Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Jan 1932, p. 35

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Bottier at This Season \Viîter days are hiere. the days with %veather which is nost trving on batteries. according to U. C. Abel, of the, Abeli Battey -& Igniitioln Service,~ 710 Elm s treet. Winnietka. This, 'lie s ays. is particularly true of batterie, whichi have. )een doing service for înanv months. without re-cliarg ing. Oce f th.e most annioying tling., a driver experiences, Mtr. Abel Points out. is to> enter his car on a cold mîorning, and liave the weakenied bat- ter%- fail*to funictioxi. This, lie asserts. is the source of inore "hurr.v" calis tlian any3 otiier one liie of his work. Appreciating th~e Jiiiportanlce of "slpeed" iii such cases. Mr.. Abel lias equipped biis service truck withi a "b)Ooster" battery with wvhic-h liis aide to make emierg- ec tarts (Iuickly, and" have the client on vour rpad at smpall cost. Conicealed inîside the service- truck. -is a. 12-volt Firestoile Truck-i3us bat-. terv. The connections are twvo tell- foot cables that cati be attaclied to the starter of the strandeci car. \Vhen. a service cal! cones in the truck is sent ýont. Ininiediatelv. on arrivai. the service mati mierely connec.ts the liroper cable to the starter. grounds tîxe other. tiien. starts the car. As Noun as tuie-car is runlning, the motor- îst rives dç)wni to thîe station to have *the batterv serviced. The outstandiîîg advantages of this tvpe of service are. according to Mr. Abel, "elinination of the neces'sity of hand cranking; towing in tbe s talled car, or installing rented bat-i teries out on the 'road or in a cold garage. The saving ini time is, just atiotier added. service to our buisiness." Mr. Abel says, "which we are always s ek- ing to mnake available to our cus- toniers." Exçpect New Oakland; Factory at Top Speedl Increasing employnent and greateri activity, at the' Oakland Mlotor Car -conpany plant lend, weight to reports that the conîpany:- %vill sbortl'.-intro-f duce a new line of cars. Althougli factorv. officials. rernain sulent on the, sulject of new models, wide-sprcad conifidênce exists that the, industrys foiirth largest producer soon will an- nounce anbitious plans for 1932. Ail 'dep artinents of the factorv are on a futll time tb.sis, with somie de- partments working nights as well. Not since the introduction of the *present m6dels nearly a. Year. ago haS the' Pontiac factorv been as busN- as at present. Emnploynient is at the *iliest level since last spring. Forni- er employees are being given prel .- erence as the factorvý personnel isý dailv increased. As a resit. generàl business in the Pontiac area lias- shoN-i a mnarked pick-up. Xersted Motor cofipafly. 562 Lincoln aveItIne. j is the northi shore 'Oakland -deaier. een 0on this wi 30 Greenvv businiesst Mrs. P. J. ivenue, entc mest Mirs. J4 TOU BSAVE MONET G re ase and Ou1uuake for inexpensive mumranceaant breakdowns and costlyrars Haeyour car greased and oiled, regularly - and have it done here THEILWELL Bob 'n Maàc Main St. at Linden Ave. Phone Wilmette 3334 MOTORS SERVICIE Our Price«-* Compote WItII The Tii Wou Na usatter whot the job mtsy be yon cas trust us te de it thoreaaglly Llden Creat Garage See Tom for Coniplete Garage Service, »i Liuiden Ave. Wflmefte 477 IN1' uer WON'1 NEED TO CRANK IT '04À' 721 MAIN ST.I NEYER WILMETTE jJ. . Slown i CLOSE»IA. B. Vu1uesfnI Phone.Wai. 260.2601 , J I Immette

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