Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Dec 1931, p. 24

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miany %gay parties. for flot anlv the college and school boys and girls but also for the verv vounig lots and their eiders as well. The Keniilvorth club gave a most enijoyabie NYoung, Peopie's ,Formnai party just )e fore Christmas witlî'Mrs. Clyde Ross as hostess àssisted 5y, a group of coilege Young woffien and men.i. On lNrw Year's eve the clb is hiaving. its ainual îxcptlar bal idîiclî is op.en te) ai1l the growN'-tiu)s of tfe niembhers' families witlî Mrs. %\endel Clark, .Mrs.,lHarold Barnes, and Mrs. Alfred Xiltberger as hast- esses. This celebration is alwavs otie of the nîost popular featuires of the Keniiworth club for it offers the pep- pîest sort of a dance and mnidüighit breakfast riglit at boulie, vitli favors and cîîtertainnwiîet not e\celled an,,- wiiere else. On thîis New V ear. dav the Kent- ilworth club ýis holdinîg openi houSc for the memnbers with Nî\rs. 'Dean Hole and 'Mrs. Maurice Vanl Arsdale hostesses. This, is al-wavs a con- cluding offeririg of gav ety, to close the hoiidays and ta uisher im the Nev Year with -friendly greetings. Shawnee ,club opelied its dooÉs on *Satuirdav afternoon, December 20. ta the ciidreni of tire club- menîhers foi- a real Christmnas party hield aboutt gorgeons Christmas tree wlien Santa Claus in person entertained thenm andj remnembered each one there. * lu the evening of that saine day the coihege boys and girls wvere feted, with a Home Coning part - - an 1elthe dining roomis were filled witiî gav'% parties for* this. formiai dijîner dance.. New Year's eve offers a 4dinner, show%,. dancing, and b)reakfa.st." The entertainmeîxt featîres Marie Vàtides, and ber companyý; Lilliau ans blues singer; Gy-ps% Lenore., solo dancer; Gagnon and Broton, delinle. ators, of the miodern danîce. and Genie J eromne, the Accordion Piayiîîg1)ar- tone Four hundred memibers and guests wili attend the Ne\N. Year's Bye party at Shawnee Cotintry club., Aniong those m7ho wiI1 he present f .or, the celebration wifl be Mr. and MNrs. Arthur. F. Biser, Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Kraft. ',%r. and~ Mrs. Miles B. mnette W1Ihl enitertanii a i)arty 0 f f riends. Their son, Carbôn, jr. will he hast ta a group of you11g puorde at another table. There is always the spirit of, frien.d- litiess and good feilowsbip at Shaw- nee and the "Far.ewelh ta 1931," ithî ' Helloto 1932" gives an extra 'e lay wil at 1519 day, phi oby %Italeoistu Ba fou r MIr. and .11-s. .ipoizu Hti;u i1of 130 ', pianro.Il iiict.t,' ail- da:îgut'r.I)orol lien f0Gerord S.~ ~~~o o f« Vwq.sî i lr. and P>ark.Jus4 I, flartmui natteilid dthe N'atjantal Colle'qte of J7iîct iton and 1 oei»e)ll.eri- ;s 'aitalumnus of Womê!n of Rotary to Hat Lun7cheon Next Wednesd The North SShore group of \Vor of thie Rotarv clbof Chicago hold its reguiar mnoîthlv mi-eeting the honme of Mrs. C. C. Terrv. 1 H innian avenue, Evaîxstoîî, Xedies( Januarv 6. Lunchéon wil he ser- at. 1 o'clock and will be fAlio' bv bridge. Co-tho,;tesses tor thie1 *11i be Mrs. j. P. Havuies of Evà ton. Mrs.. Charles Schwartz andiX Paul Aldrich of MWiinetka.'The: gr( bias niade about onie-hunidred 1) comiforters for ,Cook Couîitv hîiosp silice the last, meeting. Announces Trot h Dý . G. McCurdv of Evanston niounces the etigageîiiietit of bis dau inhuetuis ati(t eifii)iasis ta this charac- teristic. The club lias I)een niost beautiful decorated throughout the sèasoîîs fes- tivities. and reaclies a climnax onI New Year's eve., Dev.aîrp' son oi 1LVIr. and .vrs. Davida R. ýDeCampj of 615 Abbott.sford' road., Keniilworth. The betrothal Nvas made konat a deiight.fuh C'hristmîas tea giveix Iast Saturdav ini the Fort W\aynie \\omiai's club bv Mlrs,. Harrisonx and lier dauighter and attended by oue lhun- dred .guests. 