Starting Friday, January 8th, ýEnding. Sat urday, January l6th. La stiAugust we left he 'contract to equip lite, balance 'of. aur ,store witk new, fixturesý.. The, workmen wiII belhere Janury201I We mus ips o afo ur present sockbIefore that date. This is a wonderful oppottunity to, save money. UNBLEACHED M U SLIN of good; quality, selling if the* unheard of prc., yard. .5 BLEACHED CHEESECLOTH. 36 inches wide, 1lOc qualfy, yard......5 PILLOWý CASES, 42x45 heavy casing, very special eh inches, 15c rS, 72x90 and 8 1x90, very I ..ý . . 6 8 c BEP QUILIS, ful patchwork .style, $2.95 value., ihis, Sale . . . Sbed site, $2.50 andâ CURTINS.Special sellii SHýEýETS ,AN:D CASES, PEPPERELI SHEETS, -63x99-> 71i99,,81,x99, choce of size, each 88C PEPPERELL CASES, 42x36 or 45x36~ choice of size, each. C2 PEQIJOT SHEETS, 63X'99, 72x99, 8 1 x99, choice of size, each . $1,28 PEQUOT CASES, 42x36 or 45x36, choice of size, eaçh North. Star Blan kets Thi is Wyour chance to save on BIankets. $1 2.95 -now sellinig $1 0.50 now selling $7.95 now selling ,North Star $9.88 $7.88 $5.88 WOMEN'S OUTIN G:GOWNS, good quality flannel in assort.d stripes ... 5 C MISSES'. PAJAMAS, made of fine broadcloth, s eIling up to $2.50. 'som.e sigb1Iy-8 soiled, priced .... 8 CHILDREN'S SUEPERS, similar to Or. Denfon's. 8 This Sale...... 8 CHILDREN'S SWEATERS. Odd lot sweaters, cdean-up ......95C $1.50 value 'D ,CHILDREN'S UNION StJITS,, , Rayon sdripe, sleeve- l Iess, knee, $i .50 value 71C WOMEN'S RAYON GOWNS, or PAJAMAS, 5 clean-up ... 9 c 1 46-48 Witmette Avýe.,Phn imte 859 I ~ .4 Gel Yo u r S li a of' These Sai lînqs mwý