Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Jan 1932, p. 34

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Here Is Latest About Pogo and Other Pert. Pets 1havv à (()g i., fd .dPogo. Ile is so sweet. \\*e al%% ax ,.%-atit hîn! tied lup so helNN 4Vi'it get 1 st "r i-un awaV. Onc 'wYciiwcputh limOn -the wir li git,1(m.s. ILerail andl ran si) far tatwe ci 'uilfln'îfind imn. W\Vu founid huwiîrniiiiig arî'und and play-. inig. lie, ma> gî 'nunfor two davS. Tlhen an' 'tlitur da£ etook lîiiiî t' the sto)re. lie go t "e there blit <iii. lot fmn. 1 î 't in iiagain i i 'Iiiif11- hiomielie ril a~a \ and broku c this tunie I c 'ili'i get iiiiii. 11U. waited liii tlîieýn(dllu o'ftht. sîreet f'or Us tb ýcornulbut wblit xvas wau a car caille-a h 'n antrau o) i-r iîi> t \\,as' ii-t ur h>llxoh adig imi his pa 1 carriud hîîîii for a vi and ltheiti>ut lhiimi)W.lie 4ddnl'l limp an~lu' 11'ru, s' îitv adlie. <idrn'î hurt hiimsehCf vurv r\,nulch. Buft just tlle saitýn-ie vu We got lii 'nie. niothir andaged lill> pa\\ ùp su)il %V01uld get liciter. Thlat niiglit \%e liad a lot "f funi play ing ihhImlnstead of bceîng a lîad dog hIre a goo-d (dog 110W and w al love iim.-7Jilnc Bon-_ fiuld. SA lTow~ard .>ciinol. MARY LOOKS INTO GARAGE; WHAT DOES SHE SEE? One dy 1he Icaime homeie roi mnv graliîdînothecrs i>uswbtd o think I sa,ýv? -First I Nvenî int lîu garage and1ter saw tjibree, littluv kitteuîs. Obie asblack, and *one ýwas black anîd wiî.and thle othxer wvas juist as i-aa% hîk inother. Theni 1 -picked cOnu tiI>andI il howled and cried tuntil 1 lut it down. TIlin il 1Nva> satisfied. T'ircee (lavs later thîev ail hîad their eves oPen aand N%ëe riiim- niing iii anîd (lofuthett bouse aIl dav lon1g. 'i'latî. nîghît uw tnamed thet Blackiv. \iîaînd jackle. We aiso chose unr ku thiat iniglit. NI Iroiier. Billv.. toî' 'îk i iiY Ilittlt brother, BoJb. îook Wlîitie, anîd. 1 took Jakel r ane 1)rickcr', Mliss Vau I foi-t inome. Students Participate it*~ eporter Shows in R ,ecital Pro gram J aiting for Ice Speed in Writing \Ve lîad a. recital Thursdlav. \\e; u irLf tr liad L.ouise Schreiber, Fred Baker, PLAN TO FLOOD YARD " is a f.cho ie hit James Anderson and Edna Baughi- F OR SKATING lle-is.dý osho fte hit m an, %vho v were 'ou the conîitîitce hsyarw r pannIt lo mas vacation, a girl came into Our When'Mr. Cark oû muic eacerroom and as'ked:thetcacher if soinv WhenMrs.Clak, or nîSICteacurour back yard for ice skating. JLast ftepilwodwrtasoyfr asked us if %ve had a chairinan. xwe 01o h uiswud'rt t o said."o" So she chose l'otiie year ive flooded our- yard andd a the Junior .if e before 1(1:30. ,'The Schreiber for our chairmaîl. tuesces tfoddaothl eacher asked ifsnie wud esm The next Thursday we had 1 mnr of what we expected. \e use our, pajier Tie.firls ivent and.got some. program ready, and presented it th pond a lot and mostly we plav hockeoyhegrs rtete oloig tolowngThursday. The oflCs who t.Ail the boys in the. neighbor - ANE'(AN ) N'I' \AT weeinte rgrmar:Vieni hose corne over and skate. \Ve hel)' FO -H)WARI) SCHOOI. Mrs nhengamBaugre:an, inia e swho donot know as imuch a.-'F) 11'H Iýcireiber. Fred Baker, Dorotlhv Lw onea( ~e are rewarde b gt morane ataxe mrs. ler, eoh Davis, Jean M-IacDnld. i tlýjmg our skates sharpened. N' 2.N mrMtrlynaYs f>es~i Bchki. oron Bîihîî.brother and I ýskate the most andi 3. N1ýo stiow halls. BI arine uhsg. BhGoradoni [î i'play hockey the most butsomie sinali- 4. Ice skating. \\'ilcox. - Ired Ba r 1.1 der lboys play with us. ThIs, year ve 5. 810s Bake. hl~w arl îope. f0 have ail of our yard frozen I, illHeerens. SA Howardch*ool. s' we euskate more.