Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Jan 1932, p. 5

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By L.F. New Trier High school is .vell selected as the place in which to hold the Tax~ation school for it is the. geographical center of the towns N hose Leýagues of Womnen Voters are cooperating iin this Joint, programi. Monday. Januany 11, in the Girls' r0011 of the new building. ,Citizens of Glencoe, the northern- *nost town in Cook county, are join- itg with the- Winnetka league a>-- ïîsual. but the functiolling of bothtlit Kenilworth 'and Wilmette le*agues' vith the towns to the north, be- spaksasubject of unusual inîpor-1 tance and a pr ogram of fitting ex*- cellence. [,uicheon reservations, for whiclîi there is ,no charge beyond the geti- eral admission fee to the school, and which are to be made by 4 o'clock Friday. January 8, will be received for Keniilworth by Mrs. E. F. Sîîy-- dacker. Wilmette7 700-R; for Wil- luette by Mrs. Murdo Ross, Kenil- wort-h 3455; f or Winnetka and< Glencoe, by Mrs. Royal H-oaglanrl, \Vin et ka1381. TaIk, by Gaffney Matthe~w P. Gaffney will openi the schol itha greeting, and 'Mrs. NV. %V. Ramsey, chairmanl of the elec- tionàs committee' of the state départ- 'Mnit ofcfficiency.iii governmenit,,will.. be thechief speaker of the morning. She uill give first a "Survey of Tax- ation in- Illinois," lastinig thirty miin- ites. Her talk will stress zt, Historical Backgrounid *Constitutional Provisions > Why. We Have Taxes WAhat the Voter Gets for Tax Dollar. ti-RFelationithlip of State and Co"nty Authority of State. over County ('ouîîty Responsibillty for* State,. Ins1titutions and Statewise Activi- State Tax Connis4. ýrate. Finance )ept. v-~»Žnin~Our' Tax Dollars, 1. (leneral Assernbly 2.(ounty Board. Second, she will give a tweimt imn- tctalk on "Forms of Taxation.,~ ~m-h~+iaiProperty Per.'oflali Property *ix and Its Ex- Christmas ligbting contest, it was an- nounced at the regular meeting of the Wilmette Chamber of Commerceý 0o1 Monday night of this week in th.c ,Wilmette Masonic temple. This coný test. open to business men ini the three commercial districts, was th--- first of its kind to be. sponsored by, the Chamber-of -Commerce. Resuits were announced and prize.; presented by Paul 'C. Lang, chairman of the judges', committee which also incîuded ]Ruth H4urd Snvder and -Hec - tor Dodds. First prizeis a- large sil- ve r loving, cup: and ýthe second.prize, a black ebony-plaque .With a ,silver sield. Honorable mention %vent to the, Wilmette State bank, Adanis Electriz company. \Vilînette 'railors, Pea;c- son's, market. Skokie Motor companc-. and We'lli ngton Brothers, artist. Th onstaken into accounti .ii judging the' dis plays were: artist'c;: menit: simnplicity and night-time ef-, tectlvCueiess; window decoratiQnis Vis- ible f rom the exterior. Deny Permit toOerate Bus Line to WY est Area, On1 recommiiendation -f ruseeAr-. thur Lee a request. for permiss on to op- erat e* a privately owuied bus line between the railroad stationis iii Wilinette and the western sectioni of the Viîllage wvas Ide'liied hv the Village board at its reg - tilar meeting Tuesday night. '.\r. Lee stated tliat thene is a small area west of Sixteenth street where such bus service would bc desirable but that the population there is not large enough to suppo)rt a l)us lne. Village Employs 13 Men on Water Main Project Village, Manager C. M. -Oshora re p orte d at the. meeting of the Village board Tuesday night that thirteen men are being .emfployed by the Village iii, the installation of water mnains on. por- ti ons of Tenth and Thirteenth streets. These men, ail residents of the Village, were. previously ùnemïployed. The Vit- ne,%% peak 'of 282 to start the yeàf. Th'e two new miembers are Rockwood tav- erni, 1410 Sheridan road, commercial, and E. S. Buckmnaster. 1l'7 Broad-nay. civic. Thev~ were uniainiouslv% votcd into the organization. Tiie'anniual report submitted bv thi memhership comMittee at Monday s .meeting iii the Wihniette M1asonic temle shows that in ,1931 the mein- bership of the Chanîher oi Commerce grew f rotm 2S1 to 280. 