Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Dec 1931, p. 6

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the subJet t lJne-.Jer* i VY J5'.J88 1P3 in ob'erv"anlce of -Prospect Day," the first Sabbtth in the -New Year. -One who ha-, conirnitted his ton orrws to Cod can enter the: new year with con- fidence and hope. We invite you to flnd this ~ assu'rance wth us. The hour of our worsbip is Il o'clock. T[e ie usical prografi by Ms Erma Rounds, pianiet,, and Edward OtiS, B07 loiet, is as flos Prelude, "Medita- tion," by -Massenet ; Offertory, "Largo"« <Op. 28, Xo. 20) tiy Chopin; Postlude, **Wlnter" b:, Schonaker. Solos, -The Glory of, Gcd Il-Nature" by Beethoven, And "*Like As the Hart" .(Secon d Set- Our Sunday school meets au q:1 o'clock and furnishes helIp iný the study. o! the Bible as a text-book for life and ite probleins. Junior chureh 15 held during the w0i'- iilip hout- and cares for' the younger chuîdren. Ms ooh enrIs ln charge. The Christian- Endeavor soclety w1iê ileeîat 5 :30 'loek wi-ht Ruth Sullivan. 513 Ash s-treet, Wininetka. 'Marguerite toge l the leader a.nd the muhjet la, "What Jesus Teaches About Truth- fulnes.' IVWe Invite the young people to meet with- us, At the- Sunday Evening club at-- 3 o'clock at the Congregational churcli. Harldas M*ud'S-friend of Gandhi, will lecture on "The Present Struggle i The Session of the church wl meet Monday evening au 8 o'c"lot'k in the church boffice., The Pra3'er meeting (if the c-hurchi an hour (if Intensive Bible study, and devotioins. nieets at the W'oman's club roonis on Wedne.sda.y evenlng at S, ocloc-k. T[he study this week wl be on -The Counsei and App)ro-va-,l of the Hioly Spirit," taking. Acts l5th as the lesson. Thie pastor %vill begin instruction -cla.z&sefo«r tho.se *who m-ish to prepare for' chuYch nîember>ship, thls week. The ciass for those (if high school age and over willI meet, on Sunday morning dur- lng tfr Sýunday.%-senool hou-r. The clai1;ss for tI. )se ofigr'&(je siolage wVil be hùld Weclnesieda%- afternoon at 4* o'elock in the churh office, 1200 Central avenue. First Con gregationalIA John G. Hlndley,- minister J. Clair Mead Director o! religious education Next Sunday-, the fIrat Sunday of the new year will be devoted to a- eomi- theechuich parlor. The North End.Circle will meet Mon- day, Janua'ry 4, at the home of Mr.s. J. W. Cuilln, 1226 Ashland avenue. The, .sslstlng hostesses wilIIbe Mrs. Donald Gallie, Sr., Mrs. T. E. Thompson, and Mrs. Pattison Klne. At the Mid-Week meeting, which la held pon Wednesda3,.at,8, ln the chorch parlor,Mr Hindley,wlll revJew Chan-. ning Polock's new play, "The. House Beautiful." This servie is entirely ln- formai, and participation in disýcuseion Is welcome though quite optional and, voluntary. Th'le public is_ invited. Th'le Cozy Corner Cirele will hold its January, meeting on Tbursday, Janu- ry7, at the home 'of 'Mrs., Theodore. Delang, 1501 Forest avenue. The as- slstlng hostêsses will 3 rs . (. Anderson, Mr.-. G(li M., Brooks, and Mrs. Rodney Perrili. St.: John'9s Luatheran. Wilmette and Park avenues,:~Uwt Hlerman. W. Meyer, M. A. pastor 406 Prairie avenue Telephone 1396 Church telephone 3111 SERVICE~S ewYear. Eve Decenmbtr. 31 7 :30 p. ni.-Confessional levi or cofi- 7:45 p. m.-Regular service alnd I{oly Communion Sernon-TheYear in SiScipture' NEW YEAI I)AI>Y ta. nî.-Confes.-ioînal ev] -frcm 9:15 a. n-.-Regular se'rvice and Hnily C,(ommiunion Sermoný-Tinie and. Eternitv" SI D)AV JANVARY 3 9 :15 a. ,--Frs ervice and sernmon 9:30 a. .,-undy chool and Bible classés il a. m.-Second service and sermon During the service on Sunday nor-1 ing neict the iduct'ion of the . îewly élected -nembers of thbe church council willI take. place. The pastor will also submit his report on the externat and internai affaira of the eongregation at that time. AIl memnbers o! the churcb and friends are expeeted to attend. The regular meeting-, of -the varions organizations withln the cohgregation wîll be held durin-g the course of the next week, the church.council meeting onTuesday.evening at 8 at the church. the Ladies Aid on Thursday at, 2 and the Senior Walther league Thursday nt 8; the Junio'rs will mniet Frlday at 8. The classes for the Christian educa-- tdon of chldren will be resumed on .Wednesday at 4. Methodïst Charch, Thbe three -speclal events of the holi- day seas'on were: first,- the "Creche" erected in the north transept of the church ; second, the- entertainnient o! the Lake Bluff chiîdren in the home.s o!