Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Jan 1932, p. 28

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BY JEAN TEN BROECK The holiday season at Shawn ee, gay and joyous, bas flot left in its wake a period of relaxation for the music committee. In spite of the added music it gave to members of the club and their friends during, Christmas-tide, it immediately cornes fÔrth in this jus t-after-tb e-boliday period with announcement of an hour of music Sunday, January 10, by three superb musicians, Sergei Tar-, nowsky, 'Richard .Czerwonky, and Philip -Abbas, who compose, the Aeolian trio. 0f this group Mrs.MiesGeinger, music chairmaul writes, "The Aeolian trio will treat the members of Shaw- nee and their friends:.to an interest- ing hour of music on Sunday., Jan-ý uary 10, at 4 o*clock. t "The program will. be: 1. Trio No. 3 ini C Major... Haydn Allegro, Mdante, and Presto Finale IL* Trio Elegiague, Opus .9. .. Rach- maninoif M oderato, Quasi ariazione, and Allegro Risoluto 'Sergei Tarnowsky is a graduate of the St. Petersburg conservatory * and is weIl known-throughout Europe as a great pianist. HI s singularly i beautiful touicb and tecbnical accom- plisbment, sufficiet for every nteed, are made valuable by bis musician- luke spirit. "Richard Czerwonky is a Chicago mani and bas been beard very often in the west. Last year he was asked to go to Berlini to conduct his own Concerto with tbe Berliner Symphony orchestra. Great ovations were rendered bim on the occasion."' Unless our memory fails us, Mr. Czerwonky was. a meunher of a trio, with Mme. Ella Spravka and ber late husband, Boza Oumiroif, appearing on one of the first and artistically wortb wbile programs of the North Shore Chamber Mfusic association -in the Kenilworth. Assembly ball some'. years ago. 0f thethird member of tbe Aéoliân trio _Mrs. 'Geringer Writes,. "Pbilip Abbas is a cellîst f rom Holland. Hé camne t o America in 1916 and Was immediately engaged by Leopoid. Stokowski to join the Philadelphia Sympohony orchestra, He is~ a thor- Mr. and Mrs. William A Bradford of 956 Greenwood avenue, Winnetka, announce the engagement of their daughter, Virginia, to Earl H. De- Long of Evanston, son of the Rev. and Mrs. John E. Delong of Libertyr- ville, 111. Botb are graduates, of Northwestern university.. Miss Brad- ford'is, a 1meber of Alpha-Phi and Mr. ýDeLong of: Phi Gamma Delta. at the Woman's club, under thie aus- pices of the sanctuary' department and the church building fund commit- tee, In conjunction with the dinner a White Elephant sale will be beld. Mrs. Samuel H. Moore, chairman of' the 'building fund_ committee, is being assïied by its members, Mes- *dames Arthur Adams, John Boylston, F. Daegling, H. Davies, William Fitz- Patrick, A.Hughes, J. .Janette,, W.. J. Ke»ney, W.» F. Krippes,' F. KCutteni, W. Leary, J. Lechrier, R. Markbamt, Walter. Miller, G. Ortseîfen, Alfred, Ruby, J. Traceyý, Clifton Walker. ý Mrs. John . Boylston bieads the Sanctuary .department, wbose mem- bers. are: Mesdames G.. J. ýBichl, J. P. Budinger, E. ýGeorger, P. Klap- pericb, F. Koza, H. Marten, S. Moore, G., E. R-i.týth, Jr., H. Schmidt, E. Schager,.J. Tarleton. Wdil Instali. Off icers at Garden Club Meeting The first meeting of the new year of the Wilmette Garden club wililibe bield Friday, January 8, at 2:30 o'clock, at the home of 'Mrs. Edward H. Burge, 924 Forest avenue, WVil- mette. The assisting. hostesses are Mrs. William C. Fox andXMrs.ý Frank J. Scheidenhelm. 1Tbe new officers of tbe club, wbo wili take office at that tirne, are: M4rs. J. Benton Schaub, president; Mrs. C. P. Blerg, vice-president; 'Mrs. Hayes M.%cKinney, treasurer; Mrs. Don Wiley, recording secretary; IIrs. Charles Norman, corresponding sec- retary., Mrs. Walter Clarkc is pro- gram cbairman. The subjec't for study for theafter- noon will be "Parasitic Plant Growtb." Mrs. Paul 'Wagner will have -charge of the study and ivill talk on ".Mushrooms." Mrs. Royal C. Dickson will talk on. "Orchids," and Mrs. Johin F. Weedoôn on 'Con- tîrol. of Fungus Growth." Tri Delta Hostess North Shore Upsilon alliance, Delta Delta Delta, is meeting for luncheon at 12:30 o'clock, Xednesday, January 13, at the home of MIrs. Martin 1-H. day, january . iThe ihstess for thie att- ernoon will be Mrs. John C. Cobb). Infant WVelfare Meeting The Wilmette Senior Infant WVei;- fare board wilI. meet at the borne of M rs. David, J. Davis, 721 Elmwood avenue, Nfonday, January 11. at Il o'clock., in thie voman's club. ivrs. a..