Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Jan 1932, p. 30

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i'rogram Jan. 13 Alice Gerstenberg and Players, George Swigart, Richard Had- Jey on Dramna Day Prograni After a meeting recess of nearly a month7s duration, theéXoman'sclub of Wilmette anticipates the first meeting of a new year Wednesday, Januar . Its members wîill have a day of drama, ended in the morning by the onie o'lock luncheon and'prefaced .iii the afternoon by a music program by George Swigart, Wilmette violinist. Mrs. David J.> Davis, chairmanl of theý literature department ini charge of the day, is presenting ini the- morning at 10:30 o'clock a dramatic recital by Richard Hiadley, andý a walking re- hearsal -of plays by Miss Alice Gerstenl- berg's players at 11:30, o'clock. * Mr. Hadley is a student in the School of Speech at Northwestern university.i Miss 'Gerstenberg, prominent ini drama and theater circles in Chicago. andI known on the north shore for her ahil- ity and talent, is prescriting ii alking rehearsal, two começiies, "Dear Abbie's lEyes" by Vera Lay',and "Ever- Young,"f ber own production. The players tak-- ing part are Mrs. jessica Caîhioun, Swartz, Miss Anita, Baker, Mliss Alice Francis, and Mfiss Di;inthia Munger. Miss Gerstenberg and ber players will be guests'of the club at lunicheon. In the afternoon at 2. George Swvi- gart will playa grôtifl5ýol solos.j f Mr. Swigart is one of the younig irnusi- cians who is making a naine for im-c self on the north shore. At a recent musicale ini Clencoe hie won. eltitusi-d astic praise for bis able technique andd this sincere rnusicianship. d Miss Gerstenberg, playwright, as1 leader in the littie theater ino VementA and development, and a miember of. one. of Cbicago's pioneer faifiesi, is tfo speakon -Drana Todaf lnithe'aftçr-. "No Ainerican playw rigbÇ' a critic ti says, **has mastered s50 well the art of si the intimate, short play, and none bas gi done more to stimulate creation and in h oted actresses wIio have played it. "The Pot Boiler,", and "Fourteeni" are others altnost as popular.' Her draina- tizatio ns of -Alice iii. ýVonder1and," and "The Wýýater Babies," are otitstand-. ing aniolng ber succes segi Her draia- tizaion f A!~? as bec;' a -clasic Sewing Meeting The sewing. days sponsored by the philanthropy departrnent of the Woman's club of Wilmette resurne after a holiday recess on Friday, Jan- uary 15-. AUl womeni of Wilmette initerested in sewving for the needyr, are invited to corne 'in the morning at 10 and'.work, until 4, the closing hour, or for as rnany hours as they can. Luncheon is served at. noon and .mothers rnay bring school children if thejy so de sire. The Santee «Indian school, a philanthropyto which the Congregaýtional church women give support, is 40 benefit by the sewing on January 15. "The' speaker...is to be Princes Tsianina, who' is president of the Indian organization, the First Daugh- ters of America, and Who NviI *tell about ber work: among 'the Indians. Tsianina, is *of the C herokee-Cieek tribe, and is a noted mezzo-soprano. She was the guest artist at the De- cemnber meeting of the junior auxil- iary of the Wornan's club. She is deeply intèrested in ail that conc erns bier people, and is one of thiri staunchest champions. She is striving particularly to obtain a sympathetic understanding of the Indian race. Mrs. Charles N. Roberts is chair- man ;of the work for the day, as- sisted by Mrs. C. D. Ewer, Mrs. J. NV. Fisher, Jr., Mrs. H. A. Pope, %Mrs. Edward Scbeidenhelrn, Mrs. Frank J. Scbeidenbelin, and Nfrs.. Judson F. Stone. .Nrs. Albert Grinnell is lunchecon chairmian. During aIl of the meeting %vork is done on the attractive comnforters un- der the direction of Mrs. C. A. El- dridge, cbiairnian of a commiittee con- sisting of Mrs. H. C. Carroll, NIrs. L). H. Carter, Mrs. H. L. Beach, 'Mrs. '. A. Davison, Mrs. Stanley K. Gage,, and irs.. Clark L.. Hayes. Course .as Club Bene fit Eva Hawkins Shanks bring an eni- irely' new programn to the course of ix lessons in cooking, which she will gi ye at the Woman's club of XViI- mette begiinning January Il,.. at 10 fore its naine was cbianged,- is-a-ine- volume of her plays. A toy theate-r and puppets, and the need of a play for thein to act,ga Mis Grstenberg ber fi.rst inspiratiolr as a child 'and ber, success noWv shomis the force, of