita for violin alone. Listening, one f cît there were no technical difficulties for the artist- but, looking. one %,was inîpressed'by the fast flying fingers, m-hich were always accurate and nimble. Mr. Spalding's last group of short numbers kept. Up the high level of the whole prograni. as didbis niany en- cores. Whatever the mood, Mr. Spalding gave himself to it whole- heaqrtedlv. It wvas a long tirne, at thé close of ..the -evening, b'efore bhis au- dienice %vould let. im go.ý- Al, of which. means that AIbert Spalding alwaYs will be:Welcomed on the north shore. Mallinckrodt NewS M\,allinckrod's Yulletide festival wvas presented Fridav. December 18, to an appreciative littie audience of about 200 seventli and eighth -grade püpils of the. this meeting and join'us in o ur sewing as well as social hour. We are look- ing forward to a pleasant evening. Mrs. W. E. Richmond and Mrs. F. V.. Lippen were the two. unit members who attended a-lovely Christmas party given at the Lutheran Deaconess Home for C hildren. at Lake' Bluff by the1 Seventh and EZightlh districts. T1hle unit provided its usual Christmas basket, accompanied by appropriate gifts andi toys. Trhe Rehabilitation committee, under the capable direction of Mable Leal,, chairman, made a visit to our ward,1 16-N, at Great Lakes Wediiesday,, De_ý- cember 23. In the role of Santa Claus, the unit presented each man in the *ward witb a Christmas package tied ini red paper and bearing a Christmas wish f rom the uniit. Each package.contained several attractive remembrances wvhich we hope will cheer t he boys. Besides these, a gft 'of several checker bo~ards and a number of sets of dominoes was presented to the ward in the hope that idie hours mayý be enlivened with these games. The' district Christnmas party took 'place Wedniesday,, December 30. at Great Lakes. Ourunit donated 1,800 cookies for this.affair. The Junior auixiliary made a visit ta the Dorcas home at Deerfield Tues- day morning, taking a Christmas gif t for each of the f orty-nine children, as well as several bags of toys which had been put in good shape; also a large box of clothing wvhich had been col- lected by our Junior chairman, Frances McCandlish. It bas required a great deal of efficient work to collect, wrap and distribute aIl these things, and Mrs. McCandlish -deserves -Much praise for hiandlinig the situation.,, The children were givenÙ the privilege; of going al through the.home to see j ust how each child was taken care of. The, atmos- phere. upon entering,1 seemed just, like one of our awn homes and ail the chul- dren shoWed that they are well caredl for. ence, pesent for the occasion. BÀFfA'I LECTURE Albert Vail will talk on "What is a Baha'i?" Sunday afternoon, January 3, at 3 :30 'clock in the Foundation hall of the aha'i temple, Lindén avenue and Sheridan road, Wilmette. T EL Randolph the Middle NVest. A niumber of promi- iient players have already indicated thieir intenltion of participating. Seating and m-foNemeint of pairs will be by the Mitchell Progressive pair method, and mnatch -point system of scoring used. Silver trophY cups \vil1 he aNvarded to wininiig pairs, ini ach section of sevei tables. Pair entries, to ensurc acceptance, muîst be made niot later thaàn Thursday, -January 14. Plavers will be served a buffet slip- per following. the tournament. Elitries. accompanied, hy f e are to. be sent.>to George, W. Pîank. tourna-, ment manager, ni ca re of the Edge- water Beach hotel, 5300 block-Sherî- dan road, Chicago. To Those WhoHave'Played he Stock Market and SiH Have Money to Inveit A small aniount of. stock ii available in an old-retablished north sbore corporation whcb bas an enviable record for con.' sistent dividends. The stock isflot listed. It bas flot been the football for the bulle and the bears. It is flot controlled by Wall. street. It i close at hand where tbe investor can be familiar witb its progress. It is selling at, par and bas a book value wbich, amply justifies its price. Tbe,>safety factor will, appeal to tbe> most critical. Any inquiry wilI be held in strict conidece.Address Wilmette Life, Box A-84. etf La Sall. FREE Pickup and Delivery Service UNDERWOOD NO. 5 rebulitand gueranteed $38.25ý 1932 "SUCCESS' CALENDAR -PADS Nos. 12, 13, 14, 19.'..35c Nos. '251 26. 27 . .,45r.: N.17IT........70e Calendar Base s . O No. I7 Calendar Base 75c, PENCILS Mongol, 42 Tconder- $ Doz. . ogc... gros. Tommy Special, Airth, 5 NO. 2$ 12 Doz. 2 6 o .5 BOX FILES Lette r size. Tominy A ir +h Tommny A i r + h De Luxe, each Special. each 39c 49e 1 Oc each, 3 for 25c SECOND SHEETS YeIIow, per reamn. .. . 23c TYPEWRITER .PAPER White.. l6,b., ream,. .48c Adding Machin. Paper 2 15/116-inch rals ... 40c '- - - -- Davis 24E 1721 SH-ERMAN AVI ACRoss FRom VARsinr Tii EVANSTON. ILL -2 -j

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