Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Jan 1932, p. 36

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The deadline for entering Vil- Fiday, JiMuawy *. eague. -as Sier vs., Elites. metts *ixt atinalicecari~a pan. Cbess and Checker club. Stolp Howard gymnasium. ilet' ixhaia cecria chool library. 8 p.ni..Basketball for mnen. B League. scheduled bY the Plaavgroound -an(] 7 p.i. Basketball for men. junior Railers vs. St. Johns. Hfoward Recreation Board for 1:30 o'clock League. E~ast Siders vs. Junior A. vlnsîm f :tidaatenoihsbeCst.: Howard gymnfasiunt815 m.Frs oud Doubles Pmng 6 oclck hî evnig. ndDaniel ý M. offman 1 vs. St. -Johns-. Howard 9 p.M..Basketball for nien. B., League. >Dvs ietro.tcctohas ýan- gymnasium. Lvtman's> Texacos vs. Hoffina I 1L cepted after ithat>îotir. dule.Stolp for nenu. BLage 9 pm Basketball frme.B egi. The condition of the, ice.ortl- Ridge, Pbarm-acy vs. Hoffman Il. fn,~ Llj er or uQt there ij'l be iee. andcou-- Hoar gynaium I cedales sequietitlv whether there Will be a J ineet duts Saturday is wholly depen- Saturday, Ja nuary, 9: BiAKETB ALL .LEA( .iU.7F dent upon the weather. Altbough the1 attendants for the ice ponds have 1:31..Sxbana c anvl enn ofnd, 1931-12 beeil ptoClre(l and.have started flood-, Wlmte ilae- ren Games wiIl be played at Howvard and ing t,%,ie terelia . eenno iç ilStolp gynînasiums. One houîr only wiII be ing wicetlwr ha bee 110iceallotted to each game. A teain wios :kating in Xilmette at ail lip o Monday, Jamuary l ppoensae otedytpl 1 press tinte Tuesday. However the 1 :3() p.nî. Basketball for girls. NIai 1 nte ftgaessceud y ýtaff of attendants at the twvo skat- -icrd s -.Sopgrusni ensaJnaY 1-ehds s îig pnds lias heeni assenhl)letlice 7 :30 p.m.. Volley bal for fiiCfl.1-Iow- lîlsh, 7 pwm.,' Howard. Preshyterîans Ial )ecenîhe(r. an d at th,, siigîitest ard P. T. A. vs. Hoffman Florist 1. v.s. .lackhawks, 8 p.m., H-owardI. dropin ein peatur xil. b redy t Hoard ymnsiun.lSaniroeks vs. K. of (1_* 9 p.,,,.1 How- (Irol) in cmî>cratnr will be radv to Hoardgmasn. r<. State 13ankc vs, Hawks, 9 pn. wok ay aiid igit- to procure ce $?:15 pa~n. Basketball for girls. Schulz Sop or the ineet.j & Nord vs. O'Kays. Stolp gymna- WdesaJanuiars 2ý-St;ite Banik Eç k* vs. Prsyterian, 7 p.m., -Iro d A nunîhber of no&n-rc>Mdent sk<'s f C. Ys. Irish.. 8 p.m.,Hoa, have sent iregistration for ttýein ile 8:5pn VIe'bilfrnen o- Baekhawkis vs. Melthodigts, 9 :)n. tégregational vs. Hoffinan. Florist Il. H-oward. Hawks, vq.. Shan reeks,9 twf eets opcn to skaters .ontsidc -oadgynsui Wednesday, January. 27-P,atckhawksz WVilnette. T'he -Golden ,S kates 8:15: p.m. Volley ball for ien.. Bap- , .State Ba. 7 . fov.. I)ebvthonemie een, i te fa- tist vs. Gym, Class. Howard gymn- o C vs. Methodists. 8 p.n.., Howard, Inasiumi. I~s s ak,9P.nî.. Howat-d.i, ture race of the \Vilniette Ice Cariii- 9pm olybIlfrme.Rde Pre.sliyterians vs. Shanro(cks, 9 p>i.i , va. nda ai o gldn ceskte jAve. Pharînacy vs. Wilnîette Tai- Wedn.qetav,, February, 3-Shanrock., il wiîbc awarded. to the iinier. The 1 lors. Howard gyrnnasiuim. Sta te. Bank, 7 p.m., How rd.PrS' skateç are (lonated by Wiliiette drug-. 90 ..Bsebl o il.X1 btrans -vsý. Iih 8pm.Foad gîsts. 0O11y boys15> vears ofvs age amists ive mv cmptevs. Illinioi5 Bel Telephone. Stolp ard. s. K. f c.pi,H - otlwer open race i h w mile Bline egv asium. ana 1 Strea- Dery forboys 8 Yeas andT vs Shamrocks, 7 p.ni., Hio,.Nîrd. lri si civer. The wvinner of this' event wiIl ý pa.11Ae1ro club f or , bo v s. HIowNard State Bank, 8 p.m., H-oward. g-;iiisiiii.Methodists vs Preslivterians, 9p.. receive a pair of bine streak racers *fuaiui lownrd iHawks vs. k. of C_, 9. .. donated bv A. G. Spalding & Broth- 7:30 p.mi. Basketball for girl>. Six~ Stolp. .S ers as first prize. Second and third Bits vs. . XYZ. Stolp gymnaii.siu. i eins-Iy Fhuay 17lis s 1 -8 p.nî. .Baskletball practice for mn. qhamnr cks, 7 p.m., Howard. Presby-g place iiniers, ini this race .as well.as terianis v.. X. of C., 81 p;... Howvard, g. ini the mile openi race wiîî receive Hwr yînsu.Plikhaw:k.s vs. Hawk.s, 9. pi'. How- th siler ndbroze ielsresecivey.8 :15.,pa.. Basketball for girls. Wl ard. Mtoit vs. StateBnk rac fr ilmtt m Ii ndians. vs. New Trier _Specials. .. Stolp.