Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Jan 1932, p. 1

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Vol, X NO. 38 CUT EXPENSESI SBOARD ORDE4RS President 1>ubbs end Manager Osborn Authorized to Worký- but Eýcononliy Prograni kecaîs oi t lie (lire f,îîalîîcla I >t raits in wh'lich fdit Villagec of \V'i!- mlet te tiî.it self.ý thle Village b 'bard ati t s rglrnie ig T'iles<IaN. îîight t4 i<î< <lefi Iite? action li 1<> rteCX- pei<it tires poeeeî ) ssib>le. :N ilioil w>i ~as Iae<Iatit lii ri'Zilig Village, lresi<leit C'. P. I1hîbbs aîîd- Village '.INaiiager C,..... )sl>orl to, Wvork mit an econuînvl% priîgratn to lh,ý preseiltel tO fithe 'Village1 trustees af -t lîeir iiifornilal iieeçitig tiîext ek They mîmiiediafe .stcepý that will i) t akeni to curtail cXpC,1ldituires ai-e as. 1. Street Ilghts wIll be turned f at 3 o'clock iii, flie îorniîng instc.ad uat5:30. Hit Water Delinquents, 2. N otices wll1 ie senit hi \watLer Ciiistifmers, , wlio' are -(el'iijelit Mi tlieîr pax mlel1ts that tlîeir wvater w0il 1'u sliiit off ni the binll, arc, paîd w~itii. ten. (day 3. 'li e Vil g m l ' Ib ()l'lli: î S') far as possiblc, tlic plani it iniaigiu-, rated soinetimie ago oi employig c.tra lbellp 0on 'trett iml)roveinetl't %vuukl alid( simiila projets iii order to ru- lievc thie local 11înenîiploytnenlt sitlua- If Nas,:suggested that thîe Vla alsh. ai( rubîsh collection service, bu ctirtaile(l, but. this tuatt-er wvas ,licll ovèr., At present tw, collections aru, mift(e each %veek, and ,the pooa is tco make 01113- onle Collection. Now Owe $23,000 Village President Dubbs cýxplaîiicd tliat the V illage Il()\\ OWCs$2,0 and( lias no0 molle to Iii.et ifs buis. Of this aiotîuît the Village owes F\- aniston $i3X) for w dter fturi',htd tii \\VIiinette ini the~ past. Nr. i li'î ;lIso statedj that \\ lîî tte w ater cou- sî11Î1)rws mvc theu Villageî a)> nid 'Vil. puîcdJeu>jy Io.the,.'North; Pole ilid 'fuis 'îjydii ar-tic xlr- ttony'for moire ihan tWL'ity years, 'z 'illb l'e /uc c.tr al tmIl 'i/m1ette .'inda lw'mimujcluib, .Iamuary 24.- Mi<iilill lile'cture about the Iiskimw rae. Tt alk wiil be il/us- t raied w(illî sterci (ticit'zieuis. lHe lias. tzcief,'d'orec spoken be/aore thr Il iiimîttr Cluib. 1 iigl'le t. 1918it TAX Wý ITTEE'A Budgetary C om mit t ee Assist Village Shol Slashing Expenditures Will jRn l'crînane it o rganization 'of a NVil- meîutte fax eîîîergency conunittee was coflhllete(l this weelç. Acting under the athority ufthe -big mass meeting called af the ýHoward,,school. a. fortniglit ago, C.' '. Dùbbs, H-enry E. Cutter' and J. R. Gathercoal, presidetîts-, respectively, of tlhe Village of Wilmette, the Winmette board of education and the New Trier. Township High School board ofeduca- tion, wifh the assistance of a number of citizen advisers last Mloiday, ap- pcinited, the following citizens' execu- tive cominittee to collect f unds to keep tire -schools open and publc necessities ioperatiflg: Arthur J.' DeBerard(, Lyniati M. D)rake, P1hilip Hoffmiann, Edwvin. B. Knutdtson, Haves NleKiiiiey, Herbert B. Ninîford, !Eairl E., Orner, MylIes J. I'hillip>s, Ralph Putter, Judson F. Stone, ll(lB. Neakly, and - J. E. Nortbeu. Establish 'Headquarters 'iicoîninittee lias the power tu add tg) its nimfiber and tu appoint other coin- nîittces f0 assist theni. Headquarters 'will li e stablishied ini the business cen- fer of tîe village, whiere people niay tuake paynients, and iii numerous other wasys the group vjfl organize inuch affèr the fashion of those for the Liber- ty I.oauî drives during the .war. Unie. of the i'ery important appoint- tunt iot yet announced will be a l)udgetary coînnînittee. The duty of this grutup will be to meet with the execu- tives of', flt e Village, Wilmette schools and New Trier High school and assisf i11 clitting expenlses to atminimum, so. as to permiit those public institutions to' f utction on the amounit of inoney that cai lie collected. 