-"s flroad is to giye a reading. Those of tbe committee wbo know the secret of what ber selection is to be, know that it' will be one of the -out- standing treats of theyear..: Ail the members of thé club are weIl acquainted with Mrs.' Broad's dramatic ability and wili, be eager to hear ber on ýFriday.' ýMrs. .Robert Fontham bhas :pre- pared fitting, music for'the occa sion with the' assistance of, the club's chQrus..and its accompanist, Mrs. Banford Langill. This being the first gathering of the new year for the club members, it is hoped every one will try to corne. The bostesses for the afternoon wilI, be. .the fine. arts chairmani, Mrs. Russell Flood, and ber commùittee, Mfrs.ý Harry Bettinghaus, Mrs., Robert Fontham, Mrs. Banford Langi, Mrs. Thomas Mintz, Mrs. Marshall1 Kear- ney, Mrs..Frank Rothing, Mrs. Henry Schmid t, and Mrs.,.Harry Sher wiu. The Book Loyers class sponsored: by the fine arts departmnen of the W,ýomian's Catholic club of Wilinette met Tuesday, Januarv 5, at the home of Mrs. Russell Flood, 210 Broadwaý,', ind wilI continue meeting the flrst and third Tuesdays of eacb miontb at 9:30 o',clock in. the morning, ThL'e club chorus, also a project of the fine arts department, met this1 morning and will be is session everv Thursday morning at 9:45 o'clck, at tbe home of Mrs. ArthurAdainis, 0.32 Forest aveniue. Lecture, Installation at EveningGarde,, Club The Evening Garden club of Wil- mette. will have its regular and- its first meeting of the new year, Tues- day evening, January 12, at. the Woman's club. During the evening' the installation of officers wilI take place, inducting Paul Lang as the, new presidenit and Mrs. Fred L. Ar- nold as the ýnew correspondingsecre- tary. Committee chairmen- will be. appointed by the president and an-, nounced after the meeting. M rs. Gordon Wilson, vice-president, and Mrs. Nathaniel Webb, recording sec- on, Satrnay, january 9. Th, l)e about 150 guest's. Guest of Honor at Te, Mrs. Joséph J. White of 15Ç danroad, 'Winnietka, is givinj Satu rdav afternoon in honorg RobertT. Howe, mother of -Mi Dix of Keniilworth., Mrs. Arthur H. Howard, 1055 Wil- mette avenue, will be married to Dale Earl Brown, son of Mr. . and Mrs. George Brown, of Urbana, Ill., Sat- urday. afternoon, .January 16. The ceremony wili be performed at 4:.30 o'clock at the Wilmette Congrega- tional church by the Rev. Johni G. Hindley, and will be f.ollowed bv a wedding supper for the bridaI party. and the families of the' brid.e and groom, at Mrs. Howard'sý home.' Attending Miss Howard as matron of, b onor will be M rs. Howard' S. >.Ponzer of Niles Center. The brides- maid is-to be Miss Ramon Pierce .of Oak Park. Mr.* Brown. will, have as bis best mian his* brother, Charles Brown, of Lou.isville,:Ky. The ushers wilI beGuy Brown, of Chicago, an- otlier brother, Edward. Howard -of eWilmette, brother. of tbe, bride; ,Howard S. Ponzer, of N.ile.s.Center, and Thomas Miller of Elmwood, Ill. Miss Virginia Haight of 'Glencoe will play the wedding marcb. After a wedding journey the bride and bridegroomn wilI resicle on Fargo avenue in, Rogers Park. Amo.ng -the many pre-nuptial .affairs that bhave been given in Miss How- ard's onor was an emnergency shelf shower given last Saturday afternocin. by Miss Betty Mulford, MIfiss jan.e Corneli of Aurora, and Miss: jane.' Currie of Chicago at Miss Mulford's home in Wilmetüe. Miss Medora Brigbt of Wilmette was hostess at a kitchen shower on Dece.mhtr 22, and a linen shower was given by M.\rs. Ponzer December 19. On Saturday, January 9, -Miss Pierce is to be bostess at a luncheon and bridge at ber home in Oak Park. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Goodnow of Glencoe and Mr. and ,M rs.. S. W. White of Evanston will entertain the families of -the bride and bridegroorn at a dinner party'at: Skokie Country club, Friday, January 15. Evanstonians Guests at Baptiat Church on Fridag The women of the Evanston Bap-. tist church will be the guests of the ere will Babies> Friendlg ta R esurne ea January 14, will be the date of the 9 he 1ï-flrst meeting of the new year of the ) hr.Babies' Friendly, which will be held g a tea at the home'ofMrs. Daniel Mickey, .f Mr.12 anut avenue. The meetingý rs. Tom will begin- at 10:30, and lunch eon will be served at noon.

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