> haîfys miknwn te l . Sopgvmnasiunî. ~BASXFR.ALTLEAGUE and boys ol-sknown s t e Sler .05 p.nî. Basketll 11for girls. Brownî- Second ]Round, e 113 Wing Derby v ili have as frsApi. a nir i slve wng kats dnatd esvs Basketeers.. Stolp gymina- Gailnes will be Played at. Howardl anclc stI gnnajrn.On our only vil bE by Chandiers, tien. Second and'third sim be allotted to each game. A team whose Cc plcewunrswil eeie ile. ad1 ..opponents a' re. fot ready to pIa3y 157 P bronze medars.. lu acIl oth er.races desdyJanuary. 13 .minutes after game is scheduled may brone nidal. Inal] the racs eaim n forfeit. which are restricted to residents of 7 pni.Gyminasium class for girls. lrriday, Jajnua-ry 8-TToffmans 1 s S.gr Wilrnette, gold; silver, and bronze HigiCrest school. . JOhnS. S p.M., Howard. Ridge Phar-Sc 1 . ;, -t- .s of a sT n - Announcement of the second an- îmual chess tournament and the first Wiimette checker tournainent bas been made by the Playground and Recreation board for the latter part ai .January andthe month of Febru- ar,- h is ih of play wîll be -Friday evening, J,4nuary'. 22, at, the Stolp, school Iibrary where, aillthe tournament gamnes will, be plaved. l)le ta conîpete ini each of the tournaý nienits an.d one person may enter, bot tourî'aients which wiil be, played a:ý eliiniation ,affairs and-wi1l continuE until one undefeated player is, lef' in te :fieid:, Contestants are linxite(l to Wilmette residents. .Entrants ini the two tournaments must be' registered at the Wilmette Plavground and Recreation Board of- fice before 4 o'clock Monday. Jan- uarv 18, whlich hias been set as the finial date of registration. There -ill I)e no0 registration fées. *Entries înav be miailed to the Recreation office. 914 Central avenue, or .be made ùiv :,elephýoninig Wilmette 40$_ Plan Bè'ginners' classes>.in, Chess Begunners' 'classes iiW chess. for. grammar school children to meet on Vriday afternoon.s at the Stolp school library are. announced, by the PIayground and Recreation bcard as 'lie of the post-mholiday activities. The classes will be limited'to eight hildren of the three upper grades, ;ixth, seventh, and eighith grades and xill be under the instruction afi1-H Beach, 1114 Ashland avenue. As on as the mnembers of 'a.class have ,rasped the fundanientals, of >the ame, a new clas 's wiIl be formed and bc former class will bc promoted to natched, games -under the supervision )f the instruCtoe and bis assistants.. No, charge W111,be made for the ass but previous registration mnust, ýe.made at thé Rec.reation office, 914 .entrai avenue,. or with Mr. Beach lrsonally. Prior to the Cbristmas holidays a roup of granimfar school and high hool youngsters met infornially at he Stolp library at 3:30 o'clock on 1 clay afternoons but no organiza- on of the players was made. The rst meeting of 'the group wi,1l be ie It January 15, at the- Stolp school 11- brary. Registration may bc made at the Recreation office before 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon and may bce mnade with the Recreation assistant in charge of the ping pong practice ini the Stolp gyznnasium. tomorrow, eve- ning.. 7 p.m. IBasketball for Ment I.tague. St-PIp gymnasiurn. 8-M pL adies' gymnasiuni Howard gylnnasium. 8p.nl. fasketball for mnen. League. Make-up gaines. gymnasiurn.. 9p.mn. Basketball' for men. L.eague. .Stolp, gyinasium. reuruaryi1U5L1fflII5 1vs. Elites, 8 p.m., Howard. 1Jôffmans Il junior vs. Termlnals, 9 p.m., Howard. Wednesday, February 17-St. Johns v-s. cîs. Lyrnan's Texacos, 7 p.m.,Stolp. lani- *Stol». Junior Friday, FebruaryH19-. îJohns vs. tlp vs. Hoffmans 11, 9 p.m., Howard. * Wednesda, Pebruary 2-i~ hr junior ,mracy ve. Trias p.m., Stolp. Ramblers vs. Lynjan's .Textacos, 8 ».mr., Stolp. cxasaa'i '-<YPt ; i. ursciay, two general tours of anthropological, botani cal, geologicai. and zoological exhibits; and Friday, "South Amner- can AnimaIs" and* "Crystals and Geins." These tours of museuni ex-* hibits,. conduicted by'.staff lecturers, are- open to lail museuni visitons.. Parties. assemble inside the nqrthý entrance. A

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