0f these, 192 are active; twenty-five, professionaL: S ixtyv.,'civic: and three. hon.orary. Seventy-eight new iimniners Nere2 received ini 1931: twei.itv-six iemibers wvere dropped. and twvenit-tlree re- signed.. leaving a total gain of tven- tv-nline miembers for the year. Request for Replaeing of Trees Denied by Board' Efforts of, property ownens, ii the ne wly paved section wiest of Ridge road anîd north of Lake avenuie to have the Village board take some action towands the, replacing of urees which %vere re-r moved f romn the parkways whien the im-1 provemn.ents wvere Put igi. have failed. The board voted at its regular meeting Tu esday ,tiot tô take such a step. This was doie after a discussion, of the mat- ter and after the reading of a coin- munication f romf the Northwest \Iei's club). signed l)y.J. D. Kinnean. secretary of the- club, asking that the trees be replaced. Village of Wilmette to .Enter Safety Contest The .Village of Wilmette will joini wvith oéther municipalities throughout thç co un try in a-conitest being sponsoredby the' 'National Safefv couticil to 'deter- mine which municipaàlity bas thé smûall.- Test nuùmber of automobile accidents ini proportion to its population and ,the smallest number.of persons killed as a resuit o f su ch accidents. Other facts relative to safetv measures also will be taken into consideratiôn. Decision to en- ter the contest was made at the regular meeting of the V1illage board Tuesday> Howard .' Cleaves, Who last year gave the moving-pictbre lecture,' Wjth Pinchot in the South Seas," for one of the finest programs ever enjoyed by the Wilmette Sunday gveninig club, will be there again. this Sunday, january 10, to speak on 'Wild Lif e Adventures.7 What critics regard as inarvelous. motion pictures wili be used to.illus- trate the lecture. The colored slides. alownadmiration. A comment on "Wild Life-Adren- tures"' reads: "A diversified programn, itinspires one to go adventuring iin the open, if only near home. Secrets: of wild life photography are revealed. On' the strength of it,', wrqte one, *1 have photograpbed gulis and wild ftowers with ail the zeal of a crusa- der.',- "Feinest .animal s tudies made by n Cleaves during' twenty years anic shown. So beauiful is the haiidý paintingý of the slides that- people say, 'They were taken ini colon direct f roi nature. weren't the)-?"' Internationaliy Knowas .Ho,.ard Cleaves is internationally known as a, successful hunter witlh the camera. He bas contributedý to the National Geogr-aphiic magazine,. Country Lif e in Amienica. House and Garden, Collier's. Nature magazine and other publications-always 011 natunal history subjects. For eight years he was secretary of the Amenican Bird Banding assýocia- tioî1. He bas been affiliated at dii- ferent times with the 'nuseuni of- the Statén Island Institute of Arts and Sciences, the miuseum of San Diegc, (Calif> Society of Natural History, thé New York State museumi. :He is a miember of the Linnaean Society of. New York, Cooper Orni thological, Club of California, .Ameür-- ican Society. of, Mammalogfists, and. associate of the American Ornitholi- gists, union. "One of the -vounger naturalists, Ie sees things and kimows how to tel oteswhat he bas seern," an admirer li-as said of Howard Cleav-es., m-il1 stant the afternoon session, at 2~ ,oclock. At 2:20 the Revenue pro-. eon reservations, north shone wonmen grain of the Governor's commlissionl cooperating ini arranging for the will Pe explained by Mn. How'ird H. rchool ..gre: Mrs. Walter G. Mitchell Joues, a member of th e corrn nission. and Mrs. H. E. Ringholni of the Wil- To be stressed thnoughout: mette league'; Mrs. Edwin Hedrick a What the. Voter Gets for His and Mrs. Charles Holmes, ofth TxDollar, ad-Kenilworth, league;. Mrs. Hugo~ Harýt- b) The -Voter's Con trol. man, Mrs. Frank Durham, and Mrs. Besides those ini charge of lunch-, James Fonstall, for Win etka. Motion Picture Wea.ring Cameras Apparel Cali Wilmette 4300 1ASK FOR ADTAKER, Extra on a Water Bill The city of Evanstoit, which supplies %vater to Wilmette, bas asked this Vil-., lage to pay ten percent extra on a water bill of $13,000 because the bill vas not paid when due, Village, President C. P. Dubbs announced at the regular meet- ing of the Village board Tuesday niight.' The matter was referred:to Village At- torney Willis, D. .Nançe. 1 -

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