for. the .cominilterschiolastiCcebate season. A dual debate is scheduled with M\aine Township High school of Des Plaines the .__lt week in1 Jan- uary, andl another dual meet will be heki with -Morton High school of Cicero on February 19. 1 West Allis High sébool of' Mest Allis,, is., a, suburb of Milwaukee, bas written to New Trier asking :for a debate, and arrangements, for stioch a inatch may, be completed ini the nlear future, Debate Coach-«M\acLean of.-Nev Trier said thiis week;* Mr. MacI.ean bias selected seven stu- dent coaches to.assist him-in direct- ing and manaiging the varlous teams.' These assistants include Donald X'el- soli, William Klein, Carl Anderson, Donald Toeppen, Lambert 'Maguire. Bob Greefflalgh and Jamnes Eider. Tentative Teaun Lineupa, Tenitativeý lineups for New Trier in the Mainie and Morton debates were announced tliis week. Thie.y, are as For the Maine debaf e: affirrnative! teanm-Ada Pancoe, leader and clos- Ing speaker. Glenni Walker and Gladys Pancoe.. Bob Greenhalgh, student coach. Negative teanm-Albert Ack- t.riiiaiii, leader and closing speaker, Bruce Ellison and Jamnes Donahue. Donald Toeppen, student' coach~ For the Morton debate: affirniativei tean-Bruce Ëllison, leader and clos- ing speaker, Anne Lupean and Ernestý Eiichelinayýer or Gladys Pancoe. Carl Anderson, student coacli. Negative teani-Gleiiinn alker, leader and clos- ing speaker, William Doty and XiI- lard Hopkins. \VilaimKlein, student. * coacli. * \alker, leader of tliý negative tearn for the Morton debate, is a freslimia.n. *Debate Coach M.NacLeani states that lie hias shiown much promise in his debate work thus far. Severalý more experienced debaters, i .1uimgLambert Xlaguirc, Donald- Nelsoin, Tom Antrimn, John G riffith and James Kingery will take,,part .111 febates to. be held later ini the sea ,on, NI r.NlacLeaii alnnounced.ý Geori music «epartment and xaculty sponsor of the club, announced this week. Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Curtis, bro- ther and sister-in-law of Kenneth Curtis of 245 Linden avenue, Win- netka, bave bought the Ruth home in the Indian Hill club grounds. Theyq have been. living in Belgium. F ORMERLYI SUCCESSORS Eyes Era mined Peaor4ptioa Fui.' the National Sciioiastic .contest and the local Henry P. Williams contest. if, sufficient high quality material written by members of -the club cani be obtained it is planned to publish 'the second issue of "*Scribblings," the fit-st issue of wbich appeared in 1929. The club.wil hold its next rezular bi-monthly meeting Thursday of next week. in now It is ouf aim to, help you to speoik clectrly, quickly, than heretofore. Ord er yours today. and inexpensively to'onyone, onyerayïr Suite 171,4 meyworth BI*g. 20ý E. maIIIbon, Chicago ($onytwo tîqs: at n S'A VES T/ MEÀ