4Iesired. . l VImette 1013W1. ATTRAClIVE ROOM - WELL AP- pointed home - near transportation. Christian Scientist preferred. Write A-88, Box* 40 Wflmette, II 51LT2N36-Itp FURNISIIED ROOMS FOR' LIGHT housekeeping. Re'aonable. Near trans- portation. Ph. Wilmett e 4866. 5ILTN36-Itp FOR RENT-ROOM IN WELL. FUR- nished quiet home, near tranasportait- tion. References. required. Ph. Wil- mette 143. 51LTN36-ltc -NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, r. bath. Close ,to transp. Empfloyed woman preferred. Ph. Wilmette 2582. 51L36-1lp. LARGE, NICELY FURN. RM. WITH- sunl parior and private bath,,foi' 1 or 2. Nr. trans. Winn. 2010. 51LTN314-tfe LARGE, LIG HT, FURN. ROMI E pri;vate home. Near lake and gond traflsp. Garage space if desired. Pli. Wilmeitte 4082. 5lL3&lîte PLEASANT FRONT R1M. IN PRIVATE houme, I biock. fr<om Indian Hill 4ta-~ tion. Phonne Winnetka 466. 51LTN3-ltc ATTRACTIVE SUNNMY ROOM IN east ide' Winnetka bomne. Garage avaiubl. Vey rasonable. Win- Petka. Z648. 51LTN36-ltip FRRENTL-LARGE BEDRM, SIT- tiî. rom oti<alalan garage, lose to 'tr ansportation. Pil. Wiliimette 2.150. 51LTIN36-ltc NIILY FURNISHED RlOOM CLOSE tib transportation. Private home. Cali Winnetka 3690. 51LTN36-lte L A RCGE. WARM, COM-%FORTABLY furnishe'd room. Very reasonable. Phonoe Wibntette 1633. 51LTN36-lte USA FOR RENT-LT. HSICPG. RFU. FOR RENT - ]?URN. 3 Rhi. LIFHT hoïiu-;keeping apartmnent ,o n second floor, $50 a mn. inluiding heat, Water and ligbt. Alan garage space' for $6 if desired. CaU l Wimette 299. ne FoR RiENT-APARTMENTS FOR RENT TWO'ROOM, KITCHEN- ette apartment near, transportation, steani heat, electrical refrigeration. C--ali Wilniette 1800. 56LTN31-tfc O NE 3-RM. KITCH ENETTE APT. H-unmphrey Building. Winnetka 98 or 328. 56L'M20-tfe Go FOR RENT--HOUSESI WHITE, BR ICK, COLONIAL. NEMI Skokie Golf Club. Liv. rmi. 17x26 " large din. .rm.,- butler's pantry._ kit- chep, and lavatory. Screened porch overlooking garden, recreatinfl rooni la baseineut. 7 bedrmns., 4 baths. $250 per n. or £Iill seli for $55,000. 'Other desirubie hbouses for rent furnished and unfurnished fromi $50 to $500 per aio nthb. DOROTHY K, ROSS 663 Vernon Ave. Glencoe 986 and 305 60LTZX36-ip WVINNETKA HOME, FINE LOCA-ý tion. east of tracks. 2 baths. '2-car garage. Large yard. $115. Win- netka 3863. 60LTN36-ltc si FOR RtENr-FrUaN. HOUSES Attractive hcnIe lu mnost desir- able section, 4 bedraî.. e, n sunrm..a., large yard. $85 'White Colonial lhone, 13 hedrmis., -sinrin. $100ý a nionth. Beautiful nearly ne%-, home. .6 naster bedrus, 4 baths: 2 maids' raiis. aadbath ; also chu uf- feur's quarters: recreationu ~ llbrary, suurim., muids' din. ri. Grounds of, over on acre jiU pool and toboggan. $500 a: iiionth for à year. F RANCES J. WINSCOtTl 1902 Spruce St. Winnetku 1267 61LTN36-1tt- s3 WANTED TO RENT-HOUSES WANTED-6, 7 or 8 rooin lunfuruished bouse. E. S. Rosen, Ph. Wlitnu. 3633. 62LTN36"Ilp 72 FOR SALE-HOUSES 'FOfRCED, SALE. Attractive Dutch Colonial ini best condition. H. W. beat. 011 humner. .Garage. Choice ielighbbnrbôod. $14,000. RENI' FURNISHEýD.OP. UNPIJRNISHEDf 8 ýroomn brick. 3 baths. H. W. lieut.