\\ aukegan,. a non-league scnool, were the opponents. The Deerfield mneet wvas held Thursday. The New Trier seniors won decisiveiy, 47 to. 12,. but the juniors lost, 28 to 25. In the senior mneet Deerfield took first place- ii only one event, the 100-yard breast. stroke. Tin the junior meet ýNew. Trier took twofir st, places and Deer- fi.eld four. third, in the 100-yard swim;- B. Rosenberg, .second.,and *Peaison, third, in the 100-yard breast stroke: Palenske, second, and Ostrotu, third, in the 40-yard swim; King, second, and Banning, third, in the 100-yard baýck stroke, and Paulsen, second, and Enichelmayer, third, ini diving. Waukegan won the nedley relay and, took first place in diving,-the 100-yard back stroke, the 40-yar d Boys who placed for Newv Tre sNvim and the 100-yard breast stroke. were:' Junior, meet - Patton, Fitzhugh, Senior meet-Hoffrnan,- PaIenske Brvant and Prosser compising the Ostrom and Shapker comprising thei 160-yard relay teamf; Patton. flrst. 160-yard relay tearn;* Palenske, first. aànd Prosser, seczôndi i the 40-yard and Hoffman, second, in the 40-yardswim; Bryant, first. and Byre sc .sNîm,; Banining, first, and King, sec- ond, ln the' 40-yard back stroke: o11d, lnu- he 100-yard back stroke: Prosser. flrst. and Silverman. second.. Shapker, first nOt roscniw the 60-y-ardé swirn: Barnard, first,- ini the lO6-yard swimi; Eiichelnîiaye<. and Piitnarn, third, in divine, and first, and Pauilsen, second, i diying,ý Putuain. second, -and Silverinaii, ald Enchelinayer, Howard, îlHeyn tliir<l.,*l thie 40-yard breast stroke. and Seller, comprising the. medle.-ý relay teani. ~f D~5 ~ AT Junior neet-Sil\emn COll and Putnam, third, in the 40-vard hrecast strokec:, Prosser, second, aindi Patton, third, in the 40-yard s\\in: Brvant, first, and Byvrie, second, 111 11ie 40-yard. back stroke; Prosser. first, iii ,-thle .60)-yardl swirn. and -Put nIain, sccond*É, an-d lBarnard, third, ini (living. New Trier Defeats Waukegau Tl'le New «Trier senior swiînxners Iosud outàt akegan Saturd*ýav, 30 to j 2(). Valukegan mwoît first plâceini MAL.. £KrJ17 iv .IiI8 Mrs. J(osepli J. Kilbjak retuirned to lier home at 516 Green Bay road, Kenilworthî,Teda of last *week, f romn Belfasýt. Irelaild, where she had been visitlng relatives for six monflhs. 'flecFortniglîtlv Reçadin*g club l)coni- flose(1 of m1ellibers- from KenilWort'l andl ý\Vilnetka -will meeCt at the homo oif Ms Barbara Erwin, 621,VJar- wick, road, Kenilhvortlî on Fia afternooîî Jamuar-v 22, date, its Most recent victory having heen over :Beloit in the * Wisconsin team's first loss of the year last Fni- day. North Central cornes to Lake Foirest Friday nighit with a string of five victories, al in the Little Nine- ol Lh-icago. The Whist club met last eveniing with H. A. Gould, 1130 Lake avenue. g For Yor Old Rladio or Pon ogiraph No Maffer What ON TRI-SMACKINE PARTRIDGE INN, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA Season, November let to May lst Every comfort at lower rates than ever before offered., Honielike, clieerfuil' comifortable -and modIern. Unique establishminent. -Furiisinig the maxiiim ini11 attractive ac-. cominôdations and fine table. Three Blocks f roen Augusta Country Club Two 18-hiole Golf Couirses (Grass Greens).Çlhbhnîîg MODEL 31-H STARTLINO VERY ATTRACTIVE RATES, double roor-n, twin beds, private b)ath, tw,,o persons, Ainerican -Plan at $6.00 a day each person. Illustrated bookiet and full information pn request. W..W. PARTRIDGÉ, Pres'ident, Shore Talking'Machine Co. 742 Elm St. Winnetka j474 'Winn.tka 712 Church Street Evansion. Phono ,Uni. 3474 380 Central, Ave.. Highland .Park 3474. Highland Paàrk *15.00: