Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Dec 1931, p. 3

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munity-Wic3e ouiuuui %-rsiiébun play contest sponsored by ýthe XVil- mette Playground and Recreation board were announced this week. The judges , Mrs. Margaret Calkins Taylor, well known Wilmette'artist, Hector Dodds, presidetitof the Wil- mette Civic league. and Supt. J. RI. arper. of the Wilmette public .chools, based their decisions on the artistic ni.ent,. sinîplicity and nigbt- time eff ectiveness :of the displays rather than -On their lavishfless, it was explained. Thomas Homie Win& First prize was awarded to the Edward, W. Thom 1as residence, .11.36' Chestnuit avenue, because of. the "re- finemnent, simplicity and harmonionus variety of colors and form (ldisplayed in-the arrangement of the lights." Second prize went to J. D. Stinson, 1601 Spencer avenue. "The bouse and grounds as a.whole wereconsidered* ereet stated tbe judges, "including the beautif nI candlelighit effect ini the windows as well as the balaùced ef- fect of th1e trees outdoors at the cor- ner of the bou'se and outside the gar- :age." Third -prize wças ai'arded to Bruce 1A. Gordon, 245. Greenleaf avenue, "because of the. ibeautiful color iin the lighting of two ,trees at eacli side of, the cbimney, with a lighted star over the door." .There were so niany unusual dis- pays that the judges saw, fit to give honorable mention to several resi- dénces. Homnes which were thus bon- ored, anîd the reasons given by 'the judges for their decisions. in eachi case, followv Get Honorable Mention Home of K. C. Scheib, 2014 Ketn- ilworth avenue, first honorable men- tion. "The inside decoration.s formet Sbeautiful balance with ogutside decor- ations, whchý consisted of two snîall teslighted with colored lights on ither side.of a large Frencb window. IBetween' the.two ligbts formingth<. man enter of interest the insid< .Christmas 'tree- could be seen througli the wýindolw." Home of '.\I. and ..Mrs. Chris cember Lucky Baby contest. Patsy Anne is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Torrey. As you may have suspected, the little lady is the inner of t7ne co'- test forDecember and, thereby, was the. récipient of an extra showver of. gifts f rom the sixteen WVu1mette nmer- chants who *are joined witb i WL- METTE FLIFE in conclutiiigthe Lucky Baby contests. NVhat a Christmas!1 Rules for the january Lucky Baby contest are announced iin this issue of WÎÎ.METTE LiÉE. Legal Slip-up Threatens Hait. on Tax Warrants Because of failure to observe a time limit reiquired by law in. passing the annual1 tax levy ordinance for XVil- mette last july the Village. board wvas required to get spetial permission this noùth f roui the legislature at Sprng fi eld to. -issue tax anticipationi warrants for the purposeof mneeting the operating expenses . of the ,varioll departments of the Village, and thl WVilmette Public library. The 'law requires that. the tax levyy 1ordintance shall not be passed unti' , ten days after the publication of th( annual appropriation ordinance. Th( appropriation ordinance Nvas passec .at the regular meeting of the Vil!ag( -board Tuesday, Julv 7., It was no, *publisbed until Thursdav of the fol lowing week, Julv 16. Thbe tax 1ev: ordinanice was passed at the nex negular meeting of the board Tues day, Julv 21, or before the ten-da, ! period required bv laNv bad elapse< 1'The legal technicalitY bas* bee Ilaived by the state legislature 'anl fthe Village i s going ahead with th issuance of tax anticipation, warrant tomeet its operating xess Post Office Business e ~Shows Drop of 2O<I) 'Pl- Cr;cma iibuinessi this yea ning, January 5, at the Hioward with record attendance at its regu- school. lar monthly mieeting Morlday night, This muteh cati be set dowvn as january 4. The meetinig will be held. fact at this 'writing. Two "head- at the Wihnette. Masonic temple, liner s" have been secured, for the 1010 Central avenue, at 8 o'clock. meeting. Robert Kingery,. general manager .C. Wayland