$15 541 Lincoln Av e. wiunletk'a 14!12 721,TN361 tc . onvenient to- mnm.b le-ptee. 1 for sniller, or rent. INC. 513 Davis St., Evanston t tra Gre. 1617 î.2LTN36-2te AN OPPORTUNITY GENUINE SACRIFICE - SALE OR Mt'Ide of I0 rim. solid. brick residence in pchoicest east Wilmeitte location. 3 baths, 3 fire places, 3-car garage, recreation roomi, library. Perfectcon- struction ad cinmpiete la .equipniîent. -Snallep home, vacant, or apartiient considered in exchange., * JOHNF. HAHIN. mc. 1619 Sherman Ave. Greefileaf 2".00 72L36-tc DON'T MISS TlHIS! 7 RM.. 2 B3ATH HOME IN FINE DIS- trict, East Wiljîietteë.,for lit tie more than the lot va rue. One of the aider 'wel huilit residences, in good condi- tion; grounds 60x2OO, witb fine forest trees. To a responsible party 1 wil seli for asz littie as $1,500 down and Ibaia1nee of equity ln 4nstallnments. - XN trades-No brokers. Lnwest prie $16,000 "lst intge. $13.000. WiI. 51-62 or Uni.. 8383. 72L36-ltc VNUSUAL BARGAIN* $13,500. N. E. C Iëneoe. near schoois and trans- portationa,4 ,bedrins., ibath. .Lot 72x200. DOROTHY K. ROSS 663 Vernon. Ave. Glee 9896 and .305 72LTN36-ltp 174 LOT net] FOR SALE-VACANT 50xl8O AT 1032. OAK ka. Wil.l seli for $3,80Q 1 VI'NTL --- 40 £1T'J "M>.~U 3' transportation, 'Evaston ni' Wilmette. IVili, puy spot cash for genuine bar- gain. Write.A-8î. Box 40, W'iliiette. sa -FOR UALE-FMARMS A SOUND INVESTMENT Attractive: buy4 iln acreage ln beautifu! Lake county, somne farnis on lake or strüua9. Country estates, fais 5 1 10-acre tracts, 10, to 50' miles uior-th- -west of Wllmette on good roads,. R. M. Johuiston & Co. Opposite "L" Terminal, .%Vil. 68 and 44i pex lroner, Domestic Science.flre- less cooker, mah. tes. wagon. Long- beach 6471, 832 Arygie St., Chicago, 10 te 5. 86LTN36-itp ne FOR SOM-iUCELI-ANERous TWO P IO NBE ER VELOCIPEDES, largest aise,:excellent condition. Glen- coe 1564. 88LTN36-ltc Miss Cynthia Holmes, daughiter of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight H. Holmes of 307 Woodstock avenue, Kenilworti, entertained six, friends at luncheoii at Cooley's, cupboard Wednesday of' 1st ~yek,- taking her guests *to the' v1ies ini the afternoon. Joe White,'who is the son of the Joseph J. Wbites of 159 Sheridan1 road, Winnètka, returned.to Andover acaderny Monday of 'this week after the holiday season spent at home. 0o '.%r. and Mrs. Cedric Smith -enter-, tained >a few friends at their homte, 205 Essex road, Kenilworth on New Year's eve before the bail at theKe-n- ilworth club., Robert, Stoughton of Grand Rapids. Mvich.,,bas been the holiday guest of the Philip Vaughan Briglits. 731 Ash- land avenue. ,\r. and MIrs. M. S. Aldridge of Elgin. WI. were the hioliday- guests oôf the WValter S. Canipbelîs. 829 Elm- wood avenue. A daughter, Audrev Jean, was born at the Ravenswood hospital Sunday, january 3 to Mr. andi Mrs. Roger A. Sherman, 818 Sixteenthstreet. MONUMENT MAUOLIINORIR QSON M6) N. Western Ave., Chwagua Opposite Roeill-Westem Aue. entraruce Tel. Longbeach 1161 Pro. booklet Alqo opp. Oalcwoods & ML Hope eut. LoC>D office: 228 N. LASalle St. WILMETT E LIF f fo oeta 0yara the HOMEPAPER otecommun jy $ 'PHONEÊ WILMETTE 4300