ë beclose! Last season the New Trier juniorý swîmincrs were undefeated and cap-1 ped the league chamipionship. Oak Park nosed out the senior1 swinmers f roui Nev Trier aid. Evanstoîi. Boys under sixteen years.ý of' age conîpete as juni ors. ýThose sixteen years oa14 and aider are senior swinîmiers. Besides taking. on Oak Park next Friday, Xew, Trier will clash with Schurz Uigh s cbool of Chicago the fallowing afternooîi, Jantuarv- 9, at .2 o'clock ini the' New~ Trier-lnatatorium. Thus far this season the New Trier *sWînmners have defeated two schools. Kenosha, champio* o WscnsM wvas the first victin oi December 12. A week later the Newv Trier' teams wvon a double victoryv over Englewood of Chicago. Dechapelles Club' in Cotntest Event Jan. 4 The Deschapelles club, recently or- *ganized by bridge enthusiasts of the. north shore, devoted to thé pronio- tion af better bridge, the furtherance of, acquaintanceship amiong and the e«change of ideas betweeni bridge de-, votees, will opeun the 1932 season with a duplicate contract teani -of-four. contest on the evening of January 4 at the Georgiani hotel, Evanston. Invitations have been extended ta a number of proinent Chicagý,o play- ers and a pleasant social eve'iingo is anticipated as weil as an interesting cantest. The popularity of the club is evi- denced bv the participation of one hundred different players in the vari- ans ganies of the preliminary tourna- ment which ended December 21. Nir. anud Mrs. Franklin L. Rogers, of W'ViI- mette, sncceeded iii winning the slamn contest ini that tournamient. An inidividual season cunmlative contest as well as a niew slan contest wiJl begin with the next gaine. Du- plicate contract is played every Mon- day evening, the fifrst gaine of eachi. £iesn sa ii sii iogiL eIALt J>L flinem'uLIn of the Lord hatb spoken it- (Isaiah 40:5). Among the citations which conmprised the lesson-sermon wvas the f ollowing f rom the Bible: -If ye love.,me, keep my comm andments. And -I wiIl pmay the Frather, and lie shal give yot ail- other Comforter,. that he may abide with you tfor ever; Even the Spirit aiï, truth; whom the %vorld canniot receive- because. it secth him flot, neither knoweth :himn: but ye know himn; for he dwelleth Nvith yôu, and shall. be il! vou" (John 14-15-17). The lesson-sermion also inclnded thel following. passages f rorn the Christiali Science textbook, "Science' and Health with Key ta the Scriptuires," by MIary Baker Eddy- '"Science is ait eniation (f divine Mmnd, and is alane able tai initerpret God ariglit. It bas-a spirit-. ual, and tiot a material origin. Il is a ýdivinie ntteralce,-the Coni farterý wvhichi leadeth into all truth*" (P. 127)ý. N.~ U. Goed Signs Whiteinan Çontraet MisJanie \ance of Evaniston, a student at Northweisteiii universitv anciý a niember of Gamima Phi Beta. soror- itv, lias signied a five-year contract with Paul Whiteman and is appearing -wit'h, hiîn regularly now iin the M-\arine din- ing rQom of the Edgewater Beach hotel. Miss Vanice wvas chosen as one of the seven campus beauty queens at North- western university ast year and, vas also selected, as Chicago's most beau- for, Charm of Childhood BERNIESTUDIO 'Setter Picturies-Better Value?' 1623 Sherman Ave., Evaniston qune WIEBOLDT'S BASEMENT - EVANSTON- Davis Street orchestra while "'The King ai jazz" makes bis alnnuâl 'tour. nionth beîng. a team-of-fouir conitest. Arrangements are being mlade for anaterniooncots twice a month for %vomen mnemfbers of the club and their .friends., Mrs. Helen-Hyde Car- ter and Andreiv J. 'Monat, >of Wil- mette, are prominent ini the affairs of the new ýclub. Tel. UNI. 8998 WiImfte 1100 G OAK HfALF-SOLES .speial fer Thursday! I I I General .Beauty Service 1 509 Main Street, Evanstani i ________opposite EVan8ldre Hotel I UNI. 6262 Work Done Wbile Yl' Wait or Delivered Free to Your Home! Wleboldt's Baso-ment-Evanston