'Mrs. DeCamîp. whio as the bouse guest ofthte Kendalîs. assist4ed iii theý receiving hu.ie. During the re- ception'.hours a musicale %\vas giveil. MisNichls. %vho i., now visitillxg the DeCýaiips. i., a graduate of t.11 ar- £ýaret MrisiiCaruiegiv., tllege I \VoîinîîiniPittsburgh. In February shie will take another degree frotux Pur- due university. Shie is a tneuîber 4i Pi Beta Pîxi. andid u Qui Vive srr ity and Gamma Lambda cixapter'o TIri Kýappa, of Fort Waylîe. M-r. DeCanîp xvas, -raduated f ronîî Wison Kempier Miirvacadenîv .and froin. Indianxa university i11 1929. He is a Signia .Chi. a inher oif Scabhard and Bla(-e. honiorar 'v iînilitarý.. frateritvi. anîd is a reserve officer ini the 34.1st. Iifantru. EVanston Girl is to« Marry Arthur Seibold, "\f r. .n Mrs. Edward Jamies Flem- igof Evaniston have anuliounitced the enigagemnenit .of. their, dauglîter. Julia,, to Arthûr Binghamn Seibold. Jrý. somi' of Mr. and MNrs. Artlîur ,B. Seil)old of 522 Forest avenue. Wiiiette. 'Miss Fleming is a g1raduiate of the Chicago Latin' sehlool for Girls 'and of Northwestern nuniversit-v. Mr. Sei - boid is a gradutate of Dartmouth co-)I lege and of the Xorthwes.tern uni- versitv School of Lavw. The xvedding is to take place inii the late spriflg. 7Ved Wed Tea Honors Mothers day 'Mrs.. George D. Jotues of Oxford 1lSroad. Keniiworthi. entertained at tea- .r,. on Monàday- of tliis vveek ini bonor of 'OUI the mothers of bier friends Who, are in Kenilworth, for the hoiidavs. là- )it;iî chuded ini this. group were Mrs. George Kingsley and. lher mother. Mrs. Croset.t of Genesea. N. Y.; Ms Toni ' i.and lher niother, Mrs. Hove. of New York: Mrs. Joseph, Whîite. anid an- ier mnothier, M'\rs. Cox, and M.\rs. AI- gh- bert Webster, with bath.Mer mnothèr. 1i ofMrs. Hastings, and NUr. Websters Irs. niother. A delicious tea follÔývîrd an Garden Club Meets Jan. 8 The first meeting ai the Wiiette Garden club iii 1932 wvill be liehd at the home of Mrs. E. H. Burge. 924 For- est avenue,'Friday..jaîuîtar>v 8. at 2 :30 O'clocki .vho was wed to George Frederick Shepherd. soit of the Rev. andd Mrs. George F. Shepherd, of Central Sqû'are. _N. Y.. at the honte of her, parents.NMr; aind Mrs. Thomnas A. Banniîig, J1r., 933 Locust roadl Indiajn HilI estate:. Tle ceremony i%-vas perforned at 4 o'clock by the bridegrooni's tatiier. and wvas foilowed by ait informai tea and receptbon. The thirty guests .vere relatives -and intimate friends of, the bride and groomn.. The bride wore a deep i 1vorv satin ait ertouii gowni and silver slipper', to mnatch the rhlin.estonle trimmiiings 011- ler (lress. She iîeld a large, bouquet of white roses 1anii hes of the vallev. MNIiss Juger Mý.a ri e Paaschie. the 1bride'soiv attendant. wvore a green net gown iiuade Nvitlî tiers of louinces. Fier slippers %vere ot green brocadle and 1 er bouquet. ot piîk, roses and hu les of the. val ley. 'lie lride',; nmother vr a gowni of, lighit -lle cluton trimnîiied lit :crystal l)ea(ls. Nfr.Sheplherd's gtovn was laclç chiffon výelvet. Fdwa rdciBçtner.o New PBtffalo. Midi. served Mir. Shep- hierd. as, best inan, The service Nvas read 1wv candic lighi-t i)efore thie ,fi-t cplace in the i-, brary. which wvas decorated with holv reaths,. poinsettia_ and vases of Àmierican beautv roses.. The tea tab)le, wvhicli was trimmned with a sil- ver metal cioth. had for its center- Jiece a crystal howl filled with roses, .On either side'of which %vas a ca-d al- abruni with ivorv coluIred tapers. Whien the bride and'- bridegrooni return front their wedding journey, thev will make their- home in the Woodridge apartne'nts oit \Woodlawnýi avenue, Chicago. Marty in, East MissMargueriteStatfre teacher ýof, chemistry at New: Trier. Higlilschool. and'L.ouis K., Gilîson, 706 Furest avenue,' Wihmette. r Arre on 'Christmas eveinig at 'Miss SteN- art s home in. Pittsburglî. Th ey are 1iow at home in Wilmette. Mr. and Mrs. Gillson enitertaitied- at a, familv dinner party last Saturda4y. and the for- ersdatiglhter-in-lawt, rs. Charles B. Gilisoni of Evanston xvas hostess at a familv dinnier part3y last TuesdaN.. Hostess to News Staff IIVUII dL ý.o'co.U1K To Hold Open Housè Miss Mary Ward - germinghani of Wiimnette and Miss Carol Knapp are holdi ng open house for'fifty guests N\ew. X'ear's. day, at Miýss Rnapp*s resiclence, 1714. Hinniau aveiue, Evailston.. .4

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