Feature 11t h Week of Opera 0111v three more weeks of opiera reniain before the close of tht' 1931- 32 season at the Civic, Opera. buse,ý Cbicago, and in this final period will be staged somnebf'the most interest- ing performances of a ýseason wbichl lbas been rich in variety, both:iii rep- .ertoire and artists. The eleventh week. of opera wiIl see Madame, Lotte Lehmann, one, of Europe's greatest favorites, again in the casts. Her first performance wil be as Elsa ini Wagner's Lohengrin, on WNednesday, Ja nuary 13, and for this opera the-Chicago Civic Opera'mus- tets,%wbat is probahly tie greatest cast to be found anywhçre in th 'e world. Egon Pollak, beloved Wagnerian authority, will be at 'tbe conductor's desk, and on the stage with Madame Lehimann wilI be- Madame Maria Olszewska as Ortrud, a role which is considered by many as, ber finest characterization; Rene Maison, the outstanding.exponent of the part of oui day as Lobengrin; Hans ber- .#iann INissen in ýhis brilliant chiarac-ý terization of >Telramund; Alexander Kipnis as King Hjenry, another m ag-, nificent portrayal, and E duard Habich miak-iing a major rotle of the compara- tivelv ininor part of the Kiîngs Herald.. GaÇve Repetitions The balance of, the week- is de- voted to repetitions of works whicih bave proved aniong the most r.opu- lar of the season. The week will openi on Sunday, jarnuary 10, witb the second and final performance of Parsifal, and there is again every, indication that every seat will be soc I for this great pres- entation of Wagner's nasterpiece. Mi gnon is the. Monday niglit offering witb tbe sanie cast. that sang it -for the New Year's Evýe-ga4a-, including MarhertaSalvi,. Coe Glade, Tito Schipa and Vaniîi-Marcoux -On Tuesdav,. the double bilUof Cavralleria Rusticana and I Pagliacci wilI be given, this timie -with Madame Rosetta Pamipanni as Nedda ini the Leonca- vallo -draina and an otherwise un- j£eUtlwuýthub w.5-uizay ûj'ieriiooi J«aiary 10, GI 4 o'clock, was -orgaiicd Iast seasont under the' leadership of Johnz Weiclaer, wvho as concer-trnaster 0f the RavÀdnia Opera cornpany, is -a zteII kiioewn figure to Mehe nzusic lovers of the *orth shore. the seasoni,' will' agaim be ini tbe title rôle. and Charles Marshall will sing Radames. Otherwise, tbe cast, is1 the sam e as that of another p*erformance- earlier in the season, with Cyrena Van Gordon as Amneris, Augusto Beuf as Amonasro, , irgilio Lazzari as the Ifr. Weicber, while stillayon mnan, has had.a.,wide and varied musical career. Hié bas held the.- position, of, concertniastere in the syînpbony orches- tras of Seattle and Cleveland, and at preserit is the assistant concertmaster of the Chicago Symphony orchestra.- He mv- àa- 4 .. .. p a r ceviig ini ns long and successtu] repeats bis beautiful singir is scheduled for Friday evening, Jan- record witb our resident coinpa-ny. an using acting inl bis chara uary 15. The performance was booked The principal' changes frorn previous tion of Cout Almaviva. as the resuit of a deluge of letters seasons are the assignment of Vann[ý Moranzoni conducts. and telephone calis received bv' the Marcoux as Don Basillilo, a rote to ________ opera company immediately after the wbich he brings aIl of that amazing announcement that a Saturda y mat- originality and painstakingoutline of AT PLAYHOLJSE inee performance in December would. detailt hat have made. h m one of the ,-p-ntet be ,the seasotn's ast of.Aida. Claudia finest siniginlg-actors before the'inter- pear at' the Playbouse on« Muzio, who :sang the. first, Aida of national public; Vittorio Damniani, januarv 10, at 3:30.. teriza- will a,-ý Sunday; 'r' the solojsts for the Ëirst performance of Grainger's "Warriors" in the bHlywoôod I3owl, and bas appeared under Grainger's baton numerous times 'since. He has also done con- siderable concert work througbout thn'untry-, .and11 -taedwith Modzinski. and the Los Angeles Symphony orchestra at the, first per- formùance of Dohnany's concerto. Here January 25 Prominent among the European ar- tists wbo are to tour the United States this season is the brilliant Spanish mezzo-soprano, Conchita Su- pervia, who ivili give a recital in New Trier auditorium Monday, January 25, under auspices ,of the Winnetka Music Club., Her, stay in, this coun- tryý is. limited té six weeks beginning january 1, and during that period, in additi on 'to -giving recitals, she wvill appear as guest artist with 'the Chi- cago Civiè Opera.company., Supervia ivasý born in Barceloüa, Spain. At the age of fourteen she made lier operatic debut at the Coloâ theatre ini Buenos Aires. At fifteen she sang Carmen in'an italian Opera company -and shortly aft.erward cre- ated the- rote of Octavian in Strauss 46Rosen Kavalier" at the Royal Opera bouse in Rome-. witb the composer hiniself conducting. For four- years she sang leading rôles at La Scala, Milan, appearing many times under Toscaini and creating the Ieading rote in "L'Heure Espagnole!" She in- augurated .the opera. bouse ini Turi.n witb "'L'Italienne ýa Alger" an& was aiso principal soprano for several' sea- sons, at the Madrid Opera House.. It was two years ago that she cre- ated lier greatest sensation, helin'shie sang in the Rossini Cycle at the Theatre des Champs Elysees in Paris. Her singing in "L'Itallienne. a Alger' and "Cendrillon" atoused the excite- ment of the Frenchi capital to sucli extent that' she was besieged with of- fers from other European cities. De- mands for an Anierican visit have been prevalent ever since. Since lier. specta cular success in the Rossini fes - tival, she hbas been appearing, e.-xten- sively. at the. Opera Comique.' the Paris. Grand Opera as well as in Lonl- don and Vienna. Contest Winner Is Symphony Soloist Raîpli Dobbs, native of Chicago, ý. r.. , - - -] -Fi il ýl