Brooks, assistant of the Chicago Regional Planning states attormey, will be tbe speaker association, wilf be the speaker, using He is a promtinent Legionnaire witbl as bis, subject, "The. North Shore an enviable service record and a' and Its Future DeveloPment." splendid record of achievement .ini For m9re than six, years the Chi- public lii e since bis armný days. Leav- cago Regionral Planning association ing theý fresÊmen classý at the Uni- 'bas studied the facts of population versity of Illinois to join the colors, growtb in the Chicago. metropolitan be enlisted with tbe marines and in area, and during tbat time the as- the ensuing action was eight times sociation. bas cooperated with the cited for bravery,. awarded the Dis- cities and villages,. counties and othcr tinguished Service Cross ý of the officiai a gencies in the carryîng, out army, D)istinguisbed Ser.vîieCross of of pflans to take care of that popula-. the navy, and Croix ,de, Guerre, the tion growtb. last bonor '.,2i~ng bestowed uponi him Coordinate Highways by t he French comm ander for Onie, of the important. subjects bravery at Belleau Wood. which bas been given attention is Mr. Brookýs is well known' in -the the completion of the forest preserve village. He. bas addressed meetings acquisition in Cook counrty and the. of tbe Wilmiette Ro tary club and, the extension o f forest preserves in otber 1American Legion ,units -. Me -was tbe counties,. Another activity bas been tprincipal speaker at. the Wilmette the coordination of county and state i Post 46 installation diflner -last _N hig hway, plans witb the extension of, vember. tbose state ad couity-highwa-ys into s»A.nd tbe other beadliner?mucpates The nortb shore villages and chties None other than Leo -"Galb3Ç to 'Wauikegan, anà beyond are faced Hartnett, famions catcher of tbe Chi.-- with a growing demand for relief of ~ ag Cbs Gaby" tislern9 traffic on Sheridan road. Provision. will not endeavor to cope with 'Mr. has been made for tbe by -pas s 1 bih- é Brooks as a speaker. . e %will, bow- wavs west of these north shore coni- dever, submi t to a barrage of ques- munities, but the Regional Planning e.tions concerning the Çubs and their association and other agencies fore- Soutlook in the forthcoining penniant see' a lake shore park and drive. campaign.. Evanston has completed and adopte<l« Y The association's bulletin, whicb is its lake shore park plan with ai *distributed at. the regular monthlv outer drive incorporated in it., meetings, wilI appear ini a newv and .As.ist .Wjtl Pla»a vstartling form. for this mn's night, Winnictka is already studyfing the ~it is promised. same solutionr, and the, Régional. n _______________Planning. association is briniging the id VACATION ENDS MONDAY matter to the attention, of other .e The joseph St ars school .in i Keil- munî aie 0 htte ay wok s wortb will reopen. Monday morning, out their own Llan joinitly in advance January 4., The K > srh upl of the- actual construction, Mr.. Km-ý have,'been enjoyinig their annual Christ- gery states. mas,.vacation since Friday afternocon, At the business session to be held December 18. i connection with the Chambet'cl * - Commerce meeting brief annual re- a -j- iports for 1931 will be subitted. As an added entertainmént feature ut. William Wahl of the Snider-Cazel d'la Drug store wlll sing several songs of hel the South. ment of twolaxge urns on etner siue uoorway a - of the cloorway ill. zhich, were bril- bouse." liatly ligbted Christmas trees. A The most elaborate displays, the small .white light sbown through the judges fouud, were those at the resi- glass of the door, which formed a dencés of Sam 'Moist, 1104 Sheridan hie backgrounld for the brilliant road, and Rudolpbhory,114() colored lights on tht outside. In the Sheridan robad E. t will be Our pleasure to continue to. serve thelm inl 1932 as ini the past. ci : Wilmette, will end Mondayr i ng, January 4, the same day tha JWilmoette Public schools reopen.. //~

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