ý the- chtirch and conîmutnity; andf third, the holiday breakfast for ail the young .peoplé 'o! college age. a *gather- ing at whlch nearly. ninety sat down. A new series of M.%id-Week services w ilI begin. earl.y ln the 'new. year, Plan now to hold your Wednesday nights foi' this purpose. English Lutheran <iî'eenlea! avenue at Seveîîth Stree t Wllniette "'A House of Woiship" Rev. Dav id Kab ele, pastoer - -Telephone West 4065 Mrs. ýMay Belle, Hagenow-wJackson Organiat anid director Wedmesday, Ilerember 30 Sunday 1 chool proerani at 7 :30 P. M. Snnday,,January 3 - 4 .m. Sunday school and in:0-a. i. orping service. Bible Strangere, new- residenus. and thejr friends are cordially in,'ited to attend our services, and to feel -at home" ln. our~ ûhurch. Parents are linvlted to bu ing or sefld their children to Sunday school and Bible classes. A confirmation clsi being organized to hold its first meet- ing Saturday, Janiiary 1., and parents are -urged to enroll their childiren of suitable age in tliis ciass.- Rev. David Kabele, of the faculty of the Chicago Bible school, 1-aC .been se- cured as acting pastor jpending' the éall o! a permanent -nister. St. Angustine'S Sunday, Januai'y 3, will be the 'Sec- ond Sunday after Christmas. Thei'e wili be lloly Communion- at 8 a. m-. Churcli schools and Bible cassat 9:-45, and Holy Communion at Il a. nm. Neit Sund[ay, being the firat Sunday in the month, will be Corporate Coni- munilon Sunday' Wr both the boys and the girls' Comhlnicor leaguef-. Friday, January 1, cmmiorates the Circumcisiori o! Our Lord. There will be Holy Conmmunion at 8 a,. ni.- Ja uam 6.tisthe.i',t Thursday evenlng, Decemnber 31, there will be a rehearsal for the Senior choir at -d:30 o'clock in the church. Those lnterested in joining a theater Party to see "The House Beautiful«" Friday,. January 16, inotify the paistor or church aecretary. lite Wornan'a Sorlety Friday, January 8, the womnen of our church will entertatin the .members of the Evanston Baptist churel Womian's Sc#xCety. A play, "KÔrea--Lafld o! the DaWn," la to be presented. Lun.cheoni will bie aeryed at 12:30, in charge of Llnk E, Mrs. Z. A. Parkhurst, chair- nman. Mission Church (Meetingsî held at Commun ity -Bouse) John Bengtaon,. pastor Church school.............. 11:15 a. ni. Communion service...... ....oP. ni. Junior Y. P. ..........65 p. ni. Evening service ................ 45.p. ni. Thuroday, ]Dee. 31 AnnUal business meeting......... 8 p. ni. Watch Night service,. .......... Il P.in*. January 5 to 8, prayer' week services. Plead for Loans to Assist Schools, (Coîîtinued froni Page 1) tax paye rs. FÉor 1928, the borrowing amoilnted to $180,000 and the inter- est paid on this boan was $9,570.77. -For 1929, the borrowing iyas $225,000 and the interest cost nearly $19,00(). The borrowing ini anticipation of the 1930 taxes, for which countv officiais have not as yet sent Ou t bis, Nvas also $2Z5,000 (the full 75 percent of the tax. levy permitted by law). The interest on this atnount wiII flot be, paid until the tax anticipation war- rants theniselves are paid,'but -a very reasonable estimate of the interest would be $20,00, for the chances.are *that property owners will ot receiv--e their 1930 tax bis for somne months. The total probabIç' interest. cost, to local' tax payers of the school- dis- trict alone due to the delay'in tax Col- lections would seeni to be at Ieast $50,000, and perhaps -much more. This heavy interest Ioad is one of the prin- cipal reasons why the scbool. district 'pi',- mi. - Wekeacafila Camp I ,â m -n 'Tm~,Vl1 greet I £tu fuY"- a . l.. - l"p i, ai m .tf,.cs.nome .. . j...j%.. i li nv.-New acar. Boy Scouirt. -- -Wilmette aeu. sitighstse: esPPOflOU wIiUy by the. tehers? MAternate Saturdays - 9:30 a. m. -,Cùb Mrs. aeù.Assighsess Clyde- Smilth and Mrs. A. 11I.- Durlng the month of Januaryor 2. at ou uii?4lIIf a1 h Pack No. 63. - uesale.- thouglits will be turned to "Pioneering." school district, at 6 percent intev.st, The Msslonary PatMalder 'ii corne to foraottoyas muhuo. The Wiimnette Su n4*y Evenng 'club The Firat' Quarterly conference nîeets your home wlth his "SADDLEBAGS" tOr bu w ereot o Meetu In ttim ehureh Overy Suniday evie- Weédnesday nlght, January 6, nt 8 troni whlch each day for the. entire t l« YU w UCilidrmt the re.. nin at7:3 o'loc. Nxt SudayRai1- 'clck.The dlsitrict supeintendent -wlfl month your hearts will be toucbed With aadm.1tiocoitel? 4, t j' $ I Wl ~

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