Plan do 0to the streets of the village ?be Miss Sus-an M-c-,an-.-ennet This is what many property owners eMs Sua Mi-an Knett have been wodering ever sitice citizens Trac 'ey. Other members -of the .cast stored he illge ounil liaberare MNiss Gene Paddock, Miss Lisbethi last Jauuary and demanded the revocaý GonS is Mgr et Stl ackhue. Vi- tion of the Plan or(linaucC that bias been lanSehrPi aurVco ii ïorce. since January.ý 1929. McKeiglian.. and Edgar Smart.tte Noôv théenc Plan is ini sucli shape play.lim Sehr lldec te that 'President Carbon P. Dubbs lias ______________ acceptecl an.invitation of the \W\ilnîettc e tt e eea is Civic leàgue tQ. discu$s its provýisionIs B t - neca ýie. ini detail at the Januuar% luncheon of.! Burned While at PlayI tliat organization. I Betty Renneekâ:r, ten-year-old daugh- It will be recalle(l that it wvas à dis,- ter of Mr.,anidMrs. Carl C. Rentieckar, cussion of a proposed. revised zonling 1627 Elmwood avenue, died Chrîstmnas ordinance before the league in Novemi-Iday of burns slie-received Monday of., ber of last Year that precipitated the ljast eek leu lier dress 'cauglht fire; trernendous outcry againist the plan 1 while she wvas playîng ý ith t-wo other1 which had been adopted twoyersl>-girts in -the hasemnent- of a neighbor s's fore.. home. A lighted candle witli which the: Oil two 1occasions in January crow(ls sv.armed the counicil chamber. demiand- iiigre%,ocationi. Iu (lue.season the plan wvas made an outstandjng issue at the spring.Vill age election. The Plan coin- Mission resigned in a body, A ne'w commission wvas appoiiited. These mnen, have ivorked on the plan for niauy mioiths and have nov. turned it Over to the council for enactinelt ilito law,' W\hat is ini it ? This discussion, say league officiaIls, prmssto he on fthe Mnost inter- esting prôgramns of the season. The luncheoni will he held at Marshall Field' s at moon Friday, January,15. Mr. "and Mrs., Harry Mons, 15'7 Woodstock avenue, Kenilworth, will entertain their neighboirhood bridge club on 'New Year's eve. 0o Mrs. H. C. Carroll, 925 Central kave- nue. had as ber house guest over Christ- mas. Miss Helen ,Blume, of Hamilton, Ohio. 1LA the hlaze that caused Betty's hurns. Thé funeral services were held M.\oid;ayý niornîng at St.,Josephs, church. and burial took place at Memorial Park: cenieterv. Mis, Edith Ray Young of 113") Cenl- tral avenue is spending a week with irieids ]il LaPorte, Iud. EXIPERT- DECORATING We pride ourselves on our ability a il to do expert work - decorating * 8 that stands the test of years. and Sgivem cotnplete satisf action. M. MPortenliauserI * Painter and Decoratoe *1030 Greenleaf Phone 2764 1 N '1 CentrAl-WiImette Avenues Phonies: Wuimfte 29 and 29 You'11always say...* ASPIRIN when you consider Qualftty sand Quautlty Do not be .atisfied with ordinary aspirin for relief of pain, gimp1e headaches and colds. Puretest Aspirin is true aspfri-when it. pro-7 duced and when you buy it. That is why it reieves pain more quicklyl And safelyt Tbat ia why it doos not depress thse heurt or irritate the stomacis. Puretest Aspirin is cheaper ln prie too. Because the Rexal .plan eliminates costly mlddlemen.. Puretest Aspirin iu sold excluslvely at Rexali Drug Stores-where you save with safety. VAPURE The Woinderful Inhalant for HEAD COLDS Just few drops on your. handkerchief. Then inhale. Stuffy air passages clear at once. 'DIeep Citý Malt 6 Boutles..... $825 'c. Juniors' end GWis' Wear I116à WiLMETTE AMENUE, WILMET TE 312 l'-m 1 I l