11 Gletiçoe Plan Pattern. -il mari of the specuai coiniittee on011 L jUL llva ~.. . . . . . sucli a plan. One is the immediate out- ereiceI. tiF tI4IIic couUtt. vilage mari- iiiietupviet apone (îeii unior Life .......... 14 riglîf iturchase of warrants. by any citi- ae .Obr eotda h ago' 1hy V illa ge President C. P. Musiic Page . .. .. .. .....26 zeîî wlîo can huy and pay for* them. meeting of flie Village board . Tues- Duhhs. Shie reported aiso that thirty, New Trier News .........34 Thîis includes mnany residents who have day nighit. Building Inspector 13, Il. me -owere uneniployed are now terhenPge....3 flic)elefit of sending. théir childretî to, Platt,' one of NVilmette's representa- -% -vcýrking 'foi'. the Village. Eighf or RerainPg .... 6 the scliouls. 3-et who are not real esta.te. tives at the hearing, ivas cross-ex- t en ii uenploy .ed -pers ous ar e givenl S.ociety Pages.... .28-29 owniers. They are expeéted to lend on amined by the, commission, MNfr. Os- * free dlental. treatnii.enf ,every iveek, slie Wilet 013o ... .6-7 the basis of wvhat the coinîiunity gives j born said. Te haring was adt- said. . ote ihu hre h'othe1 joured, to Thursday, February M1. JL'X l i'J1 0 15Ld gJLd ïOUNCES ITS PLAN phase is the subscription on the partial payrnent -basis over several months. The cuommittee also points out, that residents should rememnber that in the past' four years tlîey have paid only twoý years'- taxes. Meaniwhile, the commun- itjy lias Iived, on - noney borrowed through the sale of tax anticipation war- rants. .Yhese Warrants >are the direct an& binling obligation of:.the respec- tive taxinig bodies, payable ýoui--of 'the first taxes collected against which thé ýwarrants are issued. The 1929 war- rants have .been issued -and paid off. The 1930- warrants will be paid off witb 6 per cent interest, as soon as the 1930 taxes are, billed and collected. The 193 warrants about té be sold by gen- eral public' subscription will bc~ paid whNvit the 1931 taxes are paid, and can be dircctly applied in the pa.yment of tiiose taxes., Banks Overbuvdeged Onxe of the commonest questions asked at mass meetings and other gathérings regarding these warrants is why the batiks do not supply the money. Here- tofore the large Chicago banks and im- portant estates and trust funds have largely supported thesé taxing bodies ini such purchases, but the acute llnancial depression, coupled with the. long delay ini tax collections, bas made it imipossible for such institutions to add. to their ai- ready heavy burden of warrants. .Anticipating the need of reducing ex- penses, the several municipalities began cutting several months ago. Tt is quite likely street lighting will be reduced shortly as much as is consistent with safety. The biggest items of expense in the, schools is the compensation to teachiers,-who are under contract tili the. end of the school year. However, teachers wilI bear their full load with. citizens by accepting part of their pay in the same warrants the parents are asked to buy for their children's sake.

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