-I.-- S- With the. arrivai of 1932 we sincerely, hope that Health, l Happiness and Prosperity corne ta you. M The New Year is definifely scheduled tobring a roturnT Ha sun rno au curge and enter into. the' loy of living.- TH EWORTH EN STORES c 'n we sta rt our a REMODELI'NO SAýLýEI Last August we let the contract to instali a lot of new fixtures starting Januory 2Oth. In order to do this we must dispose of the rnost1 of our stock the first hall of January. Neyer have we put on such a money saving event. Atthough our regular prices are the lowest sinçe 1914, we have cut them stili further for :this big clearing sale. t We honestly believe that you wiIlntb bet u orrglrnesa such low prices for a number of years to, corne. Business Fias turned the corner and i5 onl the upward swing and prices wuil go up 'again, so BUIYNQW and SAVE, 1148 Wilmette Ave. s o e Phone 588-589 i152 Wilmetle Ave. Phone 2655 I