-Bob M Nac- 'IUIII iLL V---- \I[irrani. A Howard sc.hool. Newe Caleng1grs Pj'tiUre IKS .iuD u JJq-vts y uie ' wvv%-"lli4J 7j Lw,4 Party for Youngsters WILMETTE ICE CARNIVAL Naval History's Heroes During the Christnma5 vacation Ili ETFRJAURY j' The new calendars are puit up iii l,'ks club gvaCristimas part 1(I, 'liTe Wilmette ice carîîival is to b)e theý roomns of t he Howard. schooi. the ch ildi-en. Thev ituvited theu iiieîîî - Januiarv 9. At frtw iu thiî k They have 'on theni the pictures of beérs'. chiidren. Thev 'also itivited ci li at there wvouhd be anly ice to. skate 1the heroes of naval iisr". In th.e children from an orphiaus'.hotu e. \ c i. We haven't grotten verv m 0 îdeo htes îtrst~ei frst lla%eç lesand hanld coîitesis practice as yi t' We hope the -Ici ne of "Old Irontsides'. Her sails' are After the gaulles thev put on a ver-%vather keeps up so ive' an hiave ýil. op en a nd -sle is goiu g aloug at luiîl good( shw1lvicii vas al lancers. Lst Stear the ice %vas ýnothing. buit speed. The calendar' lias white let- 'Hi pat he lildrn hke ~v5 lîe . ~h Th weather is. getting a, lot fers. and numbers on a black back-- Sýanta came "n(. fie junîiped throug'i Ico Ider, at the lime of this writing.- ground. The rest of the :calendar Î> a lookinggas.Whieitil was o. BillINiacNforran, 8A H-ow'ardj schoh. sort of gravish i Mie with the pictures Ial hl o ond(fcn n of the niaval hieroes around the edge. aut orange. - , ucille (;i-aam.8.-\ SKATERS EXPRESS FEARS ýElmer Stone, 8A Howvard schooi. 11o>ýýard sC11oi. Several Students, Make Perfect Banking Record 'jhle 8A class has been having prcti pgoocl perceutage. in baiukim.. l'le chiildrienwYbhve banked everv timie are S-hirley- Garniiss, Heleni I.iidcstrî'îui, Naijonc Stàaubitz, Stuar L(lýniiu(s. IBob Speci, Xîrginiia OIsoi. and ijîsie jaile Edge. 1 hopeha evcrvl)bo(ly on 8A-\will be able tohave 100K percent. I.ast ,veuk before Chirist- nias vacatio)n we iîad $8.25. Out of ABOUT ICE SITUATION The skating hasn't started yet, and everv. veàr wve.have skating by tliîs tinte.. Ever body is afraid il ý\vill lie too warm. for. skating, but thev are trying to freeze tiie pon.d noW. Týhe skating,is going ho be doneonithe Village Green beiîind the school.- The annual races are coing, soon, andl 1'nîp sure.everv-bodv, vaîfls to l>eii the. -Beýtt%-.Hale. SA Hoxvaýrd schiool. Hears von. Hindenburg Pupils Study About Time ,of Washington, Hamilton In 1Qil ceneclass, the'eighth grades: are studying, about the inte of George- Washington and Alexan- der l-anilton.. This is very interest- ing. There is, aIfovie flQw calléd 'Alexan der. Hamilton,"' which is, of theý same thing and-timie.Mrs., Groves is oUr social science teacher and 1. think she makes hem s Ubject very iîII- teresting. -. Kate Me\IConnohiei 8A, Hoadschool. 'B. I have a littie kIctteit. lier nain e 1,-Iwrd- Rum. hnweptii)ou lritýHoadschooî. GeraIdý Spinnèr, 8A Howard school. mas tree Christmias Eve, oui- kiuten WIN FIRST CAGE TILT XVhen we have geography , it , is would take ber nap under the trec. Recently, C-2 îîlav'ed C-i. Th e very tiresonie because we have tu After béing used to the tree, she score at the enid of the gaine w as 9 read at least twenty-one eags i slept.there every-day. Now that we ho 7- This was our first gamne we hiad. just one book. We are stu4ying the have taken our Christmas tree down. W e hope towi the rest of the land of the Nule. Khartum means the iny kittensIteeps on the ai-m chair.- ams-Bigeiow%' Haley, 89 Howard towno epattss-etSt- Frances Bebas, 8A Howard school. school.. son, Howard fourtb grade. kne 'pr,78A H'àoward school. GAME WON BY D-2 The hast Fridav beÏfore vacationi, D-2 defeated D-3 ini basketbal; 16 tO 7. It' was a pretty good gameé. D-2 has iost olie.gante this season to'D-5'. We hope to wixthie rest of gaines.- Robert Edmonds, 8A fîoward school, À [m

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