the inspiration to- which she devotes her 11f e., Uapeaner arUi8WIY>UU< The fourth lecture ni the series sponsored by the Sisterhood of North Shore Congregation Israel will take place Tuesday, jan'ary 12, at 8 o'clock at the temple, Lincoln and Vernon avenues, Glencoe. Clif ton P. Fadimani will- present a lecture' on "The Latest Géneration of ýAmerican. Novelists." ,Mr. Fadiman, as e ditor of, Sinmon and Schuster. (publishers), lecturer on literature, and radio book-review- 'er, has seen the book business f rmil more angles: than almnost anybody else Of bis gçneration. He- is particularly interested in the :rapid. changes througlb which. American culture iS now. going and in the. part that liter- ture has played in these changes. He brings to thiis' problemn the, fruit of 3'ears of practical- observation as ex- perienced e(itor and publicist as well as the intellectual background that 1ials made him, as a comiparativèly Young man, one ofl.New York's inost. resPected critics. AMr.1 Fad iman was born ini New York City and educated at Columbia tînii-ersity,. He is a reguilar contribu- tor of critical articles and reviews toj the better known journals, includirig.ý the' Menorah Journal, The Nation, Scinrs, The Bookmanl, The New York Evening Post, The Forum, andt others. At present he is engaged on a book of iterary appreciations to bc known as "Men of letters."f InVite N. S. R esident s to Free Garden Pro gaam Memibers of the Gardeni Club ofd Illinois, their friends, and any3one ini- terested in gardening is nvitèd t0 attend the prograin given by the Nurservimen s association, at the Hotel Sherman, Friday, January 15, s' 0t 2oclock, in the Bal Tabarin on the si.xth floor., The association is brining. as the Speaker, Mrs. Edith Bal.gliart of M edi.na, Wash., one of the finest gard&n lecturers iin the çotiitry wlio hascolored slides of un-9 uisual beatyý. Her lecture is offered [ withouit charge to aIl interested in s garden 1ng.1. Mr.Banghart, who gave the out- -L.U-..-. 'nains t~ure, is inning v wide Popularity througb ber club pro- gramin and around Chicago. eEntertains at Birçhwood ýI Mrs. J. B. Rowe,- 124 Woodbine sentertained ru f friensa ia party at-'the Bircliwood Country cýlubin Chicago Xednesday, january 6. Meet January 14 Mrs. Dwigbt Orcutt of Glencoe Aids in Arrangin g.Music for Biceritennial Program The federation of clubs of the Tentb district, of Wbicb Mrs. Ivoir Jeffreys.of Glencoe is president, will have an aIl-day metin Thursday Janu'ary 14,- at the Rogers Park Woman's club. A board meetingat 9:30 will precede the morning ses- sion. Luncheon. wilI. be served at 12:30. Th e guests of bonor are'Mrs. A H. Johnson, flrst vice-president. of the Illinois. Federation; Miss El len Yockey, state chairman of American citizenship, and Mrs. Wilbut. Fribley, state :chairman of the department of American borne. -Miss Yockey and MNrs. Fribley will be speakers on the i.norningpr-ogram, Mrs. Johnson will, give a brief talk in the afternoon. The program is to be a George Washington bicentennial prograni. In. the afternoon a program of. music, has been arranged by Mrs. XVilli'am Pigott, music chairman; of tlhe dis- trict and also of the .state federa- tôtn, and Mrs. Dwight Orcutt of. Glencoe., The guest artist is Leonard Huber, baritone, wvbo will be accon:- panied by joseph Anderson. Four members of the Wonian's Li- brary club of Glencoe-will give se%- eral two-piano numnbers. The Rogers Park WVoman's club chorus wvill sing, .directed by Mrs. 'William Rumnmel, as will the chorus of the Woman's Li- brary club of Glencoe, directed by ý,rs Orcutt. Other club groups tak- ing part will be those of the Brown- son circle and the Woman's Neigb- borhood club of Rogers Park... Mrs. ,Park Q. WVray, the first vice-president,, of.the édistri.ct, is the prograni chair- mari.> The "Minuet,." the, selection. to be given by the Brownson circle, is ar- ranged by. Mrs. AlIexander Klein, mu- si chairmnan. "Màking the First Flag," tbe number presented by theý Wornan's Neighborbood club of Rog- Mrs. William Hughes, social. chair- ma n, announces a Progressive dinner for the miembers 'and their husbands on 'Saturday,, January 16, 'ending -up at the homte of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Johnson, 12M1 Cleveland avenue, for dancing and bridge. r-, I

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